Title: Chapter 17 Mechanical Waves
1Chapter 17Mechanical Waves Sound
217.1 Mechanical Waves
3What types of waves can you identify in a wave
pool _at_ at amusement park?
- In a wave pool, energy is being carried across
the pool in the form of waves. - The sounds of laughter and talking in the pool
are also being carried by waves.
4Mechanical Waves
- Mechanical wave- a disturbance in matter that
carries energy from one place to another - You can see the effects of a waves energy in the
wave pool when it lifts people in the water. - Mechanical waves require matter to travel
- Medium- material through which a wave travels
- solids, liquids, and gases can all act as
mediums - Waves travel through a rope when you shake one
end of it. Rope medium
6How are mechanical waves created?
- Vibration- a repeating back-and-forth motion
- A mechanical wave is created when a source of
energy causes a vibration to travel through a
73 Types of Mechanical Waves
- There are three (3) main types of mechanical
waves - Transverse
- Longitudinal
- Surface
8Transverse Waves
- Transverse wave- wave that causes the medium to
vibrate at right angles to the direction in which
the wave travels - These waves carry energy from left to right in a
direction perpendicular to the up and down motion
of the medium - Example shaking one end of a rope up and down
9Parts of a Transverse Wave
- Crest- the highest point of the wave above the
rest position - Trough- the lowest below the rest position
10Parts of a Transverse Wave
- Identify points B, D, F, H as either crests or
- How does the direction of a transverse wave
compare with the direction of the medium? - Answer They are opposite/perpendicular!
12Longitudinal Waves
- Longitudinal wave- wave in which the vibration of
the medium is parallel to the direction the wave
travels - Example Sound
- Wave in spring moving BACK and FORTH (not up and
down) - P-Waves - longitudinal waves produced by
13Parts of a Longitudinal Wave
- Compression- the area where the particles in a
medium are spaced close together - Rarefaction- the area where the particles in a
medium are spread out
14Parts of a Longitudinal Wave
- Label at least one compression and one
rarefaction on the longitudinal wave below
- How does the direction of a longitudinal wave
compare with the direction of the medium? - Answer They are the same/parallel!
16Surface Waves
- Surface wave- wave that travels along a surface
separating two media - Example- ocean waves
- They occur at the surface between water and air
- A bobber floating in the waves will travel in a
circle because the motion from these surface
waves is both up-and-down and back-and-forth like
in the transverse and longitudinal waves - Most waves do not move matter from one place to
17Most waves do not move matter from one place to
- When the waves approach the shore they behave
differently - What causes a wave to break?
- As a wave enters shallow water the bottom of the
wave has too much friction acting on it from the
seafloor, while the top of the wave continues at
its original speed - As a result, the wave carries the medium and
anything in it toward the shore
18(No Transcript)
1917.2 Properties of Mechanical Waves
- Question How do surfers know when the next wave
is coming? - Answer They can count the time between crests,
and the next crest will usually follow this
pattern. - They can do this because waves follow periodic
21Periodic Motion
- Periodic motion- any motion that repeats at
regular time intervals - Many things display periodic motion
22The surfers were timing the PERIOD
- Period- time required for one cycle, a complete
motion that returns to its starting point - For an ocean wave, the period is the time between
2 successive crests
- To find how many crests pass in a given time, you
need to know the frequency - Frequency- number of complete cycles in a given
time - The frequency of a wave is how many wave cycles
pass a point in a given time - Frequency is measured in cycles per second, or
hertz (Hz) - A waves frequency equals the frequency of the
vibrating source producing the wave
24Period Frequency
- Wavelength- distance between a point on one wave
and the same point on the next cycle of the
waves. - For a transverse wave, the wavelength is measured
between adjacent crests or between adjacent
troughs - For longitudinal waves, the wavelength is the
distance between the center of a compression to
the center of the next compression
26How to measure wavelength
27Wavelength Frequency
- Question When wavelengths are shorter, the
crests are closer together, is the frequency
higher or lower? - Answer HIGHER!
- Increasing the frequency of a wave decreases its
28Which has the highest frequency? _______Which
has the lowest frequency? _______ Which has the
shortest wavelength? _______ Which has the
longest wavelength? _______
29Wave Speed
- To determine how fast a wave is traveling,
remember how we find speed distance/time - In waves, distance is like wavelength, and time
is period. - So we can solve for the speed of a wave using the
following formula - Speed WAVELENGTH x FREQUENCY
30Solving for Wave Speed
- The units for wave speed are the same as the
units for speed we covered earlier - meters per second (m/s)
- If we keep speed constant, wavelength is
inversely proportional to frequency - What does this mean if you have 2 waves with
different frequencies? - The wave with the lower frequency has a longer
wavelength - Refer to Math Skills on page 506 for practice
- Consider the difference in the waves you would
see if you dropped a pebble into the water
compared to a cannonball. - Which waves would be higher?
- The cannonball
32Amplitude Energy
- Amplitude- the maximum displacement of the medium
from its rest position - Considered the height of the wave
- The more energy a wave has, the greater its
3317.3 Behavior of Waves
- What do you think of when you hear the word
Nowrelate that thought to waves!!!
