Title: Teamwork
1Teamwork requires a team of more than one
2Teamwork is a partnering of talents
3(No Transcript)
4Good partnering is important
5The first step towards a good partnership
A heart that is partnered to God
6Is your heart surrendered to God?
7What does Jesus look for in a partner?
8Someone with talent?
Someone who is willing to obey?
9What Jesus wants is your life surrendered to His
10Faithful Obedience is what lets His power do its
work through the person
11When you are in need, would it be better for a
talented person to show up? Or a person who is
submitted to and sent by Jesus?
12What comes first ability or obedience?
13We do not have the right to mandate our service
to God!
14A Good servant says I am here Lord, What would
you like me to do?
15Yes Lord Jesus