Title: The Grid: The Future of High Energy Physics Computing
1The Grid The Future of High Energy Physics
- Shawn McKee
- January 7, 2002
- University of Michigan
- Disclaimer This talk will be an overview from a
physicist who is a grid user, rather than a
computer scientist who is a grid expert! - Much of this talk was borrowed from various
sources. I would like to thank - Rob Gardner (IU)
- Harvey Newman (Caltech)
- Jennifer Schopf (Northwestern)
- The Globus Team
- Definitions
- Example Grid Uses
- HEP Motivations for the Grid
- LHC Experiments and their scope
- ATLAS as an example
- LHC Tiered computing model
- HENP Related Grid Projects
- Grid Work at Michigan
- Globus and the Globus Toolkit
- Conclusions
4What is The Grid?
- There are many answers and interpretations
- The term was originally coined in the mid-1990s
(in analogy with the power grid?) and can be
described thusly - The grid provides flexible, secure,
coordinated resource sharing among dynamic
collections of individuals, institutions and
resources (virtual organizationsVOs)
5Grid Perspectives
- Users Viewpoint
- A virtual computer which minimizes time to
completion for my application while transparently
managing access to inputs and resources - Programmers Viewpoint
- A toolkit of applications and APIs which provide
transparent access to distributed resources - Administrators Viewpoint
- An environment to monitor, manage and secure
access to geographically distributed computers,
storage and networks.
6Some Important Definitions
- Resource
- Network protocol
- Network enabled service
- Application Programmer Interface (API)
- Software Development Kit (SDK)
- Syntax
- Not discussed, but important policies
From Introduction to Grids and Globus
- An entity that is to be shared
- E.g., computers, storage, data, software
- Does not have to be a physical entity
- E.g., Condor pool, distributed file system,
- Defined in terms of interfaces, not devices
- E.g. scheduler such as LSF and PBS define a
compute resource - Open/close/read/write define access to a
distributed file system, e.g. NFS, AFS, DFS
8Network Protocol
- A formal description of message formats and a set
of rules for message exchange - Rules may define sequence of message exchanges
- Protocol may define state-change in endpoint,
e.g., file system state change - Good protocols designed to do one thing
- Protocols can be layered
- Examples of protocols
- IP, TCP, TLS (was SSL), HTTP, Kerberos
9Network Enabled Services
- Implementation of a protocol that defines a set
of capabilities - Protocol defines interaction with service
- All services require protocols
- Not all protocols are used to provide services
(e.g. IP, TLS) - Examples FTP and Web servers
10Application Programming Interface
- A specification for a set of routines to
facilitate application development - Refers to definition, not implementation
- E.g., there are many implementations of MPI
- Spec often language-specific (or IDL)
- Routine name, number, order and type of
arguments mapping to language constructs - Behavior or function of routine
- Examples
- GSS API (security), MPI (message passing)
11Software Development Kit
- A particular instantiation of an API
- SDK consists of libraries and tools
- Provides implementation of API specification
- Can have multiple SDKs for an API
- Examples of SDKs
- MPICH, Motif Widgets
- Rules for encoding information, e.g.
- XML, Condor ClassAds, Globus RSL
- X.509 certificate format (RFC 2459)
- Cryptographic Message Syntax (RFC 2630)
- Distinct from protocols
- One syntax may be used by many protocols (e.g.,
XML) useful for other purposes - Syntaxes may be layered
- E.g., Condor ClassAds -gt XML -gt ASCII
- Important to understand layerings when comparing
or evaluating syntaxes
13The Grid Problem
- Flexible, secure, coordinated resource sharing
among dynamic collections of individuals,
institutions, and resources - From The Anatomy of the Grid Enabling Scalable
Virtual Organizations - Enable communities (virtual organizations) to
share geographically distributed resources as
they pursue common goals -- assuming the absence
of - central location,
- central control,
- omniscience,
- existing trust relationships.
14Elements of the Problem
- Resource sharing
- Computers, storage, sensors, networks,
- Sharing always conditional issues of trust,
policy, negotiation, payment, - Coordinated problem solving
- Beyond client-server distributed data analysis,
computation, collaboration, - Dynamic, multi-institutional virtual orgs
- Community overlays on classic org structures
- Large or small, static or dynamic
15Why Grids?
