Statutory Induction Arrangements for Newly Qualified Teachers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Statutory Induction Arrangements for Newly Qualified Teachers


Statutory Induction Arrangements for Newly Qualified Teachers Section 4 of the handbook with guidance discuss * Section 4 please emphasise section 3 and the updates ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Statutory Induction Arrangements for Newly Qualified Teachers

Statutory Induction Arrangements for Newly
Qualified Teachers
Topics Covered
  • The statutory induction arrangements
  • The statutory induction process
  • The role and responsibility of school staff
  • The induction profiles and guidance
  • Information regarding the LA / Appropriate Body

Revised Induction ArrangementsRationale
  • Consistency in structure and support
  • Flexibility within different patterns of
  • High quality of experience for NQTs (including
    the opportunity to participate in the Master in
    Educational Practice)
  • Fair and equitable process
  • Rigorous and consistent assessment

The Practice Review and Development process
  • For NQTs the PRD process provides the overarching
    context for their long term professional
  • The PRD process aims to raise standards of
    teaching and improve learner outcomes across
    Wales by linking together the practitioners
    professional standards, performance management
    and professional development in one coherent

The Statutory Induction Arrangements
  • The arrangements for statutory induction for ALL
    NQTs in Wales is a collaborative process between
    the NQT, the school based mentor (SBM), the
    external mentor (EM) and the Appropriate Body
    (AB) usually represented by the LA NQT

The Induction Period
  • All NQTs must complete an induction period of
  • Three complete terms for NQTs on a full time
  • 380 school sessions for NQTs employed on a part
    time or temporary contract
  • 380 school sessions for NQTs undertaking short
    term supply

Where can induction take place
  • Maintained schools in Wales
  • Non maintained special schools in Wales
  • Independent schools in Wales where
  • The curriculum for any primary learner meets NC
  • The curriculum for learners at KS3 or 4 includes
    all core and foundation subjects
  • An agreement has been reached prior to the start
    of the induction period between he school and the
    LA that they will act as the AB
  • FE institutions where the institution is able to
    provide an NQT with an appropriate post to enable
    them to undertake their induction

  • In Wales it is a legal requirement that all NQTs
    must hold QTS and be registered with the GTCW in
    order to be employed as a teacher
  • An induction period cannot start until the NQT
    holds QTS and is registered with the GTCW

Eligibility for the Masters in Educational
  • The criteria for entry to the MEP in January 2014
    are that the NQT
  • Has a recognised degree at pass level or above
  • Has QTS and is employed as an NQT in their first
    year of teaching in a maintained school in Wales
    in a role that can count toward induction
  • Be registered with GTCW
  • Be employed until at least the end of Spring term
    2014 in one or more maintained schools in Wales
    equivalent to at least 0.4 contract
  • Has an agreement from the HT

Roles and Responsibilities
  • The headteacher must
  • Complete the Induction and MEP Notification Form
    and submit to GTCW within 10 working days of the
    start of the NQTs employment
  • The form can be accessed on
  • Assign a SBM to support the NQT on a day to day
    basis throughout the induction period
  • Ensure that the NQT receives additional 10 non
    contact time in addition to the 10 timetabled

The SBM should.......
  • discuss the PTS with the NQT in the context of
    their Career Entry Profile (CEP)
  • set the NQTs priorities considering national,
    local and school priorities alongside the NQTs
    development priorities from their CEP and the
    PTS. The priorities should be recorded in Section
    2A of the Induction Profile
  • send Sections 1 and 2A to the appropriate body/LA
    within 15 working days of the start the NQTs
  • provide advice on how to gather evidence against
    the PTS and completing Section 3 of the Induction
  • agree the timetable for observation for the
    first term for NQTs employed full time, or for
    NQTs employed part time by the time the NQT has
    completed 140 sessions
  • agree a schedule for regular reviews of progress
    and support
  • ensuring that NQTs regularly check and update
    their online record held at

The NQT should........
  • decide if they wish to participate in the Masters
    in Educational Practice (MEP) if they are
  • discuss the PTS with the SBM in the context of
    their Career Entry Profile (CEP)
  • agree their developmental priorities considering
    national, local and school priorities alongside
    the priorities from their CEP and the PTS
  • consider how to gather evidence against the PTS
    and begin completing Section 3 of the Induction
  • agree the timetable for observation for the first
    term for NQTs employed full time, or for NQTs
    employed part time by the time the NQT has
    completed 140 sessions
  • agree a schedule for regular reviews of progress
    and support
  • log into their record at
    regularly and update it with any changes

The GTCW will......
  • register the date that the NQT starts their
    induction period amend to the following
  • record the NQTs induction details and track the
    NQT through Induction and the MEP
  • notify the NQT, the Headteacher and the AB of the
    name of the external mentor
  • Assess the NQTs eligibility to participate in the

Supervision and support during the induction
  • The supervision and support will be carried
    out through a partnership between the school(s)
    where the NQT is working, the external mentor and
    the appropriate body. The supervision and support
    for the NQT should have a developmental focus and
    provide the overarching context for their long
    term professional development.

