Title: Action Team Kickoff
1Action Team Kickoff
- A Department of Labor WIRED Initiative (Workforce
Innovation in Regional Economic Development)
2What are the MNREM Action Teams?
- A grassroots effort/network from throughout the
region to - Assist and inform MNREM Board of opportunities
and gaps - Identify and grow leadership
- Raise awareness of MNREM organization and efforts
- Three Action Teams to support MNREMs three
primary goals
3Talent Development
- Develop collaborative initiatives to cultivate
and grow the regions talent pool to support the
emerging renewable energy/agri-bioscience
industry and supporting industry sectors
4Regional Leadership and Identity
- Build a regional leadership network to promote
and support the emerging industries that are the
future of the region, and build a long-term
funding strategy to sustain innovation and
workforce competitiveness
5Entrepreneurship/Innovation/Business Growth
- Build and promote entrepreneurship and innovation
in the targeted industries as a foundation of our
regional economy
6Potential roles of Action Teams
- Build a network across the region for
communication and sharing of projects, ideas, and
success - Serve as experts on particular issues
- Respond to questions and ideas from Board and
staff - Take on specialized projects or research for the
7Potential roles of Action Teams (continued)
- Propose areas of focus to the Board for future
RFP rounds - Provide input on process improvement
- For example, suggestions on how to improve RFP
process - Help engage partners, especially industry
partners - What else?
8Entrepreneurship/Innovation/Business Growth
Action Team
- Focus on opportunities to support
- Business leaders
- Entrepreneurs
- Innovators
- Scientists and Researchers
- Through the identification of support, training,
collaboration and partnering of and with the
business community
9Entrepreneurship/Innovation/Business Growth
Action Team (continued)
- Provide input on current training and design of
new approaches to help individuals and businesses
define needs - Build and share success models to achieve growth,
and improve access to capital and resources that
take businesses to the next level and grow
10How can this Action Team provide value to your
organization and throughout the region?
11Talent Development Action Team
- Focus on how to build the best future talent for
the region through providing qualitative input
into the identification of - Current skill gaps
- Future needs of business and industry
- Gaps in training and education
- Input will be critical to supplementing the
quantitative data that is collected through the
asset-mapping process
12How can this Action Team provide value to your
organization and throughout the region?
13Regional Leadership and Identity Action Team
- Focus on stages of building the identity of the
Renewable Energy Marketplace to - Support Board, members, and business
- Influence policy and educate policy makers,
promote attributes of the region and build a
broad network to support efforts - Assist in the development of a comprehensive
marketing plan for the organization and region
14How can this Action Team provide value to your
organization and throughout the region?
15First Action Items
- Identify Team Chair
- Suggest possible focus areas for next round of
RFPs - By mid-March
- Determine communication methods
- Website?
- ITV?
- Other?
16Thank you for your time!