- A biochemist exploits 10,000 computers to screen
100,000 compounds in an hour - 1,000 physicists worldwide pool resources for
petaop analyses of petabytes of data - Civil engineers collaborate to design, execute,
analyze shake table experiments - Climate scientists visualize, annotate, analyze
terabyte simulation datasets - An emergency response team couples real time
data, weather model, population data
16Why Grids? (contd)
- A multidisciplinary analysis in aerospace couples
code and data in four companies - A home user invokes architectural design
functions at an application service provider - An application service provider purchases cycles
from compute cycle providers - Scientists working for a multinational soap
company design a new product - A community group pools members PCs to analyze
alternative designs for a local road
17Online Access to Scientific Instruments
Advanced Photon Source
wide-area dissemination
desktop VR clients with shared controls
real-time collection
archival storage
tomographic reconstruction
DOE X-ray grand challenge ANL, USC/ISI, NIST,
18Mathematicians Solve NUG30
- Looking for the solution to the NUG30 quadratic
assignment problem - An informal collaboration of mathematicians and
computer scientists - Condor-G delivered 3.46E8 CPU seconds in 7 days
(peak 1009 processors) in U.S. and Italy (8 sites)
14,5,28,24,1,3,16,15, 10,9,21,2,4,29,25,22, 13,26,
17,30,6,20,19, 8,18,7,27,12,11,23
MetaNEOS Argonne, Iowa, Northwestern, Wisconsin
19Network for EarthquakeEngineering Simulation
- NEESgrid national infrastructure to couple
earthquake engineers with experimental
facilities, databases, computers, each other - On-demand access to experiments, data streams,
computing, archives, collaboration
NEESgrid Argonne, Michigan, NCSA, UIUC, USC
20Home ComputersEvaluate AIDS Drugs
- Community
- 1000s of home computer users
- Philanthropic computing vendor (Entropia)
- Research group (Scripps)
- Common goal advance AIDS research
21Data Grids for High Energy Physics
CERN/Outside Resource Ratio 12Tier0/(?
Tier1)/(? Tier2) 111
100 MBytes/sec
Online System
Offline Farm,CERN Computer Ctr 25 TIPS
Tier 0 1
2.5 Gbits/sec
Tier 1
BNL Center
Tier 2
2.5 Gbps
Tier 3
Physicists work on analysis channels Each
institute has 10 physicists working on one or
more channels
Institute 0.25TIPS
100 - 1000 Mbits/sec
Physics data cache
Tier 4
22Broader Context
- Grid Computing has much in common with major
industrial thrusts - Business-to-business, Peer-to-peer, Application
Service Providers, Storage Service Providers,
Distributed Computing, Internet Computing - Sharing issues not adequately addressed by
existing technologies - Complicated requirements run program X at site
Y subject to community policy P, providing access
to data at Z according to policy Q - High performance unique demands of advanced
high-performance systems
23Why Now?
- Moores law improvements in computing produce
highly functional endsystems - The Internet and burgeoning wired and wireless
provide universal connectivity - Changing modes of working and problem solving
emphasize teamwork, computation - Network exponentials produce dramatic changes in
geometry and geography
24Network Exponentials
- Network vs. computer performance
- Computer speed doubles every 18 months
- Network speed doubles every 9 months
- Difference order of magnitude per 5 years
- 1986 to 2000
- Computers x 500
- Networks x 340,000
- 2001 to 2010
- Computers x 60
- Networks x 4000
Moores Law vs. storage improvements vs. optical
improvements. Graph from Scientific American
(Jan-2001) by Cleo Vilett, source Vined Khoslan,
Kleiner, Caufield and Perkins.
