Title: Criminal Backgrounds: Hiring with a record
1Criminal BackgroundsHiring with a record
- Presented byJeremy Pollard
- PT Research, Inc.
- Manchester NH
- 30 October 2009
2Derogatory Information
- Any information relating to a persons past, that
could be used in making an adverse hiring
decision. - Criminal records
- Application/resume discrepancies- What can you
verify? - Drug test results Positive/Diluted
3Two applicants...
4Policy, Policy, Policy!
- Establish that
- A background check will be performed
- Applicants who refuse check will not be
considered - Results may constitute adverse action
- Include
- Positions covered
- Types of searches to be performed
- Qualification criteria defined by specific
offense types and offense dates
5Adjudication Matrix
- Detailed list of derogatory information that will
disqualify an applicant - Outline time frame in which a conviction is a
barrier to employment - Ensures 100 consistency from one hire to the
next - Detail eliminates gray area for lesser crimes
6Adjudication Matrix (contd)
- Incorporate state requirements and client
contract criteria - Sample languageAny felony conviction from
within the previous seven years.Any conviction
for a crime of violence, crime against a
person, or crimes involving dishonesty. - Massachusetts long-term care ABC list
7Massachusetts ABC List
8State Restrictions
- New Hampshire Strict enforcement of federal Fair
Credit Reporting Act guidelines (applies to
Consumer Reporting Agencies) - New York Corrections Law Model law requiring
visually conspicuous posting of Article 23-A,
which states that it is discriminatory to deny
employment based solely upon a criminal
conviction - Massachusetts CORI reform limits access to
criminal record information
b/359-b-mrg.htm http//www.labor.state.ny.us/agenc
yinfo/article23a.shtm http//www.mass.gov/legis/la
9Inconsistency Discrimination
- Maintain 100 consistency in basing hiring
decisions on - Nature of conviction
- Number of years since conviction/release from
disposition - Level of risk the applicant may pose
- Job responsibilities
- Acceptable vs. unacceptable application
10Analysis of risk
- Precedent set by El v. SEPTA (2007) introduces
citation of business necessity when making
adverse hiring decisions - Qualitative Assessment Consider the risk of harm
as it relates to the specific job in question - Quantitative Assessment Consider the likelihood
that the harm will occur
11Adverse Action Procedures
- Using a CRA (Consumer Reporting Agency)
- Quality Control Whose responsibility?
- Proprietary database record searches
- FCRA Requirements for Adverse Action
- Pre-Adverse Notification Letter
- Allow reasonable time to dispute record
- CRA re-investigation (if record is disputed)
- Final Adverse Notification
12Adverse Action Procedures
- Non-FCRA regulated searches
- New Hampshire State Police records
- Out-of-state criminal records
- Quality Control of police records
- Employment and Education discrepancies
- Major vs. Minor discrepancies
- False information statement
13Conditional offers and post-employment background
- New Hampshire RSA 1512-d
- Post-employment screening not allowed
- Physical security considerations
- Risk to clients, employees
- Taking adverse action against a dangerous
employee - Ongoing monitoring, employee investigations, and
gossip mills