Public Sphere--week 6 February 7, 2006 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Public Sphere--week 6 February 7, 2006


... time communication aimed at winning the hearts and minds of the enemy, or ... 'Terror Alert' animated cartoon. questions for discussion ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Public Sphere--week 6 February 7, 2006

Public Sphere--week 6February 7, 2006
  • Public Communication
  • PR and Social Marketing
  • propaganda theory and PR
  • Jacques Ellul

  • mass society
  • crowd theory
  • propaganda theory
  • civic advocacy propaganda
  • cultural pedagogy
  • modernity and postmodernity

  • (1) The shared history of PR and propaganda the
    role of propaganda theory
  • (2) Jacques Ellul the major theorist of
    propaganda in the 20th century

the shared history of PR and propaganda the
role of propaganda theory
  • crowd theory (as discussed in the unit notes)
    establishes an early precedent for propaganda
    theory in the late 19th century
  • propaganda theory brings some of the basic
    assumptions taken from crowd theory directly into
    the study of communication in the early 20th
  • propaganda theory is the first formal body of
    theory developed with regard to the study of mass
    media specifically
  • propaganda theory was developed by major
    propaganda theorists in the United States such as
    Harold Lasswell and Walter Lippmann in the
    period between WWI and II (1920s and 30s)
  • Ellul (profiled later in the Powerpoint) reflects
    a more mature and critical view of propaganda
  • Propaganda theory is famous for two models of
    media influence
  • the hypodermic needle or magic bullet model and
  • the two-step model

Propaganda and PR how do they relate?
  • propaganda and PR were effectively the same thing
    to Bernays and other early propaganda theorists
    and PR intellectuals
  • the lessons of propaganda in wartime were
    directly applied to peacetime PR
  • how were they similar?
  • they both assumed considerable control over the
    audiences understanding of the message and the
  • they assumed that the point of communication was
    to change the thinking and behaviour of an
    audience in a way that conformed with the
    interests of the sender
  • communication was essentially defined as a
    one-way process not requiring or expecting
    audience response
  • communication is closely identified with power
    the power to compel an audience to accept the
    senders worldview, and the consequences of that
    acceptance for their economic and political
  • they originated in the interests of those with
    concentrated political power (the state) or
    economic power (corporate capital)
  • they are especially implicated in ideology they
    do deliberate and conspicuous ideological work,
    insofar as they diffuse the views of those with
    power within society

Bernays on propaganda and PR
  • When I came back to the United States, I
    decided that if you could use propaganda for war,
    you could certainly use it for peace. And
    propaganda got to be a bad word because of the
    Germans.. using it. So what I did was to try to
    find some other words, so we found the words
    Council on Public Relations.
  • Edward Bernays

1st generation propaganda theorythe hypodermic
needle or magic bullet model
  • Harold Laswell and Walter Lippman (1889-1974
    image on left) develop the study of propaganda,
    inspired by their experiences in World War 1 and
  • the basic premise of propaganda theory was that
    the (then new) mass media of radio and film were
    capable of bringing about enormous changes in the
    thought and behaviour of Western publics
  • this view of medias relationship to public is
    typically captured in the idea of strong
    effect, i.e., the idea that media can radically
    and instantly change how people think and act
  • the favourite metaphor of propaganda theorists
    was to compare media to a hypodermic needle

2nd generation propaganda theorythe two-step
  • Paul Lazarsfeld (1901-1976) was a media theorist
    who advanced the work of early propaganda
    theorists, and who is identified as a central
    figure in the media effects tradition
  • in his 1944 book with Elihu Katz, The Peoples
    Choice, Lazarsfeld developed whats called the
    two-step model
  • the two-step model argued that media influence
    was not direct from source to receiver rather,
    it was mediated by opinion leaders (e.g.,
    editorial writers, local politicians, bosses,
    other authority figures) and then had its
    influence on audience
  • the two-step model directs media analysis to
    accommodate the fact that people are the most
    powerful media, and that media messages are
    made real and consequential as they are made
    accountable to peoples lives and social and
    cultural factors

(i) magic bullet (or hypodermic needle) model
1st generation(ii) two-step model 2nd generation
Harold Laswell on politics
  • "Politics is the process by which it is
    determined who gets what, when and how.
  • Harold Laswell (1902-78
  • his image on left)