25The Network
- As can be seen in the previous transparency, it
can be argued it is the evolution of the network
which has been the primary motivator for the
Grid. - Ubiquitous, dependable worldwide networks have
opened up the possibility of tying together
geographically distributed resources - The success of the WWW for sharing information
has spawned a push for a system to share
resources - The network has become the virtual bus of a
virtual computer. - More on this later
26Motivation for the Grid
27Large Hadron Collider at CERN
28Four LHC Experiments The Petabyte to Exabyte
- ATLAS, CMS, ALICE, LHCBHiggs New particles
Quark-Gluon Plasma CP Violation
Data stored 40 Petabytes/Year and UP
CPU 0.30 Petaflops and UP
0.1 to 1 Exabyte (1 EB 1018
Bytes) (2007) (2012 ?) for the LHC
29How Much Data is Involved?
High Level-1 Trigger(1 MHz)
High No. ChannelsHigh Bandwidth(500 Gbit/s)
Level 1 Rate (Hz)
Hans Hoffman DOE/NSF Review, Nov 00
High Data Archive(PetaByte)
Event Size (bytes)
- A Torroidal LHC Apparatus
- Collaboration
- 150 institutes
- 1850 physicists
- Detector
- Inner tracker
- Calorimeter
- Magnet
- Muon
- United States ATLAS
- 29 universities, 3 national labs
- 20 of ATLAS
31(No Transcript)
32Discovery Potential for SM Higgs Boson
- Good sensitivity over the full mass range from
100 GeV to 1 TeV - For most of the mass range at least two channels
available - Detector performance is crucial b-tag, leptons,
g, E resolution, g / jet separation, ...
33(No Transcript)
34Data Flow from ATLAS
40 MHz (40 TB/sec)
level 1 - special hardware
75 KHz (75 GB/sec)
level 2 - embedded processors
5 KHz (5 GB/sec)
level 3 - PCs
ATLAS 9 PB/y one million PC hard drives!
100 Hz (100 MB/sec)
data recording offline analysis
35ATLAS Parameters
- Running conditions in the early years
- Raw event size 2 MB
- 2.7x109 event sample ? 5.4 PB/year, before data
processing - Reconstructed events, Monte Carlo data ?
- 9 PB/year (2PB disk) CPU 2M SI95 (todays PC
20 SI95) - CERN alone can handle only 1/3 of these
resourceshow will we handle this?
36Data IntensiveComputing and Grids
- The term Data Grid is often used
- Unfortunate as it implies a distinct
infrastructure, which it isnt but easy to say - Data-intensive computing shares numerous
requirements with collaboration, instrumentation,
computation, - Security, resource mgt, info services, etc.
- Important to exploit commonalities as very
unlikely that multiple infrastructures can be
maintained - Fortunately this seems easy to do!
37Data Intensive Issues Include
- Harness potentially large numbers of data,
storage, network resources located in distinct
administrative domains - Respect local and global policies governing what
can be used for what - Schedule resources efficiently, again subject to
local and global constraints - Achieve high performance, with respect to both
speed and reliability - Catalog software and virtual data
38Examples ofDesired Data Grid Functionality
- High-speed, reliable access to remote data
- Automated discovery of best copy of data
- Manage replication to improve performance
- Co-schedule compute, storage, network
- Transparency wrt delivered performance
- Enforce access control on data
- Allow representation of global resource
allocation policies
39HEP Data Analysis
- Raw data
- hits, pulse heights
- Reconstructed data (ESD)
- tracks, clusters
- Analysis Objects (AOD)
- Physics Objects
- Summarized
- Organized by physics topic
- Ntuples, histograms, statistical data
40Production Analysis
Trigger System
Data Acquisition
Run Conditions
Level 3 trigger
Calibration Data
Raw data
Trigger Tags
Event Summary Data ESD
Event Tags
coordination required at the collaboration and
group levels
41Physics Analysis
Event Tags
Tier 0,1 Collaboration wide
Event Selection
Analysis Objects
Calibration Data
Analysis Processing
Raw Data
Tier 2 Analysis Groups
PhysicsObjects StatObjects
PhysicsObjects StatObjects
PhysicsObjects StatObjects
Tier 3, 4 Physicists
Physics Analysis
42A Model Architecture for Data Grids
Attribute Specification
