Title: VOMS from a to z
1VOMS from a to z
3(No Transcript)
4Review on LCG-2 (2)
host cert(long life)
crl update
user cert(long life)
proxy cert(short life)
authentication info
5VOMS Workflow
host cert(long life)
crl update
user cert(long life)
proxy cert(short life)
authz cert(short life)
authentication authorization info
6VOMS Proxy example
bash-2.05a edg-voms-proxy-init --voms
EGEE Invalid configuration filename
/opt/edg/etc/vomses Your identity
Koeroo Enter GRID pass phrase for this
identity Creating temporary proxy
Done /CCH/OCERN/OUGRID/CNlxb2023.cern.ch /CCH
......................................... Done
7VOMS Proxy example (2)
- bash-2.05a openssl x509 -in /tmp/x509up_u539
-noout -text - Certificate
- Data
- Version 3 (0x2)
- Serial Number 321 (0x141)
- Signature Algorithm md5WithRSAEncryption
- Issuer Odutchgrid, Ousers, Onikhef,
CNOscar Koeroo - Validity
- Not Before Oct 26 215955 2004 GMT
- Not After Oct 27 100455 2004 GMT
- Subject Odutchgrid, Ousers, Onikhef,
CNOscar Koeroo, CNproxy - Subject Public Key Info
- Public Key Algorithm rsaEncryption
- RSA Public Key (512 bit)
- Modulus (512 bit)
- 00c4aa17c7b5fecf0a99
2e53da73f6 - 1fefd25f30e21823e1fc
ea88cd3fa2 - da34893dc869b5ba881d
1756cec913 - f880d164864fcdc60b12
... X509v3 extensions
0...0...0...0......0X.V0P.N0L1.0...U. ..dutchgrid1
.0...U. ..U.ers1.0 0...U.ef1.0...U....Oscar
Koeroo...A.K0I.G0E1.0...U....CH1 ..........0"..200
41026220454Z..20041027100454Z0s0q. .....Edd.1c0a0
ityNULL./EGEE .............5II0.D._at_
....1...k. T.m.7Nj...i?....gt........Lb .e.....V.
..fD....lL....s.... .f.N..7..F),O("....JT?...
0.6 03
8VOMS Server
VOMS server
9VOMS Admin Web Interface
10Site Security with VOMS aware tools
- Current site security mechanisms on LCG-2
- JAVA edg-java-security
- C grid-mapfile LCAS/LCMAPS
- I only know the LCAS/LCMAPS very well so Ill
continue with this - LCAS/LCMAPS can be used for AuthZ and user
mapping functionality in the edg-gatekeeper and
edg-gridFTP - Currently available as LCG software
- edg-gridFTP with LCAS/LCMAPS call-out has been
tested by LCG
11Example CE workflow
Job with proxy
- Local Centre Authorization Service
- Pluggable authorization framework
- grid-mapfile
- Plug-in for VOMS
- AuthZ policy in GACL format (or grid-mapfile)
- Convenience tool to convert grid-mapfile into
GACL format - edg-lcas-voms2gacl
- Ban list
- Other conditions that can be true or false (like
fabric opening times) - Extendable
- Local Credential MAPping Service
- Pluggable identity mapping framework
- Provides local credentials needed for jobs in
fabric - Mapping based on user identity, VO affiliation,
site-local policy - Supports standard UNIX credentials (uid gid,
AFS Tokens) - Poolaccounts Poolgroups
- Fine grained mapping driven by the local site
policy and VOMS-proxy extensions - LDAP user directory update
- The Job Repository is a plug-in that can store
the user, VO and job information, with regards to
its mapping, into a database - Can be used as accounting information base
14VOMS mapping with LCMAPS
- Support for multiple VOs per user (and thus
multiple UNIX groups) - Boundary conditions
- Has to run in privileged mode
- Has to run in process space of incoming
connection (for fork jobs) - Extendable
- The most essential VOMS plug-ins can do
- Parsing of the proxy certificate for VOMS
attributes - Determining how to map a FQAN to a UNIX group
- Described in the groupmapfile
- Plug-ins can look for localgroups poolgroups
- Determining which (VOMS) poolaccount it should
lease for the (set of) FQANs - Described in vomapfile or extended grid-mapfile
15Example groupmapfile
- This groupmapfile handles four VOs
- Note these lines are not FQANs but look and
feel like them
okoeroo_at_asen okoeroo cat /etc/grid-security/gro
upmapfile Example groupmapfile Users with
the exact VO-group info "/VOfred/GROUPfred/ROLE
husband" will be added to the local group
fredje All users from VO wilma will be added
to the allocated pool group "pool1-9""/VOwilm
a/GROUP" .pool For the ITeam
VO"/VOiteam/GROUP/iteam" iteam For the
wpsix VO"/VOWP6/GROUP/WP6" wpsix
16Example extended grid-mapfile
- This extended grid-mapfile contains information
for the VOMS poolaccounting - This mapping will be determined by the first VOMS
attribute that you have in the VOMS proxy
Templon" templon "/Odutchgrid/Ousers/Onikhef/CN
Martijn Steenbakkers" .test "/Odutchgrid/Ousers
/Onikhef/CNOscar Koeroo" okoeroo "/Oedgtutorial
/Ousers/Oedg-tutorial/CNGrid pupil 20"
davidg "/VOfred/GROUP/fred/"
