Title: Intergovernmental System in South Africa
1Intergovernmental System in South
- PMIG Meeting
- 7 December 2005
2Overarching role of treasuries
- Establish and enforce
- Aggregate fiscal discipline
- Budgets must be respected like all laws
- Fiscal aggregates stay within set limits
- Allocative efficiency
- Resource allocation in line with priorities
- Good programmes get more and vice versa
- Operational efficiency
- Delivering more outputs for less resource outlays
3Fiscal Responsibility in South Africa
- SA is not a federal country, but a unitary
country that is highly decentralised
administratively and fiscally since 1994 - Three spheres of government, with local
government distinct sphere, not a creature of
provinces - Focus of presentation is on initial lessons after
only 11 years of democracy - Too early to draw conclusive lessons
- Lessons apply to SA, and cannot be applied to
another country
5System of Governance in SA
- National, 9 Provinces, and 284 Municipalities
- Provinces
- School education, health, social grants (Social
services) - Housing, Provincial Roads, Agriculture
- Poor fiscal capacity (own revenue 4, national
grants 96) - Local government
- Water, electricity, refuse removal, housing
infrastructure, municipal roads - Significant fiscal capacity, but varies between
municipalities (Urban metros over 95 own
revenue, Rural 30) - National government
- Over half actual spending on defence, justice
(courts), prisons and police - Other higher education, admin, policy,
6Fiscal capacity and functions
- Non-interest R362,6 bn out of R417,8 bn budget
for 2005/06 - Servicing debt at R53,1 bn, contingency reserve
R2bn - Provinces receive R209,3bn (57,7)
- 9 provincial budgets aggregate to R215 bn
- Own Revenue only 4 Motor car license fees,
gambling - Local Government receives R17,1bn (4,7)
- Only one third of spending on public goods (no
revenue) - Two thirds spending user charge services
(water/electricity) - Taxes Property taxes, regional levies (to be
phased out) - Own revenue around R90bn
- National Govt budget is R109bn (37,6)
- Revenue-sharing system (Constitution)
- Size of grant depends on functions fiscal
7Division of revenue
8Constitution of SA
- Section 214 requires annual Division of Revenue
Act - One national law applies to all provinces and
municipalities - No need for each province or municipality to have
separate legislation on fiscal responsibility - PFMA applies to all national and provincial
govts, and MFMA applies to all municipalities - How do we get consistency in fiscal
responsibility objectives between states and
between national govt? - Uniformity and precedence of national economic
policy, taxes etc
9Tax Assignment
- National govt has 4 biggest taxes
- Personal Inc Tax, Corporate Tax, VAT, fuel levy
- Provinces can legally impose a surcharge on PIT
and fuel levy, but do not as prefer
revenue-sharing arrangement - Provinces have motor car license fees
- Municipalities have property taxes and surcharge
on electricity/water - National legislation can regulate exercise of
taxation powers of sub-national govts, given need
for tax harmonisation and national economic
policy objectives
10Borrowing Powers
- Provinces and municipalities can only borrow for
capital beyond a financial year - Provinces and municipalities can borrow for
bridging purposes within a financial year - Provincial borrowing regulated by legislation
- Provinces have non-revenue generating activities,
and minor tax powers - Should they really borrow?
- We are open to giving more tax and borrowing
powers in future, but need to ensure expenditure
efficiency first
11Intervention powers
- Specified and narrow intervention powers where a
province or municipality fails to exercise its
powers or responsibilities - National govt can intervene in a province in
terms of section 100 of Constitution - Province can intervene over municipality ito
section 139 of Constitution
12Key Fiscal legislation in SA
- Constitution
- Chapter 13 of Constitution
- National Acts of Parliament
- Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations Act
- Provincial Tax Regulation Process Act
- Borrowing Powers of Provincial Govt Act
- Public Finance Management Act (PFMA)
- Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA)
- Annual Budget Acts of Parliament
- Annual Division of Revenue explanatory
memorandum extensive tables - National and provincial appropriation Act
- Tax legislation (Taxation and Revenue Laws
Amendment Acts)
13Fiscal Responsibility in SA
14How do we understand fiscal responsibility in SA?