Replica Catalog
Metadata Catalog
Multiple Locations
Logical Collection and Logical File Name
Selected Replica
Replica Selection
Performance Information Predictions
GridFTP Control Channel
Disk Cache
Tape Library
Disk Array
Disk Cache
Replica Location 1
Replica Location 2
Replica Location 3
43LHC Computing Model(Based on MONARC Simulations)
- Hierarchical, distributed tiers
- The grid is necessary to tie these distributed
resources together
Tier-1 BNL, FNAL
National Regional Computing Center
Dedicated or QoS Network Links
44Why Worldwide Computing? Regional Center Concept
- Managed, fair-shared access for Physicists
everywhere - Maximize total funding resources while meeting
the total computing and data handling needs - Balance proximity of datasets to large central
resources, against regional resources under more
local control - Tier-N Model
- Efficient network use higher throughput on short
paths - Local gt regional gt national gt international
- Utilizing all intellectual resources, in several
time zones - CERN, national labs, universities, remote sites
- Involving physicists and students at their home
institutions - Greater flexibility to pursue different physics
interests, priorities, and resource allocation
strategies by region - And/or by Common Interests (physics topics,
subdetectors,) - Manage the Systems Complexity
- Partitioning facility tasks, to manage and focus
45Tier 2 Centers
- Bring LHC Physics to the Universities
- Optimize physics discovery potential
- Standard configuration optimized for analysis at
the DST level - Primary Resource for Monte Carlo Simulation
- Production level particle searches (University
autonomy) - Configuration
- Commodity Pentium/Linux (100K SpecInt95)
Tier 1 500K - Estimated 144 Dual Processor Nodes Tier 1
640 - Online Storage 100 TB Disk
Tier 1 1000 TB - High Performance Storage Area Network
46Who is working on the Grid?
47HENP Related Data Grid Projects
- Funded Projects
- PPDG I USA DOE 2M 1999-2001
- GriPhyN USA NSF 11.9M 1.6M 2000-2005
- EU DataGrid EU EC 10M 2001-2004
- PPDG II (CP) USA DOE 9.5M 2001-2004
- iVDGL USA NSF 13.7M 2M 2001-2006
- DataTAG EU EC 4M 2002-2004
- About to be Funded Project
- GridPP UK PPARC gt15M? 2001-2004
- Many national projects of interest to HENP
- Initiatives in US, UK, Italy, France, NL,
Germany, Japan, - EU networking initiatives (Géant, SURFNet)
- US Distributed Terascale Facility (53M, 12
TFL, 40 Gb/s network)
in final stages of approval
48Grid Physics Network (GriPhyN) Enabling RD for
advanced data grid systems,focusing in
particular on Virtual Data concept
49International Virtual Data Grid Laboratory
50TeraGrid NCSA, ANL, SDSC, Caltech
StarLight Intl Optical Peering Point (see
A Preview of the Grid Hierarchyand Networks of
the LHC Era
DTF Backplane(4x? 40 Gbps)
Starlight / NW Univ
San Diego
Multiple Carrier Hubs
Ill Inst of Tech
OC-48 (2.5 Gb/s, Abilene)
Univ of Chicago
Multiple 10 GbE (Qwest)
Indianapolis (Abilene NOC)
Multiple 10 GbE (I-WIRE Dark Fiber)
- Solid lines in place and/or available in 2001
- Dashed I-WIRE lines planned for Summer 2002
Source Charlie Catlett, Argonne
51PACI, TeraGrid and HENP
- The scale, complexity and global extent of the
LHC Data Analysis problem is unprecedented - The solution of the problem, using globally
distributed Grids, is mission-critical for
frontier science and engineering - HENP has a tradition of deploying new highly
functional systems (and sometimes new
technologies) to meet its technical and
ultimately its scientific needs - HENP problems are mostly embarrassingly
parallel but potentially overwhelming in their
data- and network intensiveness - HENP/Computer Science synergy has increased
dramatically over the last two years, focused on
Data Grids - Successful collaborations in GriPhyN, PPDG, EU
Data Grid - The TeraGrid (present and future) and its
development program is scoped at an appropriate
level of depth and diversity - to tackle the LHC and other Petascale
problems, over a 5 year time span - matched to the LHC time schedule, with full ops.
