Title: Blank Jeopardy
1Audio File
I heard that
Amped up
A whole lotta shakin goin on
Good vibrations
1 pt
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3 pt
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5 pt
2Its the frequency of a sound wave. A sound wave
has this form.
1 PT
4Mechanical waves such as sound waves travel
fastest through this
5Solids (the particles are closest together).
2 PT
6A sound wave is this type and form of wave.
7Mechanical and longitudinal (or compressional)
3 PT
8Its another name for the energy of a wave
related to the amplitude
4 PT
10Its the spread-apart portion of a sound wave
5 PT
12Loudness is measured in these units
13Decibels (dB)
1 PT
14This wave phenomenon is caused by a shift in
frequency due to the motion of the source of a
wave relative to the observer.
15The Doppler Effect
2 PT
16Its the direction a galaxy is moving when the
galaxy is perceived to be red shifted.
17Away from the observer
3 PT
18Ships use this technology with sound waves to
locate submarines under water.
4 PT
20The character of this determines the speed of any
21The medium through which the wave travels
5 PT
22The unit for frequency (and pitch)
23Hertz (Hz)
1 PT
24Its the type of wave shown below
2 PT
26Its the speed of a sound wave that has a
frequency of 33.3 Hz and a wavelength of 10 m.
27333 m/s
3 PT
28Its the type of relationship that exists between
frequency and wavelength
29Inverse relationship
4 PT
30The number of nodes, antinodes and wavelengths
shown below
314 nodes, 3 antinodes and 1 ½ wavelengths
5 PT
32This body seismic wave arrives second at a
seismic station and cannot travel through liquids.
1 PT
34A spreading zone develops at this type of plate
boundary, sometimes forming a mid-oceanic ridge
35A divergent plate boundary
2 PT
36This type of crust is more dense and thinner than
the other.
37Oceanic crust
3 PT
38The proposed mechanism for the movement of the
lithospheric plates
39Convection in the mantle
4 PT
40The two reasons that the interior of the Earth is
41Heat from Earths formation (gravitational
contraction and extraterrestrial impacts) and
decay of radioactive nuclides
5 PT
42Its the normal audible range of hearing for
4320 20,000 Hz
1 PT
44Its the two terms used to describe frequencies
above and below our normal range of hearing
45Infrasound (below)and Ultrasound (above)
2 PT
46These types of waves travel slowest through
solids and fastest through a vacuum
47Non-mechanical waves (light waves or
electromagnetic waves)
3 PT
48This wave phenomenon develops when the vibrations
of one object match the natural frequency of
another object, causing it to increase in
4 PT
50This wave phenomenon occurs when two identical
waves constructively and destructively interfere
to form nodes and antinodes.
51Standing waves
5 PT