- Rules and legislation are necessary but not
sufficient - Can easily get around (ex-ante or ex-post?)
- Budget a plan at start of fin year, and actual
may be significantly different - Co-operation and buy-in are more important
- Budget preparatory process must be DEEPLY
consultative process - Between national and sub-national governments
- Between departments in each government
- Budget is a POLICY process, driven by policy
priorities and spending pressures
15Transformation in first 5 years of democracy
- SA in a fiscal mess in 1994, with deficit close
to 10 and inflation around 20 - First priority of new Mandela government was to
get macroeconomic policy right - Achieved with stunning success but low growth
- Second priority was to make the budget process
more transparent and consultative - Key budget reform was introduction of 3 year
budgeting, debt management reforms - Had to transform and modernise a bean-counting
treasury with antiquated practices into a SMART
treasury with policy assessment capacity
16Budget Reforms since 1994
- Three-year budgeting system
- National and provinces (1998/99 Budget),
Municipalities - Budget decentralisation and CERTAINTY
- Own budgets by provinces and Local Govt, grant
certainty - Division of Revenue Act and schedule of all
national allocations per province, per
municipality for each of three coming years - Public Finance Mgt Act and Mun Fin Mgt Act
- modernising financial management in public sector
- Minister responsible for outcomes and policy,
administrative head of dept responsible for
implementation and outputs - No bail-out/guarantees for provinces/LG
- Up-front allocation certainty, no ad-hoc in-year
allocations - Development of provincial/local fiscal framework
17Low inflation and interest rates
18Debt service costs as per cent of GDP
19Debt to GDP
20Medium term outlook
21Three year budgeting
- In 1998 shifted from one-year incremental budgets
to three-year rolling budgets - Publish 3 year budgets, but appropriate only for
one year only - Use outer 2 years as baseline for next budget,
and allocate only additional funds from
contingency reserve and new revenue - We ignored nay-sayers who said not possible
- Lays basis for better planning, more consultative
budget processes and better intergovernmental
fiscal relations
22Intergovernmental Budgeting
- SA has grant certainty
- Three year allocations per province, per
municipality, for EVERY grant - Equitable share allocation main allocation to
provinces (64) - Clear formula to divide funds
- Provincial formula linked to key social sectors
- Local govt formula linked to poor households
- Conditional grants
- Social grants (27, previously from eq share)
- Infrastructure, tertiary hospital services
- Different formula for each conditional grant
- Annexure E in Division of Revenue Bill
23Budget is a policy process
- Budgeting is at heart of policy-making, and needs
to be consultative - Budgets require prioritising of policies, which
is essentially a POLITICAL process - Minister of Finance requested Cabinet to form-
- a Ministers Committee on the Budget (sub-com of
Cab) - Budget Council and Budget Forum, for provinces
and municipalities - Compulsory consultations for Division of Revenue
process and exercise of sub-national fiscal
powers - No outside or independent agency can determine
budget or allocations
24Budgeting harder under decentralised system
- Need to co-ordinating policy, planning, budgeting
processes - National depts responsible for policy, prov/LG
for implementation - Setting up of sectoral Ministerial forums
(MinMECs) between Ministers of national and
provincial governments for education, health,
welfare, housing - Challenge of co-ordinating sectoral and budget
forums, as each sector wants to maximise its
funds - Reducing sectoral collusion and allegations of
unfunded mandates - How do we link Budgets to PERFORMANCE?
25Performance and Accountability challenges
- We are still striving to get more performance
accountability - Budget reforms to facilitate greater performance
in public sector as a whole - Has 3 year budgeting reached lower down to the
level of project or facility? - How do we get better customer accountability?
- How can we get better political accountability
through legislatures - Does pol failure increase risk of service
delivery failure?
