Title: WIEGO: Organization
1WIEGO Organization Representation Program
General Assembly 21-23 April, 2006, Durban
2The Problem
- Working poor women in the informal economy have
- the greatest NEED but the least POWER to
influence - policy and actions that affect their lives.
- The majority are UNORGANIZED or weakly organized.
- To give them power and voice they need STRONG
- ORGANIZATIONS locally, nationally and
3Program Goals
- To identify existing organizations and alliances
of informal workers and document their
strategies - To help network and link existing organizations
of informal workers - To provide capacity building support- including
networking, workers education, policy and legal
analysis - to organizations of informal workers.
4Key Past Achievements
- Research - advocacy - networking - technical
support - Homeworkers. With UNIFEM and SEWA, helped extend
organization and networks in South SE Asia
(Homenets) to promote ILO Homework Convention
177 and influence policy makers. Kathmandu
Declaration in 2000 a milestone. - Street market vendors. Helped facilitate the
formation of NASVI (India-1998) and StreetNet
International (2000) by providing research,
assisting with funding opportunities.
5Key Past Achievements.
- International Recognition of Informal Workers.
- IL0 2002 resolution on Decent Work the
- Informal Economy. Identified organizations, ran
preparatory workshops, prepared background
documents, convened strategic coalition to
participate in discussions - Support for formation of the ICC
- First international conference on organizing in
the informal economy (2003) and follow up work
6Addressing Challenges Key Projects
- Data Base of Organizations
- To assist organizations, researchers, educators.
Over 400 entries with organization profiles, and
information on organizing strategies - International Network of Wastepickers
- Support for member based organizations of
wastepickers to build an international network-
including helping to organize an international
7Key Projects..
- Legal Research Project
- Monitors documents developments relating to
labour law and informal workers. Planning a major
research project with a focus on labour law own
account workers. - Worker Education
- Support for IFWEA lead organization-to develop
education materials on and for informal workers.
Build a collection of education materials. - Domestic worker and other networking
- Collecting information facilitating contact
8Labour Law Informal Workers
Project 2 Own Account workers Labour Law
Project 3 Labour Law Needs of IE workers
Project 1 Observatory of Labour Law I E Trends
Document disseminate information Participate ILC
Regional research Case Studies, Asia, Latin
Collect, document, disseminate Participate in
worker events
International Workshop Platform of demands
model laws