In 2007
52Selected Major Grid Projects
53Selected Major Grid Projects
54Selected Major Grid Projects
55Selected Major Grid Projects
Also many technology RD projects e.g., Condor,
NetSolve, Ninf, NWS See also www.gridforum.org
56Grid Related Work at Michigan
57Grid Activities at Michigan
- There are many ongoing activities related to the
grid within the department - NPACI/CPC collaboration on grid development
- Collaboration with the Visible Human Project on
networking and grid performance issues - Authenticated QoS work with CITI/ITCOM
- Collaborative tools and Web Lecture Archive
Project (see http//wlap.org) - Network issues bandwidth, services and
performance (I will focus on this later)
58USATLAS Data Grid Testbed
U Michigan
Boston University
Argonne National Laboratory
Brookhaven National Laboratory
University of Oklahoma
Prototype Tier 2s
Indiana University
University of Texas at Arlington
HPSS sites
59US ATLAS Grid Testbed Activities
- We are an active participant in the US ATLAS grid
testbed - Collaboration with CPC on grid issues and
development - Hosted a US ATLAS Grid workshop in Winter 2001
- Leadership in network issues
- Strong collaborative tools effort
- Active in the Global Grid forum and Internet2
- Testbed Activities
- Network monitoring
- Security configuration
- Hardware testing for high performance bottlenecks
- Certificate attributes (grid account management)
- PACMAN cache site
- Kick-start (one floppy) OS install development
- Using AFS as a replacement for NFS
60Internet2 HENP Networking WG Mission
- To help ensure that the required
- National and international network
infrastructures - Standardized tools and facilities for high
performance and end-to-end monitoring and
tracking, and - Collaborative systems
- are developed and deployed in a timely manner,
and used effectively to meet the needs of the US
LHC and other major HENP Programs, as well as
the general needs of our scientific community. - To carry out these developments in a way that is
broadly applicable across many fields, within and
beyond the scientific community - Co-Chairs S. McKee (Michigan), H. Newman
(Caltech) With thanks to R. Gardner and J.
Williams (Indiana)
61UM/ATLAS Grid ClusterCurrent Status as of
January 2002
All systems running Globus 1.1.4 and Condor
62Networking and the Grid
63Why Networking?
- Since the early 1980s physicists have depended
upon leading-edge networks to enable ever larger
international collaborations. - Major HEP collaborations, such as ATLAS, require
rapid access to event samples from massive data
stores, not all of which can be locally stored at
each computational site. - Evolving integrated applications, i.e. Data
Grids, rely on seamless, transparent operation of
the underlying LANs and WANs. - Networks are among the most basic Grid building
64 Transatlantic Net WG (HN, L. Price)
Bandwidth Requirements
Installed BW. Maximum Link Occupancy 50
Assumed The Network Challenge is Shared by Both
Next- and Present Generation Experiments
65TCP WAN Performance
- Mathis, et. al., Computer Communications Review
v27, 3, July 1997, demonstrated the dependence of
bandwidth on network parameters
BW - Bandwidth MSS Max. Segment Size RTT
Round Trip Time PkLoss Packet loss rate
If you want to get 90 Mbps via TCP/IP on a WAN
link from LBL to UM you need a packet loss lt
1.8e-6 !! (70 ms RTT).
66Network Monitoring Iperf
- We have setup testbed network monitoring using
Iperf (V1.2) (S. McKee(Umich), D. Yu (BNL)) - We test both UDP (90 Mbps sending) and TCP
between all combinations of our 8 testbed sites. - Globus is used to initiate both the client and
server Iperf processes.