.test "/VOiteam/GROUP/iteam" .test "/VOwilma/GR
OUP/wilma/pebbles" martijn "/VOwilma/GROUP/wilm
a" .test "/VOwpsix/GROUP/wpsix" .test
17Example job-run
- Job run without VOMS (Exec /usr/bin/id a)
- uid1802(ncf002) gid2022(ncf) groups2022(ncf)
- Job with VOMS (Exec /usr/bin/id a)
- With VOMS attributes scenario A
- /VOfred/GROUPfred/ROLEhusband
- With VOMS attributes scenario B
- /VOwilma/GROUPwilma
- /VOwilma/GROUPwilma/ROLEwife
- Or all at once with /VOwilma/GROUPwilma/ROLEwi
fe as first attribute - VOMS Job Results
- A uid4001(test001) gid4001(fredje)
- B uid4002(test002) gid4101(pool001)
groups4102(pool002) - C uid4003(test003) gid4102(pool002)
- LCG will adopt VOMS in 2005
- VOMS LCAS/LCMAPS will continue as part of gLite
- VOMS Parser in JAVA (before only in C())
- Tomcat5 gLite Trust Manager
- Possible multi DN support
- Dynamic Account Service (DAS)
- Provides an account management interface
- Authorization will be based on VOMS credentials
DN - Assignment of poolaccounts through LCMAPS
interface - Su-exec program with call-outs to LCAS LCMAPS
for Apache web servers (Grid Site) - Use a standard configuration format like XACML
- Support for multiple DN per user
19VOMS Cert Dist problems
- The X.509 certificate needs to be installed in
VOMSDIR on disk for each infrastructural machine
that uses VOMS and this needs to be done per VOMS
server - That are a lot of machines
- To solve a vulnerability since VOMS core daemon
version gt 1.6.8 you can create directories with
the name of the VO in the configured VOMSDIR
directory - Example directory
- /etc/grid-security/vomsdir/atlas/kuiken.nikhef.nl.
pem - Though it seems similar to the CA RPMs
distribution and installation, the amount of VOs
on planet Earth will exceed the amount of CAs
thanks to the IGTF ? - VOMS certificates are normal host certificates
that usually expire each year and need
redistribution to keep the server alive and
kicking - Most SysAdmins didnt know that the base64
encoded part is the only thing that OpenSSL is
concerned about and not the humanly readable
decoded part - cat kuiken.nikhef.nl.pem
- openssl x509 in kuiken.nikhef.nl.pem text
- can have a significantly different result!
20VOMS Cert Dist proposed solution
- Lets embed the VOMS Host Certificate in the proxy
per VOMS blob in each user proxy
- In sequence
- Initiate voms-proxy-init voms EGEE
- VOMS Server signs VOMS ACs (as they do now)
VOMS Server host public cert is embeded into
return BLOB - VOMS ACs (plus host cert) will be embedded into
the proxy - User initiates job execution sends proxy to
Gatekeeper (or the any service) - VOMS API receives proxy and extracts the VOMS
Host Cert from proxy - VOMS API runs the host cert through openssl
verify calls (validate Chain, CRL check, and so
on) - VOMS API checks vomses file and authorizes the
VOMS server - VOMS API extracts FQANs and checks if the VOMS
server is authorized to be issuing these FQANs.
21The vomses file/directory
- The vomses file has lines of the format
- EGEE kuiken.nikhef.nl 15001
f.nl EGEE - The vomses file is located usually on a system at
(LCG uses an edg path) - /opt/glite/etc/vomses
- /.glite/vomses
- But the vomses file can also be a directory
- /opt/glite/etc/vomses/thiswouldbethesamefileasIhad
butnowIhavemultiple - /.glite/vomses/justliketheotherlinessays
22Change request for the vomses directory to be
- The simple request to change the vomses directory
into - /opt/edgglite/etc/vomses.d/
- Where all the individual VO lines are described
23VO Naming practice and suggested development
- VO Name Information
- New Global VO Naming convention
- The solution
- What we did for GGF AuthZ workgroup
- The accepted VO Naming statement
- The document highlights
25VO Name Information (1)
- Allowed VO (and group/role name) characters
- a-zA-Z0-9-_\.
- In English
- VO names can start with a number
- VO Names are alphanumeric and can also contain
the characters minus/dash/hyphen, underscore and
dot - The FQAN format is defacto standardized to the
following format - Group(s) part
- /ltVO Namegt /ltgroup 1gt/ltsubgroup Ngt
- Where ltVO Namegt equals the root group which
equals the VO Name - Role part
- /Roleltyour rolegt
- Capability part (deprecated but still available)
- /Capabilityltyour capabilitygt
- An FQAN is a concatenation of the Group(s), Role
and Capability part
26VO Name Information (2)
- VO names should not have a limited length
(including the group and role names) - Examples
- /United-Federation-Of-Planets_Starship.Enterprise.
