Title: PowerPointpresentatie
Community Nova assists and facilitates the
development of Smart Communities
2Smart Communities Work in Progress
- Cities and Communities around the world work
hard to become Smart Communities. - The need is recognized to facilitate citizens,
public institutions and private sector with the
infrastructure and communication services of
tomorrow. - The process is a competetive one, though
cooperation is imperative
3Smart Communities Work in Progress
The Claim E-Cities, Mobile Cities and Fibre
Valleys everywhere
- The Reality
- Communities succeed at their mission with
varying degrees of success
4 Defining Smart
- Typical elements in becoming a Smart Community
- Creating the infrastructure
- Creating broad-band based services
5 Defining Smart
- Creating the required Physical Network
- Smart Offices Public Institutions
- Smart Homes
6 Defining Smart
- Smart Schools On-line education
- Telemedicine
- E-Government
- Mobile Applications
- E-Commerce
7 The Challenges
- First-Mile Dilemma
- Standardisation
- Copper or Fibre? Preparing for today or
tomorrow? - Finance
8 The Challenges
SERVICES -Creating Acceptance among
end-users -Creating Critical Mass
Market -Integration of Services (billing for
example) -Content Development -How not to
re-invent the wheel, or -The need for
cooperation with other communities -Again Finance
9 The Challenges
Institutional -The renewed and imperative role
of authorities -Chicken Egg dilemma Who steps
in first Private Sector? Authorities?
Real-estate developpers? Telecom companies
providers? Social-housing corporations?
10 The Needs
-To formulate projects to get them going -To
formulate a comprehensive long-term vision -To
learn from the experience of others ? -To get
cooperation with other communities
going -Promotion Creating Critical Mass
11 From Mission to Project
Mission ---gt Vision ---gt Strategy
---gt Policy ---gt Plans
---gt Projects ---gt
12How Community Nova facilitates
-Analysis Facilitation - from brainstorming to
risk assessment -Bringing in know-how from other
projects Smart Communities -Setting up linkages
with other Smart Communities national
international -Again facilitation Transferring
ideas, projects, contacts assessments into an
achievable coherent long-term vision
13How Community Nova facilitates
by means of -Tailored workshops -Missions to
other Smart Communities -National International
Liaison Support -Consultancy
14How Community Nova facilitates
- Our Clients
- Ministerie van Verkeer Waterstaat
- Kenniswijk BV
- ? Smart Community International Network
- Multimedia Super Corridor
- City of Zoetermeer
15 Community Nova
- Our Partners
- City of Lyon
- City of Stockholm
- VW/Kenniswijk BV
- Ottawa
- City of Brest / Technopole Brest-Iroise
- Int. Private Sector (Infra Service development)
16 Community Nova
Many consider themselves smart. The future will
prove whether they have been smart enough. How
smart will you be?