67Testbed Network Measurements
68Iperf Network Test Setup
69UM Network IPERF Results
Our new switch has enabled us to increase our
bandwidth to the edge of campus by a factor of
7-15 (Gig vs Campus)
70Achieving High Performance Networking
- Server and Client CPU, I/O and NIC throughput
sufficient - Must consider firmware, hard disk interfaces, bus
type/capacity - Knowledge base of hardware performance, tuning
issues, examples - TCP/IP stack configuration and tuning is
Absolutely Required - Large windows, multiple streams
- No Local infrastructure bottlenecks
- Gigabit Ethernet clear path between selected
host pairs - To 10 Gbps Ethernet by 2003
- Careful Router/Switch configuration and
monitoring - Enough router Horsepower (CPUs, Buffer Size,
Backplane BW) - Packet Loss must be Zero (well below 0.1)
- i.e. No Commodity networks (need ESNet, I2 type
networks) - End-to-end monitoring and tracking of performance
71Back to the Grid
72The Globus ProjectMaking Grid computing a
- Close collaboration with real Grid projects in
science and industry - Development and promotion of standard Grid
protocols to enable interoperability and shared
infrastructure - Development and promotion of standard Grid
software APIs and SDKs to enable portability and
code sharing - The Globus Toolkit Open source, reference
software base for building grid infrastructure
and applications - Global Grid Forum Development of standard
protocols and APIs for Grid computing
73Globus Toolkit Components
- Two major Data Grid components
- 1. Data Transport and Access
- Common protocol
- Secure, efficient, flexible, extensible data
movement - Family of tools supporting this protocol
- 2. Replica Management Architecture
- Simple scheme for managing
- multiple copies of files
- collections of files
74Layered Grid Architecture(By Analogy to Internet
75The Hourglass Model
- Focus on architecture issues
- Propose set of core services as basic
infrastructure - Use to construct high-level, domain-specific
solutions - Design principles
- Keep participation cost low
- Enable local control
- Support for adaptation
- IP hourglass model
A p p l i c a t i o n s
Diverse global services
Core services
Local OS
76Resource LayerProtocols Services
- Grid Resource Allocation Mgmt (GRAM)
- Remote allocation, reservation, monitoring,
control of compute resources - GridFTP protocol (FTP extensions)
- High-performance data access transport
- Grid Resource Information Service (GRIS)
- Access to structure state information
- Network reservation, monitoring, control
- All built on connectivity layer GSI IP
GridFTP www.gridforum.org GRAM, GRIS
77Collective LayerProtocols Services
- Index servers aka metadirectory services
- Custom views on dynamic resource collections
assembled by a community - Resource brokers (e.g., Condor Matchmaker)
- Resource discovery and allocation
- Replica catalogs
- Replication services
- Co-reservation and co-allocation services
- Workflow management services
- Etc.
Condor www.cs.wisc.edu/condor
78Example High-ThroughputComputing System
High Throughput Computing System
Collective (App)
Dynamic checkpoint, job management, failover,
Collective (Generic)
Brokering, certificate authorities
Access to data, access to computers, access to
network performance data
Communication, service discovery (DNS),
authentication, authorization, delegation
Storage systems, schedulers
79Virtual Data Queries
- A query for events implies
- Really means asking if a input data sample
corresponding to a set of calibrations, methods,
and perhaps Monte Carlo history match a set of
criteria - It is vital to know, for example
- What data sets already exist, and in which
formats? (ESD, AOD,Physics Objects) If not,
can it be materialized? - Was this data calibrated optimally?
- If I want to recalibrate a detector, what is
required? - Methods
- Virtual data catalogs and APIs
- Data signatures
- Interface to Event Selector Service
80Virtual Data Scenario
- A physicist issues a query for events
- Issues
- How expressive is this query?
- What is the nature of the query?
- What language (syntax) will be supported for the
query? - Algorithms are already available in local shared
libraries - For ATLAS, an Athena service consults an ATLAS
Virtual Data Catalog or Registry Service - Three possibilities
- File exists on local machine
- Analyze it
- File exists in a remote store
- Copy the file, then analyze it
- File does not exists
- Generate, reconstruct, analyze possibly done
remotely, then copied
81The Future of the Grid
82Problem Evolution
- Past-present O(102) high-end systems Mb/s
networks centralized (or entirely local) control - I-WAY (1995) 17 sites, week-long 155 Mb/s
- GUSTO (1998) 80 sites, long-term experiment
- NASA IPG, NSF NTG O(10) sites, production
- Present O(104-106) data systems, computers Gb/s
networks scaling, decentralized control - Scalable resource discovery restricted
delegation community policy Data Grid 100s of
sites, O(104) computers complex policies - Future O(106-109) data, sensors, computers Tb/s
networks highly flexible policy, control
83The Globus View of the FutureAll Software is
- We dont build or buy computers anymore, we
borrow or lease required resources - When I walk into a room, need to solve a problem,
need to communicate - A computer is a dynamically, often
collaboratively constructed collection of
processors, data sources, sensors, networks - Similar observations apply for software
84And Thus
- Reduced barriers to access mean that we do much
more computing, and more interesting computing,
than today gt Many more components ( services)
massive parallelism - All resources are owned by others gt Sharing (for
fun or profit) is fundamental trust, policy,
negotiation, payment - All computing is performed on unfamiliar systems
gt Dynamic behaviors, discovery, adaptivity,
85Future of the Grid for HEP
- Grid Optimist
- Best thing since the WWW. Dont worry, the grid
will solve all our computational and data
problems! Just click Install - Grid Pessimist
- The grid is merely an excuse by computer
scientists to milk the political system for more
research grants so they can write yet more lines
of useless code The Economist, June 21, 2001 - A distraction from getting real science done
McCubbin - Grid Realist
- The grid can solve our problems, because we
design it to! We must work closely with the
developers as it evolves, providing our
requirements and testing their deliverables in
our environment.
