Title: Continuity of Operations Plan COOP Kickoff Meeting
1Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) Kickoff
May 2007
- Contact Information
- COOP Overview
- COOP Contents
- COOP Development Process
- Discussion
3Contact Information
- Stephen Rea
- Office of Emergency Services
- Emergency Services Coordinator
- 858-715-2204
Irina Obenauer URS Project Manager 619-243-2952
4COOP Overview
- A Continuity of Operations (COOP) Plan serves as
a supplemental tool to the Citys Emergency
Operations Plan (EOP). - COOP is designed to ensure that the City and its
departments are able to continue performing
essential functions and to facilitate an orderly
recovery following a disaster.
5COOP Overview
6COOP Overview
- A COOP activating event is
- An emergency that incapacitates the normal
functioning of the Citys department(s) for more
than a limited amount of time - Damage to the building
- High rate of employee absenteeism
- COOPs are all-hazard and can be activated due
to - A Natural Disaster, or
- An Act of Terrorism, or
- An Accident
7COOP Overview
COOP Program Goals
- Capable of being implemented with or without
warning - Operational within a minimal period (12 hours) of
disruption for essential functions - Capable of maintaining sustained operations for
up to 30 days (longer during a pandemic)
- During a pandemic, sustain operations with staff
reduction of up to 30 percent for up to18 months - Continuous testing, training, and exercising of
personnel, equipment, systems, processes, and
procedures - Incorporate lessons learned
8COOP Overview
- COOP Implementation Phases
9COOP Elements
- Essential Functions
- Delegation of Authority
- Orders of Succession
- Alternate Facilities
- Vital Records, Databases Systems
- Interoperable Communications
- Contingency Staff and Responsibilities
- Devolution
- Reconstitution
- Tests, Training and Exercises
10COOP Elements
- Essential Functions
- Most important planning element
- Basis for determining resource requirements
- Staffing
- Vital data/critical systems
- Essential equipment
- Supplies and services
- Facilities
Essential Functions are defined as those
functions, stated or implied, that City
departments are required to perform by statute,
executive order, or City policy AND are necessary
to provide vital services, exercise civil
authority, maintain the safety and well-being of
the general populace, and sustain the
industrial/economic base in an emergency.
11COOP Elements
- Essential Functions
- Critical Essential Functions
- Cannot be interrupted or can be only minimally
interrupted following an incident. - Long-term Essential Functions
- Can be interrupted for the first 30 days
following an incident, but must be resumed
12COOP Elements
- Delegation of Authority
- An official mandate calling on the individual
holding a specific position to assume
responsibilities and authorities not normally
associated with that position when specified
conditions are met. - Orders of Succession
- The order and conditions under which the
responsibilities and authorities of a public
official are passed to another official when the
original holder of the responsibilities and
authorities is unable or unavailable to exercise
13COOP Elements
- Primary Location
- The department center of operations or primary
location where functions occur. - Alternate Location
- Pre-identified building to house essential
functions if Primary Location is unavailable.
14COOP Elements
- Vital Records
- Records or documents which, if damaged or
destroyed, would disrupt agency operations and
information flow, cause considerable
inconvenience and require replacement or
re-creation at considerable expense - Vital Systems and Equipment
- A system or piece of equipment that is essential
to emergency operations and/or to the agencys
continuance of essential functions during a crisis
15COOP Elements
- Interoperable Communications
- Alternate communications that provide the
capability to perform minimum departmental
essential functions, in conjunction with other
agencies, until normal operations can be resumed
16COOP Elements
- Contingency Staff and Responsibilities
- The personnel of the Department designated to
report to the alternate facility/location during
COOP implementation to ensure that the Department
is able to perform its essential functions.
17COOP Elements
- Devolution
- The capability to transfer statutory authority
and responsibility for essential functions from
an agencys primary operating staff and
facilities to other employees and facilities and
to sustain that operational capability for an
extended period. - Reconstitution
- The process by which agency personnel resume
normal agency operations from the original or
replacement primary operating facility.
18COOP Elements
- Tests, Training Exercises
- Testing and exercising COOP capabilities are
essential to demonstrating and improving the
ability of departments to execute their COOPs. - Serve to validate or to identify improvements to
the COOPs policies, procedures, systems, and
locations. - Periodic testing and exercising also help to
ensure that equipment and procedures are
maintained in a constant state of readiness.
19COOP Pandemic Considerations
- Pandemic Workbook
- Focuses on the following topics
- Long Term Essential Functions
- Assessment of telecommuting capabilities
- Projected 30 reduction in staffing levels
- Social distancing techniques
20COOP Development Process
21COOP Template
Created in accordance with federal laws, State
and local law, plans, and administrative guidance.
22COOP Contents
- Section 1 COOP Background Information
- Section 2 COOP Information
- Section 3 Pandemic Workbook
- Section 4 Concept of Operations
- Annex A Plan, Analysis, and Review Checklists
- Annex B Implementation Checklists
- Annex C Alternate Facility/Location
Transportation Info - Annex D Supporting Departmental Documents
- Annex E After Action Reporting
- Annex F COOP Best Practices
- Annex G Definition and Acronyms
- Identify stakeholders and establish a COOP
development team. - Decide on the number of COOPs to develop
(city-wide vs. department-specific). - Identify applicable plans and Standard Operating
Procedures (SOP). - URS will provide worksheets and guidance to
assist the City in the gathering of the
appropriate information. - URS will customize the COOP template for the
Citys needs and will enter information gathered
into the COOP template. - Review draft COOP(s).
- Finalize COOP(s).
24COOP Development Process
- Kickoff Meeting
- Information Gathering/Review Meeting 1
- Information Gathering/Review Meeting 2
- Draft COOP Meeting
- Final COOP Meeting
25COOP Development Process
- Kickoff Meeting Goals
- Introduce key COOP concepts.
- Introduce COOP development process.
- Identify stakeholders and establish a COOP
development team. - Determine the number of COOP plans needed.
- Introduce COOP worksheets to gather information
regarding - Essential Functions
- Orders of Succession
- Alternate Locations
26COOP Development Process
- Information Gathering/Review Meeting 1 Goals
- Review information received and answer questions.
- Introduce COOP worksheets to gather information
regarding - Devolution
- Vital Records and Systems
- Interoperable Communications
27COOP Development Process
- Information Gathering/Review Meeting 2 Goals
- Review information received and answer questions.
- Introduce COOP worksheets to gather information
regarding - Contingency Staff and Responsibilities
- Pandemic Workbook
- Activation/Notification
28COOP Development Process
- Draft COOP Meeting Goals
- Obtain feedback on Draft COOP(s).
- Discuss remaining information required to
complete the COOP(s).
29COOP Development Process
- Final COOP Meeting Goals
- Obtain feedback on Final COOP(s).
- Review and discuss any remaining issues.
- Complete anonymous questionnaire to provide
feedback on COOP process.
- Identify stakeholders and establish a COOP
development team. - Determine number of Departmental COOPs necessary.
- Review information gathering worksheets.