26Budget preparation process pre-year
- Independent FFC makes (advisory) proposals
- Consultations with provinces and LG
- Budget Council of national/provincial Ministers
of Finance - Budget Forum incorporates local govt
- National Cabinet makes final allocations to 3
spheres of govt in October - Equitable share formula used to divide funds
between provinces and local govt (also
conditional grant formulae) - Pre-budget in Nov, followed by Budget in Feb
- Division of Revenue Bill tabled, to be passed by
Parliament - Contains memo explaining formulae
- Contains or ensures up-front payment schedule for
transfers - Provinces table own three year budgets in
Feb/March - National govt publishes Intergovernmental Fiscal
Review in April
27Key Budget documents
- Budget Review and Division of Revenue (DoR) Bill
all part of National Budget - contains memo explaining formula
- contains/ensure upfront payment schedule for
transfers - Intergovernmental Fiscal Review
- 1x month after national and provincial budgets
tabled - discusses 9 provincial budget trends for 7 years
- in year (2002/03), three years to follow, three
years past - covers LG information for current financial year
- Quarterly and monthly budget info on provinces
- 30 days after end of each quarter
- Strategic plans of departments tabled with
budgets - Annual reports of departments in Sept
- NT website www.treasury.gov.za
28Initial Lessons from SA
29First Lesson from SA
- Budget reform goes with fiscal decentralisation
- It is even more important for fiscally
decentralised - Co-ordinating policy and sector interests across
tiers of government is really difficult but
necessary - Ignore the nay-sayers and implement 3 year
budgets - Budgets should not require line-item political
and legislative approval - Reserve line-item budgets (to the extent they are
even necessary) for internal management purposes
30Budget Reforms and Fiscal Decentralisation
- Budget reforms are even more important for
fiscally decentralised countries - Are budgets sustainable?
- Is consolidated tax to GDP stable or declining?
- Is consolidated borrowing or deficit sustainable
(ie consolidated debt to GDP stable or declining) - Are provincial budgets comparable with each
other? - Standard chart of accounts, uniform budget
formats etc - How quickly can we produce consolidated budget
information? - How much are we spending on school education?
- Need to aggregate school budgets from 9 provinces
31Second Lesson Intergovernmental Grants
- Money is fungible, so unconditional grants work
better than conditional grants, focusing on broad
priorities related to entire budget - Resist sectors who prefer conditional grants
- Cond grants for social grants and infrastructure
- Horizontal equitable share formula is
redistributive between provinces - How do we achieve equalisation?
- Needs versus performance?
- Data problems is it possible to get comparable
usage and cost data for all provinces or
32Third Lesson Transparency, Information and
- It is a continual struggle to get all levels of
government to publish information - Start with budget implementation information,
through monthly reports - Opens up possibilities for greater accountability
by Parliament, public etc - Information delayed is accountability denied!
- Culture of publishing ALL relevant info on
website on same day - How quickly do we collect and publish
33Regular reporting
- Financial management improves dramatically if we
start - Publishing of monthly in-year reports on budget
implementation - Requiring financial statements from all
departments and entities to submit for audit
within 60 days of end of fin year, and audited
and tabled in Parliament within 6 months - Many benefits follow from above, including
in-year accountability, better management and a
further feedback mechanisms to improve budget
allocation process
34Fourth Lesson Build Treasury capacity
- Fourth lesson is to reform all treasuries to play
a leadership role in budget process - Budgeting is too important to leave to
accountants! It is positively dangerous - National Treasury must develop its policy
assessment capacity to inform budget allocation
process - National Treasury also needs to create an
enabling framework for better governance,
management and accountability
35National Treasury capacity
- In a decentralised country, National Treasury in
SA has dedicated unit for intergovernmental
fiscal relations - Dedicated unit to work with provinces and
municipalities - Assessing credibility of provincial budgets
(informal and perhaps to publish such assessment) - Printing Intergovt Fiscal Review (IGFR) and
consolidated budgets - Ensure each (nat, prov or mun) treasury prepares
quarterly reports for its Cabinet or Exco - Ensure that national Treasury do a consolidated
quarterly report for all provinces?
36Key challenge is to ensure Budget Credibility
- National Treasury assesses provincial budgets as
an advisory service to provide an independent
perspective, and point out budget risk - Is tabled budget credible?
- Are projections realistic?