- LHC computing requirements are x 5-10 existing
experiments in both data volume and CPU
requirements - LHC Physics will depend heavily on resources
outside of CERN - LHC Computing Model adopted by CERN
- Strong endorsement multi-tiered, hierarchy of
distributed resources - This model will rely on grid software to provide
efficient, easy access for physicists - This is a new platform for physics analysis
- Like the web, if the grid is going to happen, it
will be pushed forward by HENP experiments
87For More Information on the Grid
- Globus Project
- www.globus.org
- Grid Forum
- www.gridforum.org
- Online tutorials/papers
- www.globus.org/training/
- www.globus.org/research/papers.html
- Book (Morgan Kaufman)
- www.mkp.com/grids
88Baseline BW for the US-CERN Link HENP
Transatlantic WG (DOENSF)
Transoceanic NetworkingIntegrated with the
TeraGrid, Abilene, Regional Netsand Continental
NetworkInfrastructuresin US, Europe, Asia,
South America
US-CERN Plans 155 Mbps to 2 X 155 Mbps this
Year 622 Mbps in April 2002DataTAG 2.5 Gbps
Research Link in Summer 200210 Gbps Research
Link in 2003
89LHC Schedule
- Dec 2005 Ring closed and cooled
- 2006-2007
- April First collisions L5x1032 to 2x1033 ? 1
fb-1 - Jan-March Machine commissioning with 1 proton
beam - Start detector
commissioning 105 Z ? ??, W ? ??, tt events - May-July Shutdown (continue detector
installation) - August Physics Run L2x1033, 10 fb-1
- Complete detector commissioning
- ? February 2007 Start of Physics
- 2008
- High luminosity running L2x1034, 100 fb-1 per
90Standard Model Higgs Production
K. Jacobs, Fermilab Higgs Workshop, May 2001
91Modeling and SimulationMONARC System
- Modelling and understanding current systems,
their performance and limitations, is essential
for the design of the future large scale
distributed processing systems. - The simulation program developed within the
MONARC (Models Of Networked Analysis At Regional
Centers) project is based on a process oriented
approach for discrete event simulation. It is
based on the on Java(TM) technology and provides
a realistic modelling tool for such large scale
distributed systems.