  • The NQT has the entitlement to effective and high
    quality support during their
  • induction period. The NQT works with the SBM to
    identify developmental priorities,
  • reviewing their progress and deciding upon
    appropriate professional development
  • during the induction period. The NQT is
    responsible for identifying and recording
  • evidence of how they meet the PTS through their
    professional practice.
  • The NQT should
  • participate in training and professional
    development activities
  • identify and maintain a record of evidence of
    meeting the PTS using Section 3 of the Induction
  • meet with the SBM at regular intervals to review
    progress against the PTS, agree developmental
    priorities and support.
  • ensure GTCW is kept fully informed of status and
    is notified of each period of employment
  • maintain a record of employment verified by the
    Headteacher of the school(s). Section 4 of the
    Induction Profile
  • ensure GTCW is kept fully informed of status and
    is notified of each period of employment

  • The school based mentor (SBM) should
  • ensure a secure understanding of the statutory
    induction arrangements
  • have a secure understanding of PTS
  • provide day to day mentoring, coaching and
    support that supports the NQT to develop their
    reflective practice
  • work in collaboration with the external mentor
  • facilitate professional development opportunities
    for the NQT on the core priorities of literacy,
    numeracy, reducing the impact of poverty on
    attainment, ALN, behaviour management and
    reflective practice
  • meet with the NQT at regular intervals to review
    progress against the PTS, agree developmental
    priorities and support. The Induction Profile
    Section 2B should be used to record
  • facilitate the agreed support and coaching for
    the NQT including observations of teaching
    throughout the induction period
  • liaise with the appropriate body and provide the
    appropriate body (the LA) with a record of
    progress at agreed intervals using the Induction

The EM
  • The external mentor has a key role in the
    induction process. They work in
  • collaboration with the SBM and then AB. The
    external mentor works with the SBM to
  • provide additional tailored support and mentoring
    directed at supporting the NQT to
  • meet the requirements of induction. External
    mentors are experienced practitioners
  • who have knowledge of the PTS and who have
    effective coaching and mentoring skills.
  • The external mentor (EM) should
  • provide mentoring support for the NQT
  • work in collaboration with the SBM taking into
    account the evidence gathered by the school based
    mentor when making judgments on the NQT's
    progress in meeting the PTS
  • undertake a minimum of 2 classroom observations
    in agreement with the NQT and the SBM
  • undertake a minimum of two progress reviews with
    the NQT and the SBM. The Induction Profile,
    Section 2A, 2B, Section 3 and Section 4 should
    form the basis for the reviews
  • provide the appropriate body (the LA) with a
    summary of progress at agreed regular intervals
    using the External Mentor Record.
  • make a recommendation to the appropriate body
    (the LA) that PTS have been met or not met

The AB
  • In Wales the appropriate body is the Local
    Authority. The AB has the overall statutory
    responsibility for the supervision and training
    of all NQTs. The AB ensures that there is
    effective and robust quality-assurance in place
    so that all NQTs receive the highest quality
    induction support.
  • The Appropriate body will
  • provide a named coordinator to take overall
    responsibility to ensure that induction meets the
    statutory requirements in each school
  • establish and maintain a system to administer the
    induction process
  • ensure the named coordinator works in partnership
    with the regional Welsh Government professional
    programme coordinator
  • ensure the named coordinator attend the Welsh
    Government annual update briefing
  • facilitate access to professional development
    based on the core priorities of literacy,
    numeracy, reducing the impact of poverty on
    attainment, ALN, behaviour management and
    reflective practice . This includes for NQTs
    undertaking induction through short term supply
  • work with EM and SBM to quality assure school
    induction arrangements
  • intervene where necessary
  • provide support to schools and NQTs
  • use assessment evidence to make the final
    decision on the induction outcome. The
    assessment evidence will be recorded in the
    Induction Profile and the External Mentor Record
  • participate in regional and national moderation
  • liaise with the GTCW
  • inform GTCW of the final decision on the
    induction outcome for each NQT

  • The General Teaching Council (GTCW) protects the
    public by
  • ensuring that teachers are appropriately
    qualified and
  • maintain high standards of conduct and practice.
    The GTCW
  • administer Welsh Government funding for teacher
    development and
  • therefore has an involvement in the statutory
    induction process for
  • NQTs.
  • The GTCW will
  • Maintain a log the accrued sessions of registered
    NQTs during the induction period and track NQT
    through their Induction
  • inform the NQT, Headteacher and appropriate body
    of the name of the External Mentor.
  • Release to schools, retrospectively after each
    term, funding for NQTs on receipt of the
    Induction Claim form
  • Collect collate important data about teachers
    undertaking the induction MEP Programmes
  • Assess NQTS eligibility to participate in the MEP

Making the final decision at the end of the
induction period
  • The final decision is made by the appropriate
    body (the local authority). The appropriate
    bodys approach will ensure that its approach to
    deciding whether a NQT has met the PTS is fair,
    consistent and rigorous.
  • The AB will base its decision on the written
    recommendation from the external mentor and the
    evidence provided by the SBM and the NQT in the
    Induction Profile. The NQT must have been
    employed on a full-time basis for three full
    terms or have completed 380 sessions.
  • If there is insufficient evidence to demonstrate
    a NQT has met the PTS, before making a decision
    to fail the NQT the appropriate body must
    consider whether an extension to the induction
    period would be appropriate.

The Induction Profile
  • The Induction Profile provides a written summary
    of the progress and achievement of the newly
    qualified teacher (NQT) in meeting the
    requirements to successfully complete the
    statutory induction period.
  • The Induction Profile will form the basis of the
    professional dialogue between the NQT and the
    school based mentor and the external mentor.

Completing the Induction Profile
  • Completing the Induction Profile is a
    collaborative process involving the school based
    mentor and the NQT, it may also involve evidence
    from the external mentor.
  • The NQT has the responsibility for completing
    Sections 1, 3 and 4. The school based mentor has
    the responsibility for completing Section 2 for
    NQTs on permanent or temporary contracts. For
    NQTs completing induction through short term
    supply contracts, the external mentor has the
    responsibility for completing Section 2.
  • The school based mentor will work with the NQT to
    ensure the Induction Profile is completed to a
    satisfactory standard. In the case of NQTs
    completing induction through short term supply
    this support will be provided by the external
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