- Is the deficit fully funded? Focus on a balanced
budget rather than a deficit target? - Continual challenge is to ensure implementation
is according to planned budget
37Fifth lessonOne collection agency
- Success of one national collecting revenue agency
(SARS) for the major taxes - You cannot spend or divide revenue that you fail
to collect! - We divide revenue ANTICIPATED to be collected
before the start of the financial year
38Last lesson Check relevance of Conventional
- To what extent does conventional theory of fiscal
decentralisation really work in a developing
country? - Does greater tax capacity lead to better
accountability? - Do developing countries have effective
accountability and auditing mechanisms? - How can we get better financial or service
accountability when we have a shortage of
auditors, doctors etc?
39Theory and practice
- SA has clear expenditure and tax assignment, and
GRANT CERTAINTY - Why are provinces fiscally more responsible than
municipalities? - Provinces have weak tax powers, municipalities
have strong tax powers - What further taxes do we devolve?
- Why should be move away from one tax collector?
- Why should we prioritise tax rate autonomy over
other taxation reforms? - What need for borrowing if govts struggling to
spend on capital?
40Other factors also impact Public Service
- Subnational governments tend to have personnel
intensive functions like teachers, nurses, and
personnel expenditure a high proportion of their
budget (e.g. in education 80) - Bargaining system for public service
centralised or decentralised? - Mobility and uniformity in conditions of service
between states? - Are public servants under one pension fund? Is it
a benefit fund? How do you share burden of
funding shortages?
41Local Government
- We are still implementing our reforms with
municipalities, so not as developed as with
provinces - Have undergone three major transitions (including
change in boundaries) since 1993 - Provincial govt should do unto municipalities
what they want central govt to do unto them! - Every govt has a propensity to be gate-keeper
over funds they control - Need three year grant certainty, predictability
etc for local govt as well, and also for projects
that you control
- Has decentralisation worked in SA?
- Dont know, too early to tell
- Reform process still not completed
- Short-term assessment vs medium to long-term
- Has decentralisation led to better delivery?
- Would delivery have been better if centralised?
- No, if national depts with delivery
responsibilities are taken into account - Not clear if provinces or local govt would do
better! - Mixed story of early successes and failures
- No easy solutions to complex problems
43Budget Reform
44Budget Reforms in SA
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
2003 2004 2005
- Accounting Reform
- Procurement Reform
Publication of Quarterly Performance Information
Improving operational allocative efficiency
Measurable objectives
SPP tabled
Publication of Section 32 CG information
AR tabled
Estimates of National Expenditure Provincial
Budget Statements 1 2
Public Finance Management Act
National Expenditure Survey IGFR
Medium Term Expenditure Framework
Intergovernmental System
5 years Updated annually Includes budget
information Covers critical areas for department
Environmental changes Expenditure outcomes and
new budget allocations Strategic direction changes
Detailed focus on first year of strategic
plan Includes output and service delivery
Expenditure trends 3 year forward
estimates Strategic direction explained Previous
year outcome incorporated when deciding resource
Staff have performance contracts individual
development plans Linked to departmental key
objectives and outputs Indicate individual
contribution towards achieving departmental
Performance against budget and strategic
plan Meeting reporting requirements - Treasury
PS Regulations
Progress against budget implementing strategic
plan Highlights departmental performance
(financial non-financial) against targets
46Budget Process
47Chapter 13 of Constitution
- Chapter 13 sets fiscal framework
- SA government system a revenue sharing one
- Fiscal powers of provinces and municipalities
(taxation and borrowing) s228-230 - s214 on division of revenue between three spheres
of govt (national, provincial, local) - Sections 215 and 216 on budget transparency and
fin management - Establishment and mandates of National Treasury,
FFC, SA Reserve Bank
48Legislative context
