Title: PowerPointpresentatie
1Practical experiences with different cooperation
schemes University - Industry
EUI-Net University - Industry Teaching Research
Synergy - Case Study
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Alexander Söder University of
Applied Sciences of Regensburg Dept.
2Practical experiences with different cooperation
schemes University - Industry
- Preconditions at University LevelAdministration,
Professors, Employees, Students -
- II. Case Studies
- - Employees of Industry work at
University - Employees of University work at
Industry - - LOG-IT Company - An University Spin-Off
- III. Conclusions
- - Most important there must be a
benefit for all parties - - Key Role professor initiates
cooperations, covers risk,
3Practical experiences with different cooperation
schemes University - Industry
Preconditions at University Level
- Professor- had worked 3-5 years at industry-
supervises students at industry- may have a
sabbatical at industry (every other 5th year) - - may have a side job
- II. Student
- - must have 2 practical placements at
industry - may have jobs at industry, diploma
thesis at industry - III. Employee of university
- - works in a competence center- may
have a side job
4Practical experiences with different cooperation
schemes University - Industry
Case Employees of Industry work at University
- Case- postgraduates got a part time job at
industry- postgraduates work in university lab
supervised by prof. - II. Motivation
- - private contacts between professor and
company - company needs cheap workers -
professor needs assistants - - postgraduate hopes for a later full
employment - III. Results
- - company got expected results- prof.
had assistants and some new material for courses
5Practical experiences with different cooperation
schemes University - Industry
Case Employees of University work at Industry
- Case- professor/university get budget from
industry in order to run a competence center-
competence center employs postgraduates and
exchange Students, all supervised by
professors.- competence center is contractor
with industry- competence center makes offer for
projects and maintenance (!)- employees partly
work at university and at industry -
6Practical experiences with different cooperation
schemes University - Industry
Case Employees of University work at Industry
II. Motivation - a former student
remembers his professors - company needs to
port an application into a modern environment,
but has small budget- professor needs practical
experience and assistants, too -
postgraduates/exchange students need practical
work III. Results - company still is
happy with results and costs- professors have
assistants and got practical experience-
postgraduates/exchange got jobs (e. g. 4 green
7Practical experiences with different cooperation
schemes University - Industry
Case LOG-IT Company - An University Spin-Off
- Case- postgraduates had problems to find a job-
professor had requests for some projects from
a company which require specific technical
skills.- professor and 3 postgraduates found a
company- company employs further postgraduates
and students from university. -
8Practical experiences with different cooperation
schemes University - Industry
Case LOG-IT Company - An University Spin-Off
II. Motivation - postgraduates need a
job - company needs some specific skills with
low costs- professor had long term connection
with the company (side job) - professor
wants to help both (students and industry)
9Practical experiences with different cooperation
schemes University - Industry
Case LOG-IT Company - An University Spin-Off
III. Results - 25 new jobs have been
created- the company was happy to perform some
successful projects and to have a reliable
partner- the professor got a permanent partner
for industrial experience and also for
developing some innovative products -
university as a partner in industry, who performs
urgently needed projects for low prices and
gives his products for labs and
courses - LOG-IT company still exists
and still successfully acts on the market
10Practical experiences with different cooperation
schemes University - Industry
Summary and Conclusions
- Professor initiate project, supervise projects,
but alsooften cover the risk of the projects - There must be a visible and measurable benefit
for all parties - III. Money, that is a gift and not result of own
work is not really worthy - IV. Be very carefull with foreign and own money.
Best Practice Do not spent money, which you
have not earned before -
11Practical experiences with different cooperation
schemes University - Industry
EUI-Net University - Industry Teaching Research
Synergy - Case Study
Thank you very much for your interest! Alexander
Söder .