NGC1701/RoleNULL/CapabilityNULL - 83 characters VO Name (root group) only
- /picard/whatistheexactamountofcharactersthatIcanpu
tees/RoleNULL/CapabilityNULL - 230 characters VO Name and one group
- /picard/whatistheexactamountofcharactersthatIcanpu
ULL - 354 characters VO Name, one group and one role
- /TEST/01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
45678/RoleNULL/CapabilityNULL - 281 characters VO Name and one group which
combined are a max length - /TEST/01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
90123456789/CapabilityNULL - 527 characters VO Name and previous displayed
group plus a Role of max length
27VO Name Information (3)
- voms-proxy-info all
- subject /Odutchgrid/Ousers/Onikhef/CNOscar
Koeroo/CNproxy - issuer /Odutchgrid/Ousers/Onikhef/CNOscar
Koeroo - identity /Odutchgrid/Ousers/Onikhef/CNOscar
Koeroo - type proxy
- strength 512 bits
- path /tmp/x509up_u7381
- timeleft 115919
- subject /Odutchgrid/Ousers/Onikhef/CNOscar
Koeroo - issuer /Odutchgrid/Ohosts/OUnikhef.nl/CNk
uiken.nikhef.nl - attribute /TEST/01234567890123456789012345678901
78901234567890123456789/CapabilityNULL - attribute /TEST/blaat/RoleNULL/CapabilityNULL
- attribute /TEST/workshop/RoleNULL/CapabilityNU
LL - attribute /TEST/workshop_with_a_long_or_more_or_
less_huge_name/RoleNULL/CapabilityNULL - attribute /TEST/blaat/test/RoleNULL/Capability
NULL - attribute /TEST/01234567890123456789012345678901
28VO Name Information (4)
- In theory there is no limit to the names
- This MUST be honored in all middleware that uses
FQANs - In reality the VOMS Database itself has a
(practical) limitation to the length originating
from the VOMS DB schema - The Group(s), Role and Capability parts currently
have a database limited length of 255 characters
each - Which means 255 -1 characters are possible for a
VO name at maximum because all group FQANs are
prefixed with a slash - No (sub) groups can then be created within such
string - The Role string (without /Role) can be 255
characters - The Capability string (without the
/Capability) can be 255 characters
29VO Name Information (5)
- which means that an FQAN can be
- Groups part 255 characters
- Role part /Role (6) 255 261 chars
- Capability part /Capability (12) 255 267
chars - as large as 255 261 267 783 characters
30New Global VO naming proposal
- The Problem
- No name (space) control
- Name clashes are starting to appear
- first real name clash
- ATLAS vs. USATLAS vs. Swiss Atlas vs. NorduGrid
ATLAS - One VO with different names
- uscms vs. cms
- One VO with different names
- Biomed vs. Bio Italy
- Two VOs same area of work even same prefix
- The Solution
- A hierarchical, extensible VO name space is needed
31The DNS solution
- Less confusion and less mix-ups
- The DNS scheme serves the same kind of purpose
- RFC 1034 Domain names - concepts and facilities
- Section 3.4 - Example name space
- Strong urge to only use 7-bit ASCII characters
- a-zA-Za-zA-Z0-9-\.\.
32Time for GIN?
- The VO Grid Interoperability Now is the first to
be created in the new scheme - gin.ggf.org
33Time for a change?
- The VO Grid Interoperability Now is the first to
be created in the new scheme - gin.ogf.org
34The VO Naming statement
- The VO name is a string, used to represent the
VO in all interactions with grid software, such
as in expressions of policy and access rights.
The VO name MUST be formatted as a subdomain
name as specified in RFC 1034 section 3.5. The
VO Manager of a VO using a thus-formatted name
MUST be entitled to the use of this name, when
interpreted as a name in the Internet Domain Name
System. - This entitlement MUST stem either from a direct
delegation of the corresponding name in the
Domain Name System by an accredited registrar for
the next-higher level subdomain, or from a direct
delegation of the equivalent name in the Domain
Name System by ICANN, or from the consent of the
administrative or operational contact of the
next-higher equivalent subdomain name for that VO
name that itself is registered with such an
accredited registrar. Considering that RFC1034
section 3.5 states that both upper case andÂ
lower case letters are allowed, but no
significance is to be attached to the case, but
that today the software handling VO names may
still be case sensitive, all VO names MUST be
entirely in lower case.
35The document
- The GGF draft document for VO Naming will
contain - An overview on the current EGEE/LCG (and GGF) VO
practices - A summary of the available documents created by
the JSPG regarding the technical implementation
of a VO name and the procedures to run a VO - The proposed VO naming convention
- Its pros and cons
- Middleware implications
- The dos and donts in working with
International Domain Names (IDN) as VO names - Describing a solution to the VOMS Certificates
distribution problem, for instance - Secure DNS
- Or using an other model by only distribute the DN
of the host