2. Jacques Ellul and the theory of propaganda
  • Ellul (1912-94) is the premier critic of
    propaganda in the 20th century, and an influence
    on other theorists of propaganda
  • family poverty required that he tutor other
    children in German, Greek, Latin and French from
    the age of 15
  • he was born and raised in Bordeaux, France, and
    influenced both by Marx and Christian thought
  • he was a theologian, an activist specializing in
    youth issues, and one of the greatest critics of
    propaganda and technology
  • his major works are
  • Propaganda (1965)
  • The Technological Society (1964)

origin and definition of the term propaganda
  • the term "propaganda" comes to us from the 16th
    century, at the time of the Counter-Reformation
    in England
  • the Counter-Reformation was a period defined by
    Roman Catholic campaign to reverse
    Protestantism's spread in Europe (the Protestant
    "Reformation" led by Luther, Calvin, and others),
    and reestablish Catholic supremacy in Europe.
  • the Jesuits - the intellectual elite in the
    Catholic church - formed a special group called
    the "Society for the Propagation of the Faith" to
    produce information on behalf of Catholicism and
    against the Protestant churches
  • this is the source of the word "propaganda" -
    i.e., inspired by the information campaign that
    was "propagated" (or disseminated) by the Jesuits
  • definition of propaganda
  • "The term 'propaganda' has since come to
    refer to the no-holds barred use of communication
    to propagate specific beliefs and expectations."
  • from Stanley Baran and Dennis Davis, The Rise of
    Media Theory in the Age of Propaganda

What are the features of propaganda according to
  • propaganda is not restricted to war-time
    communication aimed at winning the hearts and
    minds of the enemy, or mobilizing a domestic
    population in support of a war
  • rather, propaganda represents a set of conditions
    in which any message can becomes propagandistic
    in nature
  • this means that propaganda exists in both war and
    peace time, and is factor or property of
    communication even in everyday mainstream media
  • the features of propaganda are
  • (i) scope of debate is limited to a narrow range
  • (ii) messages derive from and reflect dominant
    political and economic interests
  • (iii) messages marginalize and demonize opposing
  • (iv) messages use simplistic language and images
    and reduce complexity of reality to digestible
    form. typically appeal to emotion, not to reason
  • (v) messages compel conformity of audience, and
    do not invite dialogue or questions

the lonely crowd the audience in an age of
  • propaganda neither addresses the individual nor
    the mass, but instead the "lonely crowd
  • the "lonely crowd" was his metaphor to capture
    the experience of living in the mass society
  • the object of propaganda is the individual in
    the crowd, the very condition of human identity
    in the mass society of modernity
  • "Modern propaganda reaches individuals
    enclosed in the mass and as participants in that
    mass, yet it also aims at a crowd, but only as a
    body composed of individuals." (Ellul,
    Propaganda, p. 6)
  • the Lonely Crowd was also the subject of a
    famous book by sociologist David Riesman

How is propaganda made?(1) shaky foundations and
faulty logic
  • making bold assertions without evidence
  • use of untrustworthy authorities
  • reasoning with the wrong facts
  • moral context based on extremes and absolutes
  • rationalization (i.e., making up reasons for
    something we wanted to do anyway)
  • faulty premises for argument
  • hasty generalization
  • . begging the question (i.e., assuming the truth
    of something that you set out to prove)
  • attacking the person, not the argument (i.e., ad
    hominem arguments)
  • creating a convenient enemy (Nazis use of Jews to
    explain German hardship before WWII)
  • blending fact and opinion without distinguishing

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(ii) intentional distortions
  • twisting and distorting argument
  • selective omission
  • incomplete quotation (i.e., citing a source but
    changing it to serve your argument)
  • quoting out of context
  • innuendo (i.e., offering remarks with underlying
    criticism or accusation attached)

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(iii) verbal tricks
  • use of testimonials (having celebrities or
    authority figures endorse idea)
  • bandwagon appeal (peer pressure involved in sense
    that everyone is thinking or doing something
  • plain folks and snob appeal approaches (assuming
    listeners are one's friends and real people, or
    alternately, are fellow members of an elite)
  • use of generalities ("plastic words" or
  • name calling. use of stereotypes. appeals to
    scientific authority (i.e., use of fancy or
    technical phrases).
  • repetition
  • co-optation (neutralizing opposing phrases and
    images by changing their meaning
  • association of message or person with powerful
    symbols (e.g., wrapping one's self in flag)
  • audience addressed as children - as in need of
    instruction or direction

Terror Alert animated cartoon
questions for discussion
  1. How does the fact that propaganda research and
    practice in WWI directly influenced the
    development of PR change how you view PR today?
  2. Social marketing is a frequent feature of our
    media culture. Non-profits present messages that
    counsel us to practice safe sex and not take
    drugs corporations make us aware of their
    philanthropy governments remind us to be
    patriotic or to eat according to the Canada
    Health Guide. Is such civic advocacy propaganda
    a form of social engineering? If so, is it
    something we should be cautious of?
  3. What is postmodern about politics today? What is
    postmodern about the way we communicate
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