- Public Finance Management Act (PFMA)
- Covers national and provincial depts and entities
- Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA)
- Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations Act
- Gives effect to consultative processes on
division of revenue - Establishes Budget Council and Budget Forum
- Other chapter 13 legislation on provincial/LG
taxes, borrowing, FFC, SARB - Numerous pieces of financial sector legislation
(banks, fin institutions etc)
49Budget Process
- Budget process at the heart of government
- Guided by policies, priorities making
trade-offs - Not a bean-counting process
- Co-ordination between planning, budgeting, policy
development and implementation - Budget Preparation
- Collectively agreed in Cabinet / EXCO
- Involves consultation with provinces and LG
through Budget Council, Budget Forum and Extended
Cabinet (Premiers and SALGA) - Budget approval after tabling
- Role of finance portfolion and standing
committees, Joint Budget Committee - Role of all portfolio committees
50MTEF budget process
Medium term policy review
Macroeconomic framework, fiscal policy DoR
Preparation of MTSF
Cabinet lekgotla
Cabinet lekgotla
Jan April July
Oct 2003
Departmental and agency planning budgeting
Preparing budget submissions
MTEC review recommendations to Cabinet
Preparation of Budget Documents
May Aug Nov
Feb 2004
51MTEF budget process
MTEC hearings
Prepare budget documentation
Cabinet approves new MTEF
National and provincial budgets tabled
52How 3 year budgeting works
- Additions to baseline
- Revised macroeconomic and fiscal framework
- Drawdown on contingency reserve
- 3rd year forecast inflationary increase on 2nd
53Fiscal policy and the budget framework
Draw down of contingency reserve and revised
macroeconomic forecast
Additional allocation
- MTEF Baseline
- comprises
- Fiscal policy and macroeconomic framework of
prevous year - Years 2 and 3 of previous MTEF
New spending plans based on baseline (resource
New spending plans, policy priorities and
framework determines increase to baseline
54Factors affecting fiscal policy
- Level of taxation
- Rise in tax burden may impede economic growth
- Slowdown in tax burden may require higher
borrowing or less spending - Level of borrowing
- Borrowing for investment may boost longer-term
growth - Interest costs may crowd out other expenditure in
the long term - Too much Govt. borrowing pushes up interest rates
- Balance between capital and recurrent spending
55Key indicators of fiscal policy
56Policy priorities and public expenditure
MTEF budget process strengthens link between
policy priorities and expenditure
- Budget decisions informed by
- Priorities
- Evaluation of service delivery achievements
- Credible spending plans
- Annual reports on outputs and targets inform
budget decisions - Medium-term outlook allows greater policy and
planning certainty
Child support grant extended to poor children
under 14 phased in over the 2003 MTEF period.
Priority is to reduce poverty and vulnerability
57Political oversight of the budget process
- Executive responsible for early policy
prioritisation and trade-offs - MTEF budget process ensures political oversight
- Manage the tension between competing policy
priorities and budget realities
Trade-off between extending child support grant
to children up to 14 years or increase spending
on school books, or can both be accommodated
within approved fiscal framework
58Budgeting for service delivery
- MTEF deepens medium to long-term certainty
- Budget certainty supports policy for the
phasing-in of CSG - Allows for medium-term reprioritisation
- Legislative reforms provide manager with greater
flexibility accountability for use of resources - Budget documents contain service delivery
commitments - Measurable objectives and output targets included
in national and provincial budgets
Goal is to ensure that Thandi receives the Child
Support Grant, possily till the age of 14 years
59MTEF budget process
Medium term policy review
Departmental and agency
planning budgeting
Jan 04
Cabinet lekgotla
prepare budget
Cabinet lekgotla
Consider new
Revise framework,
fiscal policy and
MTEC hearings
Prepare budget
Cabinet approves
new MTEF
Jan 05
National Budget and provincial
budgets tabled
60Medium Term Expenditure Framework
- Based on four principles
- Fiscal policy and the budget framework
- Policy priorities and public expenditure
- Political oversight of the budget process
- Budgeting for service delivery
61Budget Process Stages
- Four periods / stages
