Title: Special Topic: Energy resolution improvement
1Special Topic Energy resolution improvement
2- Energy resolution
- in EELS depends on energy width of electron
source -
- Factors affect the energy resolution
- High-voltage stability
- Spectrometer design (aberration correction)
- Spectrometer power-supply stability
- Mechanical stability of the spectrometer
- Stray magnetic fields around spectrometer
31. Data sharpening algorithm
Factor by which the spectral resolution can be
increased by Fourier or by maximum-entropy
4Lucy-Richardson deconvolution
Lucy-Richardson method (maximum-likelihood) with
15 iterations sharpens the zero-loss peak (from
FWHM 1.3 to 0.8 eV) and increases visibility of
fine structure. But it produces wings on the
zero-loss peak.
5Lucy-Richardson deconvolution
background subtracted before sharpening
Wing problem is greatly reduced by removing the
zero-loss peak, for example by using
Fourier-log deconvolution before sharpening.
Comparison of the sharpened SSD (black) with the
sharpened PSD (red)
61500 iterations
72. Monochromated EELS
Gun monochromators Batson (IBM) 80meV
resolution at E0 100 keV fei Wien filter
(rainbow illumination) JEOL double Wien filter
(dispersion corrected) Zeiss omega filter
(dispersion corrected) In-column
monochromators JEOL-HREA80 (Terauchi et al.,
Tohoku U., 80keV) 200 meV at 300eV, 25 meV below
E 5 eV Berlin (Boersch et al. 1964) lt 6 meV at
E0 30 keV
8Monochromation and aberration correction(Batson,
Ultramicroscopy 78, 33 - 42, 1999)
9FEI monochromator (Tiejmeier et al.)
10Additional fine structure seen with monochromation
11Maximum-likelihood deconvolution of Co L-edges
(Hofer et al., 2002)
Micron 34 (2003) 135