34Wave Reflection
- Reflection- occurs when a wave bounces off a
surface that it cannot pass through, ex echo - The reflection of a wave is like the reflection
of a ball thrown at a wall. The ball cannot go
through the wall so it bounces back. - If you send a transverse wave down a rope
attached to a wall, the wave reflects when it
hits the wall
35Wave Reflection
36Wave Reflection
- Reflection does not change the speed or frequency
of a wave, but the wave can be flipped upside
down. - If the reflection occurs at a fixed boundary
(wall), then the reflected wave will be
upside-down compared to the original wave (see
picture on previous slide)
37Wave Refraction
- Refraction- the bending of a wave as it enters a
new medium at an angle - As an ocean wave approaches the shore at an
angle, the wave bends, or refracts toward shore
because one side of each wave front hits before
the other side does as it gets into shallow
water. - Refraction of the wave occurs only when the two
sides of a wave travel at different speeds.
38Wave Refraction
- When a wave enters a medium at an angle,
refraction occurs because one side of the wave
moves more slowly than the other side.
39Wave Diffraction
- Diffraction- the bending of a wave as it moves
around an obstacle or passes through a narrow
opening. - The pattern is very similar to the circular
ripples you see when a pebble is tossed into a
pond. - A wave diffracts more if its wavelength is large
compared to the size of an opening or obstacle
40Examples of Wave Diffraction
A wave diffracts more if its wavelength is large
compared to the size of an opening or obstacle
41Wave Diffraction
- The pattern is very similar to the circular
ripples you see when a pebble is tossed into a
- Interference occurs when two or more waves
overlap and combine together - There are two types of interference
- constructive interference
- destructive interference
43Interference (2 Types)
44Constructive Interference
- Constructive interference- occurs when two or
more waves combine to produce a wave with a
larger displacement (taller), ex crest meets
45Destructive Interference
- Destructive interference- occurs when two or more
waves combine to produce a wave with a smaller
displacement, ex crest meets trough
46Standing Waves
- Standing waves- wave that appears to stay in one
place it does not seem to move through the
medium - Interference from reflected wave
- You can observe one if you pluck a guitar
- Only certain points are stationary- called
4717.4 Sound Hearing
48Sound Waves
- QUESTION What type of waves are sound waves?
- Hint compressions and rarefactions travel
through a medium in sound waves - ANSWER Longitudinal Waves
49Sound Waves
Here's what sound waves look like. The caption
reads, "A visible pattern of sound waves. This
new technique of studying sound demonstrates the
focusing effect of an acoustical lens on sound
waves issuing from the horn at extreme left.
50Properties of Sound
- Some properties of sound
- Speed
- Intensity
- Loudness
- Frequency
- Pitch
51Speed of a Wave
- It takes time for sound to travel
- travels at 342 m/s
52Speed of Sound Varies
- Refer to Figure 14 on page 514 for the speeds of
sound in different media! - Generally, sound waves travel fastest in solids,
slower in liquids, and slowest in gases - This is partly due to the spacing of the
particles in each phase
- Intensity- rate at which a waves energy flows
through a given area - Sound intensity depends on both waves amplitude
and the distance from the sound source - Measured in decibel (dB)
- See Figure 15 Sound Intensity Level
- Whisper 15-20 dB
- Rock Concert 110-120 dB
- Jet Plane (taking off) 120-160 dB
54- Intensity depends on waves amplitude (energy)
and distance from the sound source - If someone whispers in your ear, the sound
intensity may be greater than when someone shouts
at you from the other end of a field
- Loudness- physical response to the intensity of
sound, modified by physical factors - Subjective, open to interpretation
- As intensity increases, loudness increases,
however - Loudness also depends on factors such as the
health of your ears and how your brain interprets
the information in sound waves!
56Frequency of a Sound Wave
- Vibration becomes faster as sound frequency
becomes higher - The frequency of a sound wave depends on how fast
the source of the sound is vibrating - In musical instruments, the size of the tubing
through which air moves produces different
frequencies - Longer tubing longer wavelength lower
57Pitch of a Sound Wave
- frequency of a sound as you perceive it
- High-frequency sounds have a high pitch
- Low-frequency sounds have a low pitch
- BUT pitch, like loudness, depends on other
factors such as your age and health of your ears!
- Most people hear sounds between 20 Hz and 20,000
Hz. - Infrasound sound at frequencies lower than most
people hear - Ultrasound sound at frequencies higher than most
people hear - Ultrasound is used in a variety of applications,
sonar ultrasound imaging
- Sonar a technique for determining the distance
to an object under water - Stands for SOund NAvigation and Ranging
- Distance calculated by using the speed of sound
in water and the time that the sound wave takes
to reach and object and the echo takes to return
61Doppler Effect
- Doppler Effect - a change in sound frequency
caused by motion of the sound source, motion of
the listener, or both - As a source of sound approaches, an observer
hears a higher frequency - When the sound source moves away, the observer
hears a lower frequency - This is due to the sound waves being close
together and spread out
62Doppler Effect
63Hearing the Ear
- You are able to pick up slight vibrations in the
air from sound because your ear has a membrane
that vibrates when a sound wave strikes it. - The outer ear gathers, and focuses sound into the
middle ear like a funnel - The middle ear receives and amplifies the
vibrations - The inner ear uses nerve endings to sense
vibrations and send signals to the brain to
64Hearing the Ear
65Recording Sound
- Sound is recorded by converting sound waves into
electronic signals that can be processed and
stored - Sound is reproduced by converting electronic
signals back into sound waves - Larger-diameter speakers are better at
reproducing lower frequencies of sound (like a
bass drum) - Smaller-diameter speakers are better for
reproducing higher frequencies of sound (like a
small bongo drum)
- Most instruments vary pitch by changing the
frequency of standing waves - Resonance- the response of a standing wave to
another wave of the same frequency - Think of a child being pushed on a swingif the
pushes are timed at the right frequency, the
child can swing higher and higher. - In the same way, one wave can push another wave
to a higher amplitude