- Period One 1 March to 31 May
- (Preparation and Reprioritisation)
- Period Two 1 June to 31 August
- (Division of Revenue)
- Period Three 1 Sept to 30 November
- (Allocation of Resources)
- Period Four 1 Dec to 31 March
- (Finalisation of Documentation)
62Key Role Players
- Parliament / Provincial Legislatures
- Cabinet / Provincial Exco
- MinComBud
- Treasury Committee
- Extended Cabinet
- Budget Council
- Budget Forum
- Spending Agencies
63Important Intergovernmental Fora
- Sector Specific CFOs Fora (Quarterly)
- 10 x 10s
- 4 x 4s
- Joint MinMecs
- TCF (Six times a year)
- Budget Council (Quarterly)
- Budget Council Lekgotla (Annually)
- Budget Forum
- Technical PCC
64Major Budget Events
- Bi-laterals with departments (April to May)
- 10 X 10 (June)
- 4 X 4s (July)
- Cabinet Lekgotla (July)
- Provincial Visits (End July)
- Budget Council Lekgotla (End August)
- National and Provincial MTEC (September)
- Division of Revenue Workshop/Peer Reviews
- Joint Minmecs (October)
- Extended Cabinet (20 October)
- MTBPS (27 October)
- Budget Day (23 Feb 2005)
- Provincial Budgets (within two weeks)
65Budget documentation
- Budget legislation
- Division of Revenue Bill
- Appropriation Bill
- Revenue laws
- Budget documentation
- Budget Speech
- Budget Review
- Estimates of National Expenditure
- Estimates of National Revenue
- Provinces have own budget documents
- Intergovernmental Fiscal Review (post-budget)
- Adjustments Appropriation Bill (post-budget)
- MT budget policy statement (pre-budget)
66Departmental budget documents
- Portfolio committees can use budget docs to
improve oversight over depts - Strategic and performance plans and ENE
- Outputs and measurable objectives and targets
- In-year quarterly and end-financial year
performance targets - Annual report requires reporting against these
measurable objectives - Many depts provide poor performance info
- Section 32 PFMA monthly and quarterly reports
allow for in-year monitoring
67Budget process challenges
- Deepen political oversight
- Focus on credibility of second and third year of
MTEF - Information overload (SPP, BS, IYM, OPR, AR) and
alignment of all tables in documentation - Unresolved policy issues
- Poor programme costing
- Unfunded policy mandates
- Long budget cycle
- Weak interdepartmental coordination
- Inadequate policy analysis
- Quarterly Performance Information
- Alignment between Planning Cycle, Budget Cycle
and Project Cycle
68Provincial Strategic and Performance PlansA
five year perspective
69Planning, Budget andReporing Cycle
70Planning, budgeting and reporting cycle for
71(No Transcript)
72Legal Framework
- Treasury Regulations (TR) date 25 May 2002
- R 5.1 Annual preparation of strategic plans
- 5.1.1 Each year, the accounting officer of an
institution must prepare a strategic plan for the
forthcoming MTEF period for approval by the
relevant executive authority. - TR 5.2 Submission and contents of strategic
plans - 5.2.1 In order to facilitate the discussion of
individual votes, the approved strategic plan
must be tabled in Parliament or the relevant
legislature at least 7 days prior to the
discussion of the departments budget vote.
73Legal Framework
- TR 5.2.2 The strategic plan must
- TR 5.2.1 The strategic plan must form the basis
for the annual reports of accounting officers as
required by sections 40(1)(d) and (e) of the Act - TR 5.3 Evaluation of performance Section 27(4)
read with 36(5) of the PFMA - 5.3.1 The accounting officer of an institution
must establish procedures for quarterly reporting
to the executive authority to facilitate
effective performance monitoring, evaluation and
corrective action. - Public Service Regulations
- Treasury regulations require strategic plans to
comply with Chapter 1, Part III B of the Public
Service Regulations, 1999, and also include
information on the Service Delivery Improvement
74Strategic Planning as a foundation
- MTEF strengthens link between policy priorities,
planning, budgeting, implementation and reporting - Departmental strategic planning aligned with
medium-term policy priorities - Budget submissions based on strategic and
performance plan and policy priorities - Budgets evaluated by Treasury on basis of
Governments priorities and expected outputs - Five year perspective to SPP linked to electoral
cycle and alignment of Infrastructure Planning
through infrastruture delivey toolkit
75(No Transcript)
76(No Transcript)
77(No Transcript)
78Proposed Generic Format 2005
- Part A Strategic Overview of the Dept and Sector
