- Professor of Environmental and Energy Law
- Director of the Institute of Environmental and
Energy Law - Faculty of Law, University of Leuven
- ---------------
- Visiting Senior Fellow of EC Law
- Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University
of London
2The prime aim of the European Communitys
energy policy is to ensure a supply of energy to
all consumers at affordable prices while
respecting the environment and promoting healthy
competition on the European energy market.
- Twentieth century Second World War
- Post-War and the 1950s
- Period of 1958 1972
- Oil crises of 1973
- Single European Act in 1987
- Treaty of the European Union (1992)
- Treaty of Amsterdam (1997)
5Twentieth century Second World War
- Before 1950 Law used as an instrument for the
exclusion of foreign goods, products, services
and capital - Since 1950 promotion of free and fair trade
subject to the rule of law law as an instrument
of market integration
6Post-War and the 1950s
- Post-War reconstruction and its need for
- energy energy as an area for urgent
development of common policies and coordinated
action - 1951 Treaty of Paris founded the European Coal
- and Steel Community (1951-2002) common coal
policy - 1957 EURATOM Treaty created the European Atomic
- Energy Community common nuclear policy
- 1957 Treaty of Rome established the European
Economic Community common market
7Period of 1958 1972
- Lack of development of an effective common energy
policy - Although the need of an integrated energy market
was in the 1957 treaties - European energy policy one of the most
- discussed topics
- increasing import dependence
- risk of fuel shortage by the mid 1970s
8Period of 1958 72
- Regime of compulsory oil stocks
- Directive 68/414/EEC
- Directive 98/93/EEC
- MS policies based on imported inexpensive oil
supplies - This period witnessed a retreat away from rather
than progress towards the goal of market
integration in the Communitys energy policy
9Oil crisis of 1973
- Response of the MS was to protect national
interests - Prompted the MS and the EEC to reconsider the
urgent need for a common energy policy - The Community and MS agreed on particular
policies and initiatives (stocks, supply, etc) - Directive 75/339/EEC
- Directive 73/238/EEC
- 1981 Communication Commission expressed its
frustration at the lack of progress for an energy
strategy for the Community (inadequacy and
inconsistency of action)
10Single European Act - 1987
- Amended the three Treaties
- Modification of the EEC Treaty
- Aim of realization of the internal market by end
of 1992 - Qualified majority legislation (Coop Proc EP)
- Basis for the Commission for legislative
initiatives in the electricity and gas sector,
and more vigorous enforcement of treaty rules on
competition rules and free movement of goods
11Single European Act - 1987
- Inclusion in the EEC Treaty of provisions
designed to protect the environment, calling for
a prudent and rational utilization of natural
energy sources
12Treaty of the European Union (1992)
- Further amended the EEC Treaty
- No specific provisions on energy were included
except for - Indication of measures in the spheres of energy,
civil protection and tourism as one of the
Communitys policies or activities - Inclusion of competences on trans-European
networks (financing mechanism ao for grid
networks - Declaration on Civil Protection, Energy and
13Treaty of the European Union (1992)
- Provisions on the environmental competences
- Article 2 of the EC Treaty
- The amended provisions of title VII of the EC
Treaty - With relevance to the energy sector, Article 175
of the EC Treaty 2. , shall adopt - Provisions primarily of a fiscal nature
- Measures concerning town and country planning,
land use - Measures significantly affecting a Member State's
choice between different energy sources and the
general structure of its energy supply.
14Treaty of Amsterdam (1997-1999)
- Further amended the Treaty framework
- Relevance for the field of energy (division of
competences MS Community) - Protocol on the principle of subsidiarity
- Services of general economic interest
- Environmental improvements of the Amsterdam
Treaty - Sustainable development
- Integration principle was strengthened
- Improved co-decision procedure for environmental
legislation (bar a few exceptions)
15Treaty of Amsterdam (1999)
- Lack of a special chapter on energy in the Treaty
has this hindered progress? - ? different opinions (cf EU constitution !)
