Title: Ocean Infrasound
1Ocean Infrasound
M. Garces (for UH, UM, NRL, BBN) University of
Hawaii, Manoa
Second NSF Infrasound Workshop, June 8, 2005
2Preliminary Partitioning of Ocean Infrasound
Wind Advection
Swell Size
Quake-induced vibrations
3Surf Infrasound BBN-UH Collaboration
Makalawena Beach, Hawaii Rocky coastline, small
Polihale Beach, Kawaii Shorebreak, huge surf
4Surf Infrasound BBN-UH Collaboration
Makalawena Beach, Hawaii Surf interaction with
rocky shoreline produces infrasound, closest
source dominates
Polihale Beach, Kawaii Barrels produce infrasound!
5(No Transcript)
6Surf Infrasound Polihale data set
7Surf Infrasound Concluding Remarks
- Infrasound is generated by waves breaking
against rocky shorelines and cliffs water-solid
interactions - Infrasound is also produced by a barreling wave,
or by fluid-fluid interactions (water-gas,
water-water) - Infrasonic amplitude is correlated with ocean
wave height and possibly wave type - Frequency content much higher than initially
thought - Need source models!
8Microbaroms Horizontal radiationMicroseisms
Vertical radiation
Swell Size
9Ocean waves are driven by surface winds
10Microbarom, 10-20 km wind (blue) and 50-70 km
wind (red) azimuths, all of 2003
11Locations vs predictions February 21-22, 2003
030221, 12UT
030222, 00UT
030222, 12UT
12Jan 4-5 microbarom source at 0.135 Hz
13Microbaroms Concluding Remarks
- Microbaroms are generated wherever wave trains
with opposite propagation directions interact.
The strongest microbaroms may be generated in the
wake regions of marine storms, where the
amplitude of the opposing wave trains is
greatest. In the two case studies, every
propagating surface low exhibits a modeled wake
region peak in source pressure. In the second
case study observations from a network of
infrasound stations show coherent microbaroms
emanating from the wake regions of midlatitude
cyclones. - Microbaroms at I59US show an annual cycle
associated with storm activity in the Pacific
Basin. The majority of winter arrivals come from
west and northwest directions, while summer
arrivals come primarily from east and south
azimuths. Arrivals during the shoulder seasons
are move evenly distributed around the compass. - Infrasound stations receive coherent arrivals
from the strongest and closest source, therefore
weaker signals will be masked, including those
generated in wake of distant or weaker storms. - New source model developed by UM. Possible
application to passive acoustic tomography of the
14Sumatra Earthquakes 12/26/04 and 03/28/05
15Sumatra Tsunamis 12/26/04 and 03/28/05
12/26/04 Tsunami
1612/26 Diego Garcia, LF
Well defined azimuth sweep at low frequencies.
Palau under weather.
1712/26 Diego and Palau, HF
1803/28, Diego Garcia and Palau, LF
Small Tsunami! Very different at IS52
19Sumatra Concluding Remarks
- Submarine earthquakes can produce infrasound.
The sound may be radiated by the vibration of the
ocean surface or the vibration of land masses
near the epicenter. - The vibration of islands may produce infrasound.
- Infrasound stations can also serve as seismic
and t-phase stations for large events. - Small and large tsunamis may produce infrasound.
The source process is not understood. - There is a substantial difference between the
information contained in the lower and upper
frequency bands of the infrasound range. - May be possible to use microbarom model.
20The End