- Vision, mission, values, broad policy priorities,
goals and objectives. Focus mainly on service
delivery - Part B Detailed planning information per
programme and sub programme - Measurable Objectives, Performance Measures
- Performance targets, Budget information
- (reconciliation of budget vs plan)
- Part C Background information
- Analysis of service delivery environ,
organisational and institutional environ,
Analysis of challenges
79Annual Process
- First draft SPP Provincial Budget Statement to
be submitted by 31 August - take account of 2004/05 actual outcome contained
in AFS and and 1st quarter actual expenditure for
2005/06 Section 32 - January and July lekgotla
- Budget requests beyond baseline
- MTBPS - October
- Second draft SPP Provincial Budget Statement to
be submitted by 02 December - take account of 2nd quarter actual expenditure
for 2005/06 Section 32 and final tabled Annual
Reports (previous years actual performance) - Provinces table Budget Statements two weeks after
National Budget 15 February 2006 - SPP must be tabled in Parliament or the relevant
legislature at least 7 days prior to the
discussion of the departments budget vote - Final allocations available plus 3rd quarterly
actual expenditure 2005/06 - 2005 IGFR
80Progress to date
- All 116 provincial departments have implemented
SPP from the 2002 Budget - Measurable objectives
- Performance Measures
- Performance targets (Quarterly)
- The alignment of SPP and Budget is done through
the Budget and Programme Structure - What appears on the face of budget documentation
should reflect the services a department renders
to the community in terms of its legal mandate,
and not the organisation structure of the
81Progress to date
- Uniform Budget and Programme structures for eight
provincial sectors - Education Health Social Development
Agriculture Housing Local Government Public
Works, Roads and Transport and Sport, Arts and
Culture - Customised and Generic Strategic and Performance
Plans for seven provincial sectors - Target for the 2005 Budget
- Provincial Legislatures, Environmental Affairs
and - Provincial Treasuries
- Uniform Budget and Programme Structures
- Customised strategic and performance plans
- Generic organisational model
82In-year Management, Monitoring and Reporting(IYM
or Section 32 of PFMA)
83(No Transcript)
84 85- Screen Shots Section 32 Publication
86- Screen Shots Press Release
87 88Quarterly Performance ReportingThe link between
the strategic plans and the annual reports and
the complement to the monthly financial statements
89Link between plans, budgets and reports
These are in place!
These are in place!
These are in place!
These are in place!
Are these in place?
These are in place!
These are in place!
These are next
90Place of QPRs in Reporting Cycle
- State of the Nation Address
- Provide in-year information on performance
against measurable objectives and performance
targets - Complement the monthly financial reports by
providing a service delivery perspective on
performance - Integral to monitoring, reporting and evaluating
the AOs performance against their performance
agreement/contract to implement the departments
operational plan - Feed into the departmental performance section
of the annual report
91Reforms introduced for the 2004 Budget
- Migration to BAS
- Single source of truth for users of data (Reserve
Bank, NT and others) - Exceptions NW and two national departments
- Standard Chart of Accounts (SCOA)
- New Economic Reporting Format
- Consolidation of Financial Statements (after AR
for 2003/04)
92Budgets vs Annual Report
- Budget is essentially a policy approval process
- Pre-financial year document
- Sets out policy priorities trade-offs for
coming 3 yrs - Sets performance targets for each of the 3 years
- Annual Reports are BACKWARD-LOOKING
- Not a policy approval process, but a performance
report for financial year just ended - Post-financial year document
- 2005 Annual Reports tabled by 30 Sept 2005 report
on 2004/05 financial year - 1 April 2004 to 31 March 2005
- Compare to 2004 Budget (NOT 2005 Budget)
- Note
- all 2005 provincial Budget Statements and
Strategic and Performance Plans (SPP) - 2005 provincial Budget Statements are available
on NT Website and - 2004/05 Annual Reports to follow soon.
- www.treasury.gov.za
- Contact Details
- Jan Hattingh
- Chief Director Provincial Budget Analysis
- Intergovernmental Relations
- National Treasury
- Tel No. (012) 315-5009
- E-mail jan.hattingh_at_treasury.gov.za