- The key directives for the internal energy market
are now in place - Process of liberalization, market and regulatory
dynamics - Integration of the energy markets across Europe
- Still development of new legislative proposals,
programmes, policy documents, etc. a lot of
work !
- In the present energy situation, the European
Union has to face up to many challenges
development of renewable energy sources, opening
up of the gas and electricity markets, reduction
of the European Unions energy dependency and
nuclear safety and security guarantees -
- The Treaty rules and the energy sector
- EC Secondary Energy legislation
- Non-sectoral Secondary EC Energy law
- Sectoral Secondary EC Energy law
- Specific issues under the EC Energy law
18The Treaty rules and the energy sector
- Free movement of goods
- Articles 28 31 of the EC Treaty
- Energy products, including electricity and gas,
have been held to be goods, subject to these
rules - Right of establishment and the free movement of
services and capital (cf acquisition of certain
energy enterprises) - Articles 43 60 of the EC Treaty
19The Treaty rules and the energy sector
- Rules on Competition (firms operating in the
energy sector) - Article 3 (g) of the EC Treaty
- Articles 81 82 and 86 of the EC Treaty
- Provisions on State aids
- Articles 87 88
- State aid rules under the ECSC Treaty (2002)
- These general rules are subject to exceptions
- Commissions practise
- Jurisprudence of the ECJ
20EU White and Green Papers on Energy
- White paper on energy policy, COM(95)682final
- White paper on renewable energy sources and
action plan, COM(97)599final - Green paper on security of energy supply,
21EC Secondary Energy legislation
- Non-sectoral Secondary EC Energy law
- Rational use of energy and energy efficiency
- Energy taxation
- Transparency
- Transit
- Procurement in the energy sector
22Legislation on the rational use of energy and
energy efficiency
- Background energy crisis
- Recommandation 77/714/EEC
- Directive 78/170/EEC
- Household appliances, commercial and other
End-Use Equipment - Labelling
- Directive 79/530/EC and Directive 92/75/EEC
- Energy efficiency requirements
- Directive 96/57/EC
- Proposal for a directive on establishing a
framework for the setting of ecodesign
requirements for energy-using products
23Legislation on the rational use of energy and
energy efficiency
- Building
- Directive 2002/91/EC
- Communitys programmes for energy efficiency
- Decision 91/565/EEC SAVE and Decision 96/737/EC
SAVE II - Energy Framework Programme (2000)
- Decision 1230/2003/EC Intelligent Energy for
Europe programme (2003-2006)
24Energy taxation
- Reform of energy taxation
- Many attemps
- Proposal for a Directive COM (1992) 226 final
- Amendend proposal for a Directive COM (1995) 172
final - Crucial step towards the creation of a single
market in the EU - Taxation of mineral oils
- Directive 92/81/EEC
- Directive 92/82/EEC
25Energy taxation
- Proposal for a Directive on the taxation of
energy products COM (97) 30 final - Extension of the community minimum rate
- Introducing gradually the polluter pays principle
- Political agreement on 20 March 2003 to the
proposed Directive of 1997 - Aims to reduce the distortions of competition
- Incentives to use energy more efficiently
26Transparency regulation
- Purpose
- to reveal the critirea under which industry
operates, the organisational structure and
functioning of integrated enterprises, the
relationship between various industry players and
the basis and formation of industry costs and
prices. - ? to make more rational decicions
27Transparency regulation
- Sources for the electricity and gas setor
- Directive 90/377/EEC
- Directive 80/723/EEC as amended by Directive
84/413/EEC and Directive 93/84/EEC - Communication COM (89) 123
28Transit Directives
- Purpose
- To facilitate transit of electricity and gas
between grids and to reduce obstacles to the
exchange of electricity and gas - Sources
- Directive 90/547/EEC
- Directive 91/296/EEC
- Repealed with effect from 1 July 2004
29Procurement in the energy sector
- Purpose
- Opening up the public procurement market to
genuine cross-border competition, creating and
securing an internal market in Europe - Sources
- Directive 90/531/EEC amended by the Directive
93/38/EEC - Commissions Green Paper on public procurement
in the European Union exploring the way forward,
COM (96) 583 final - GATT/WTO General Agreement on Procurement
30EC Secondary Energy legislation
- Sectoral Secondary EC Energy law
- Electricity Directives
- Gas Directives
- Legislation on renewable energy sources
- Proposed Directive on the promotion of
cogeneration of heat and power - Legislation on oil
- Legislation on nuclear energy
31Electricity Directives
- Electricity Directive 96/92/EC
- Background
- Broad aims
- Completion of a competitive electricity market
- Establishes common rules for the production of
electricity and the operation of electricity
transmission and distribution systems - Further face phase of liberalization
32Electricity Directives
- Changes in the electricity market
- Abolished exclusive rights
- Required unbundling of network activities
- Created transparency and non discrimination
- Experience from the implementation
- Price reductions?
