Title: Introduction for Users
1Introduction for Users
- Isabel Campos (IFCA-CSIC)
- NA3 Work Package
Integration Meeting, Lisbon, LIP 12-15 November
- User Integration path
- Overview of tools and utilities
- Wiki pages
- Helpdesk
- Job Submission examples
- Resource availability
3User integration path
User Interfaces
VO services
Certification Authority
Architecture Developers
Operations Team
Application Support
4User and Operations Team
- Help contacting the certification authority that
signs a valid certificate - (EUGRIDPMA)
- int.eu.grid does not sign user certificates
- Runs the Virtual Organization Management
Services (VOMS) - Once the user has a certificate must joint a
Virtual Organization - (VO) or user community to access resources
- http//i2g-voms.lip.pt8443/vomses
- Certain policy of resource allocation to each VO
- Provides user accounts in the User Interfaces of
inteugrid - Login service development, job submission, file
management services
5Application Support NA3 and JRA teams
- Application Development Level
- Description of Application Requirements
- Consideration of Middleware adaptation
- Advanced use the Migrating Desktop
- Plugin Development
- Visualization features
- Interactivity Capabilities
- Using i2glogin
- i2glogin Migrating Desktop
6Overview of tools and utilities wiki
- General Support is provided using wiki page
- https//wiki.fzk.de/i2g
- The wiki is open to users to create sections
- dedicated to own application integrations
- We are open to make it more interactive
- What is missing ?
- What would you like to see, or being able to do?
7Overview of tools and utilities helpdesk
- Tickets are handled via a Helpdesk tool
- https//i2helpdesk.polgrid.pl
- Users can create an account to login and report
- Non-functioning middleware features
- Site problems at the infrastructure level
- The SA1 team will create a ticket and assign it
- to the responsible team, or site,
8Job Submission (via classical User Interfaces)
- Submission of batch jobs
- Glite Middleware uses Job Description Language,
JDL, to describe - the job to the resource brokers of the Grid
- Submission of the script su3serial.sh
!/bin/sh Debug info echo \ Execution
start date \ Host hostname \ Path pwd
\ Program execution tar xvf
su3serial_exec.tar chmod ux run32 ./run32 gt
9Job Submission (via classical User Interfaces)
- Submission of batch jobs
- JDL description of the Job
- Input/Output Sandboxes are limited to a few
Mandatory attributes Executable
"su3serial.sh" StdOutput "su3serial.out"
StdError "su3serial.err" I/O files to be
staged from/to the User Interface InputSandbox
OutputSandbox "su3serial.out","su3serial.err","
10Job Submission (via classical User Interfaces)
- Submission i2g-job-submit myjob.jdl
- isabel_at_i2gui01 i2g-job-submit su3serial.jdl
- Selected Virtual Organisation name (from proxy
certificate extension) ifusion - Connecting to host i2grb01.ifca.es, port 7772
- Logging to host i2grb01.ifca.es, port 9002
- The job has been successfully submitted to the
Network Server. - Use i2g-job-status command to check job current
status. Your job - identifier (i2g_jobId) is
- - https//i2grb01.ifca.es9000/1k_qksI5SCyVvW-c
11Job Submission (via classical User Interfaces)
- Status i2g-job-status ltjobidgt
- i2g-job-status https//i2grb01.ifca.es9000/1k_qk
sI5SCyVvW-c3 -
- Status info for the Job https//i2grb01.ifca.es
9000/1k_qksI5SCyVvW-c3 - Current Status Running
- Status Reason Job successfully submitted
to Globus - Destination ce.i2g.cesga.es2119/jobmanag
er-lcgpbs-ifusiongrid - reached on Wed Dec 20 161125 2006
- When status Done, get your output
- i2g-job-get-output ltjobidgt
- Brings to your machine everything specified as