SIMULATION of Complex Distributed Systems
92MONARC SONN 3 Regional Centers Learning to
Export Jobs (Day 9)
ltEgt 0.73
ltEgt 0.83
1MB/s 150 ms RTT
1.2 MB/s 150 ms RTT
0.8 MB/s 200 ms RTT
ltEgt 0.66
Day 9
93Data Grid Reference Architecture
Discipline-Specific Data Grid Application
Request Management
Replica Management
Community Policy
Access to data, access to computers, access to
network performance data,
Communication, service discovery (DNS),
authentication, delegation
Storage Systems
Compute Systems
Code Repositories
94Data Grid Reference Architecture
User Applications
Request Formulation
Virtual Data Catalogs
Request Manager
Request Planner
Request Executor
Storage Systems
Code Repositories
95Grid Architectures and Athena
- Grid Services
- Resource discovery
- Scheduling
- Security
- Monitoring
- Data Access
- Policy
- Athena Services
- Application manager
- Job Options service
- Event Selector service
- Event persistency service
- Detector persistency
- Histogram service
- User interfaces
- Visualization
- Database
- Event model
- Object federations
- Concurrency
96Athenas Persistency Mechanism
97ATLAS Grid Testbed (US)
- 8 sites
- University groups BU, IU, UM, OU, UTA
- 15-20 users
- All sites
- Globus Condor
- AFS, ATLAS software release
- Dedicated resources
- Accounts for most users on all machines
- Applications
- Monte Carlo production w/ legacy code
- Athena controlled Monte Carlo
98Motivation for a Common Data Access Protocol
- Existing distributed data storage systems
- DPSS, HPSS focus on high-performance access,
utilize parallel data transfer, striping - DFS focus on high-volume usage, dataset
replication, local caching - SRB connects heterogeneous data collections,
uniform client interface, metadata queries - Problems
- Incompatible (and proprietary) protocols
- Each require custom client
- Partitions available data sets and storage
devices - Each protocol has subset of desired functionality
99A Common, Secure,Efficient Data Access Protocol
- Common, extensible transfer protocol
- Common protocol means all can interoperate
- Decouple low-level data transfer mechanisms from
the storage service - Advantages
- New, specialized storage systems are
automatically compatible with existing systems - Existing systems have richer data transfer
functionality - Interface to many storage systems
- HPSS, DPSS, file systems
- Plan for SRB integration
100 iVDGL Architecture
101The 13.6 TF TeraGridComputing at 40 Gb/s
Site Resources
Site Resources
External Networks
External Networks
External Networks
External Networks
SDSC 4.1 TF 225 TB
Site Resources
Site Resources
TeraGrid/DTF NCSA, SDSC, Caltech, Argonne
102Grid RD Focal Areas for NPACI/HENP Partnership
- Development of Grid-Enabled User Analysis
Environments - CLARENS (IGUANA) Project for Portable
Grid-Enabled Event Visualization, Data
Processing and Analysis - Object Integration backed by an ORDBMS, and
File-Level Virtual Data Catalogs - Simulation Toolsets for Systems Modeling,
Optimization - For example the MONARC System
- Globally Scalable Agent-Based Realtime
Information Marshalling Systems - To face the next-generation challenge of
DynamicGlobal Grid design and operations - Self-learning (e.g. SONN) optimization
- Simulation (Now-Casting) enhanced to monitor,
track and forward predict site, network and
global system state - 1-10 Gbps Networking development and global
deployment - Work with the TeraGrid, STARLIGHT, Abilene, the
iVDGL GGGOC, HENP Internet2 WG, Internet2 E2E,
and DataTAG - Global Collaboratory Development e.g. VRVS,
Access Grid
103Virtual Data Registries
Event Selector Service
Algorithm creates VD IDs
Virtual Data Registry Service
104Current Grid Challenges Resource Discovery,
Co-Scheduling, Transparency
- Discovery and Efficient Co-Scheduling of
Computing, Data Handling, and Network Resources - Effective, Consistent Replica Management
- Virtual Data Recomputation Versus Data Transport
Decisions - Reduction of Complexity In a Petascale World
- GA3 Global Authentication, Authorization,
Allocation - VDT Transparent Access to Results (and Data
When Necessary) - Location Independence of the User Analysis,
Grid,and Grid-Development Environments - Seamless Multi-Step Data Processing and
AnalysisDAGMan (Wisc), MOPIMPALA(FNAL)
105Next Round Grid Challenges Global Workflow
Monitoring, Management, and Optimization
- Workflow Management, Balancing Policy Versus
Moment-to-moment Capability to Complete Tasks - Balance High Levels of Usage of Limited Resources
Against Better Turnaround Times for Priority
Jobs - Goal-Oriented According to (Yet to be Developed)
Metrics - Maintaining a Global View of Resources and System
State - Global System Monitoring, Modeling,
Quasi-realtime simulation feedback on the
Macro- and Micro-Scales - Adaptive Learning new paradigms for execution
optimization and Decision Support (eventually
automated) - Grid-enabled User Environments