- Higher standards of services
- Increased competitiveness
33Electricity Directives
- Shortcomings and possibilities for improving the
functioning of the market - Ensure a level playing field in generation
- Reduce the risks of market dominance and
predatory behaviour - Ensuring non-discriminatory transmission and
distribution tariffs - Ensuring that the rights of small and vulnerable
customers are protected - Information on energy sources for electricity
generation is disclosed
34Electricity Directives
- Electricity Directve 2003/54/EC repealed
Directive 96/92/EC - Purpose
- Opens the electricity market
- Non-household customers by July 2004
- All customers by July 2007
- Further measures in unbundling
- Establishes a regulator in all Member States
- Requires published network tariffs
- Reinforces public service obligations
- Introduces monitoring of security of supply
- Sets up a mandatory electricity labelling
35Gas Directives
- Gas Directive 98/96/EC
- Background
- Changes in the gas market
- Access to the market
- The operation of systems
- Common rules for the transmission and storage of
natural gas, distribution and supply - Abolished exclusive rights
- Created transparency and non discrimination
36Gas Directives
- Experience from the implementation
- Effiency gains
- Price reductions?
- Higher standards of services
- Increased competitiveness
37Gas Directives
- Shortcomings and possibilities for improving the
functioning of the market - Ensure a level playing field in generation
- Reduce the risks of market dominance and
predatory behaviour - Ensuring non-discriminatory transmission and
distribution tariffs - Ensuring that the rights of small and vulnerable
customers are protected - Information on energy sources for electricity
generation is disclosed
38Gas Directives
- Gas Directive 2003/55/EC repealed Directive
98/30/EC - Purpose
- Opens the gas market
- Non-household customers by July 2004
- All customers by July 2007
- Further measures in unbundling
- Establishes a regulator in all Member States
- Requires published network tariffs
- Reinforces public service obligations
- Introduces monitoring of security of supply
39Legislation on renewable energy sources
- Green Electricity Directive
- Biofuels or other renewable fuels for transport
Directive - Directive on the energy performance on buildings
- Community Guidelines on State Aid for
environmental protection - Community programmes to promote renewable energy
40Legislation on renewable energy sources
- European Union places a high priority on the
increasing use of renewable energy sources - Improving security of supply
- Diversification of energy supply
- Reduces the strain which is being placed by
conventional energy on the environment (Kyoto) - Renewable energy sectors Photovoltaic,
Bio-energy, Solar Thermal Power, Small Hydro,
Wind Energy, Geo-thermal energy, Solar Heating,
Ocean Energy
41Legislation on renewable energy sources
- In 1997 the European Union agreed to double the
share of renewable energies from 6 to 12 by
2010 - Communication of the Commission on Energy for the
future Renewable sources of Energy COM (97) 599
42Green Electricity Directive
- Directive 2001/77/EC
- Create a framework which will facilitate the
development of renewable electricity (RES-E)
and access to the internal electricity market - Obligation for Member States to set national
targets, with indications to 22 by 2010 (annex)
43Biofuels or other renewable fuels for transport
- Directive 2003/30/EEC
- Background
- Aims at promoting the use of biofuels by largely
ensuring a minimum proportion of biofuels and
other renewable fuels for transport - Member States should ensure a minimum proportion
and as a reference value - 2 by 31 December 2005
- 5,75 by 31 December 2010
44Directive on the energy performance of buildings
- Directive 2002/91/EC
- Objectives
- Promoting the improvement of energy performance
of buildings within the EU through cost-effective
measures - Convergence of building standards towards those