12Job SubmissionMPI Jobs
JDL for a parallel job using 8 processors in a
single cluster
Jobtype Parallel Subjobtype
OpenMPI Executable
truchas Arguments
broken_dam.inp NodeNumber
8 StdOutput std.out StdError
std.err InputSandBox
my_scripts.sh,gioc,broken_dam.inp Output
SandBox std.out, std.err Environment
I2G_MPI_PRE_RUN_HOOK./my_scrips.sh, I2G_
13Job SubmissionMPI Jobs
JDL for a parallel job using 48 processors in
multiple clusters
Jobtype Parallel Subjobtype
PACX-MPI Executable
truchas Arguments
broken_dam.inp NodeNumber
48 StdOutput std.out StdError
std.err InputSandBox
my_scripts.sh,gioc,broken_dam.inp Output
SandBox std.out, std.err Environment
I2G_MPI_PRE_RUN_HOOK./my_scrips.sh, I2G_
14Job Submission MPI Jobs
JobType "Parallel" SubJobType "OpenMPI"
NodeNumber 4 VirtualOrganisation
"icompchem" Executable "mdrun" Arguments
"-v -s full -e full-o full -c after_full -g flog
-N 4" StdOutput "std.out" StdError
"std.err" InputSandbox "speptide.top","after_
pr.gro","full.mdp",my_hooks.sh" OutputSandbox
"std.out","std.err" Environment
15Job Submission MPI Jobs
- The HOOKS mechanism my_hooks.sh
Environment variables export
OUTPUT_SElfn/grid/icompchem/test export
OUTPUT_VOicompchem Here comes the pre-run
actions pre_run_hook () PATHPATH/VO_ICOMP
CHEM_SW_DIR/gromacs-3.3/bin grompp -v -f full -o
full -c after_pr -p speptide -np 4 Here
comes the post-run action post_run_hook ()
echo "pack the data and bring it to an Storage
Element" tar cvzf OUTPUT_ARCHIVE lcg-cr
CHIVE return 0
16Job Submission Interactive Jobs
- Submission of interactive jobs
- Interactive jobs use i2glogin to make bridge
between - the user machine and the execution node
JobType "normal" Interactive
True Executable "/bin/sh" Arguments
"" InteractiveAgent "i2glogin" InteractiveAg
entArguments "-r -p 21015193.136.90.35 -t
-c" InputSandbox "/opt/i2g/bin/i2glogin"
17Job Submission Interactive Jobs
- Submission of interactive jobs
- Interactive jobs use i2glogin to make bridge
between - the user machine and the execution node
- On Job Execution we can connect with job
- i2gui01 /opt/i2g/bin/i2glogin p
1015193.136.90.35 - lflip23 /home/imain179 gt exit
- exit
- Connection closed by foreign host.
18Job Submission Open MPI Interactive Jobs
- It is also possible to submit OpenMPI interactive
Type "job" JobType
"Parallel" SubJobType "openmpi"
NodeNumber 4 VirtualOrganisation
"imain" RetryCount 0 Executable
"cpi" StdOutput
"cpi.out" StdError
"cpi.err" InteractiveAgent
"i2glogin" InteractiveAgentArguments "-r -p
21015193.136.90.35 -t -c" Interactive
true InputSandbox "/opt/i2g/bin/i2glog
in","cpi" OutputSandbox
19Job Submission Open MPI Interactive Jobs
- It is also possible to submit OpenMPI interactive
jobs - When the job is running we can connect with the
- master process of MPI
i2g-ui02 /opt/i2g/bin/i2glogin -p
21015193.136.90.35 Pre MPI_init . Pre
MPI_Comm_size Pre MPI_Comm_rank Pre
MPI_Get_processor_name Process 3 of 4 is on
lflip26.lip.pt pi is approximately
3.1415926544231239, Error is 0.0000000008333307 wa
ll clock time 0.001492 Connection closed by
foreign host.
20Job SubmissionMigrating Desktop (tutorial)
- All the previous can be done using Migrating
Desktop - Platform independent (Java based) interface
- All you need is a browser Java enabled
- Linux, Windows, Solaris, MacOS,
- Avoids dealing with JDL scripts
- More than just a graphical interface
- Single sig-on mechanism
- Supports local and grid file management
- Run interactive applications using Java plugins
or VNC
21Resource availability
- We have a number of open tools monitorizing the
- int.eu.grid infrastructure
- https//wiki.fzk.de/i2g/index.php/General_Infras