of Member States which already have ambitious
45Community Guidelines on State Aid for
environmental protection
- Community Guidelines on State Aid for
environmental protection of 3 February 2001 - Background
- Memorandum of 6 November 1974 and its two
prolongations - Community Guidelines on State Aid for
environmental protection of 10 March 1994 - Scope of the guidelines
46Community Guidelines on State Aid for
environmental protection
- The different types of aid used to promote
renewable energy sources - Investment aid to promote renewable energy
sources - Operating aid in the form of tax reductions or
exemptions - Operating aid for renewable energy sources
47Community programmes to promote renewable energy
- ALTENER I (1993 1997) and ALTENER II (1998
2002) programme - Focus exclusively on the promotion of renewable
energy sources - Aims and scope of the ALTENER programme are
continued in the "Vertical Key Action" of the
same name in the Intelligent Energy for Europe
- The Sixth Framework Programme (2002 2006)
- creation of a European Research Area (ERA)
48Community programmes to promote renewable energy
- STEER programme
- Support for initiatives relating to all energy
aspects of transport, the diversification of
fuels, - COOPENER programme
- Support for initiatives relating to the promotion
of renewables and energy efficiency in the
developing countries - Intelligent Energy for Europe (2003 2006)
- Decision 1230/2003/EC
- Renewable Energy Partnerships and the Campaign
for Take-Off
49Proposed Directive on the promotion of
cogeneration of heat and power
- Proposal for a Directive on the promotion of
cogeneration of heat and power - COM (2002) 415 final
- Technique producing heat and electricity in one
process - If the electricity cogeneration share is
increased from 11 in 1998 to 18 in 2010 ?
the energy savings 3 4 of the total EU
gross energy consumption
50Legislation on oil
- Reinforcement of the security of the oil supply
- Proposal for a Directive concerning the alignment
of measures with regard to security of supply for
petroleum products COM(2002) 488 final - Maintain minimum stocks of crude oil and/or
petroleum products - Directive 98/93/EC
51Legislation on nuclear energy
- Nuclear power accounts for one-third of the
electricity generating capacity in the EU - EURATOM Treaty
- Nuclear safety
- Council Resolution of 22 July 1975 on the
technological problems of nuclear safety - Council Resolution of 18 June 1992 on the
technological problems of nuclear safety (92/C
172/02) - Proposal for a Directive setting out basic
obligations and general principles on the safety
of nuclear installations COM(2003) 32 final
52Legislation on nuclear energy
- Waste management
- Council Directive 92/3/Euratom on the supervision
and control of shipments of radioactive waste
between Member States and into and out of the
Community (under revision) - Proposal for a Directive on the management of
spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste
COM(2003) 32 final - Council Resolution of 15 June 1992 on the renewal
of the Community Plan of Action in the field of
radioactive waste (92/C 158/02) - Council Resolution of 19 December 1994 on
radioactive waste management (94/C 379/01)
53Legislation on nuclear energy
- Transport of radioactive material
- SURE programme
- http//europa.eu.int/comm/energy/en/pfs_suredb_en.
html SURE data base on EU legislation on
transport of radioactive materials - Decommissioning
- Decision 79/344/Euratom adopting a research
programme concerning the decommissioning of
nuclear power plants - Decision 84/60/Euratom adopting a research
programme concerning the decommissioning of
nuclear installations - Decision 89/239/Euratom adopting a research
programme concerning the decommissioning of
nuclear installations
54Specific issues in the EC energy law
- Long term contracts
- Essential facilities
- Cross-subsidization
- Stranded costs
- Improve security of supply
- Combat climate change
- Improving Energy Efficiency