Title: CS 3841 Computer Organization Recitation LAB10
1CS 3841 Computer OrganizationRecitation LAB10
- - Function, Reentrant, Recursive -
2Functions in C
- int Avg(int x, int y)
- return((xy)/2)
- main()
- int a, b, result
- a 123 b 456
- result Avg(a,b)
- printf( The Average of d and d is d, a, b,
result) - a 321 b 654
- result Avg(a,b)
- printf( The Average of d and d is d, a, b,
3Control flow with Jump instruction
Problem many calls and one return
4Functions in MIPS
- Use Jump and link instruction
- Function call (in CALLER)
- jal PL
- Save the address of next instruction in ra (ra
? PC4) - Jump to the Function entry point
- (PC ? PL)
- Function return (in CALLEE)
- jr ra
- Jump back to the address in ra
- (PC ? ra)
5Registers Usage Conventions
- By agreement between programmers (not by
hardware) registers have been assigned different
roles with function linkage - t0 - t9 The function is free to change these
registers. - s0 - s7 The function must not change these
registers ( if used, the callee saves and
restores them). - a0 - a3 These registers contain arguments for
the function. The subroutine can change them. - v0 - v1 These registers contain values returned
from the function .
6Function Avg
- -------------------------------------------------
-- - FUNCTION name avg
- DESCRIPTION Calculate average of two integers.
- INPUT a0 - first integer
- a1 - second integer
- OUTPUT v0 - avg, i.e., (a0 a1)/2
- -------------------------------------------------
-- - avg
- add v0, a0, a1 v0 a0 a1
- sra v0, v0, 1 v0 v0 / 2
- jr ra return
7Using Avg Function
- main
- call the avg function with 2 arguments
- li a0, 123 a0 123
- li a1, 456 a1 456
- jal avg call avg function
- Now, v0 has the result value.
- print v0
- move a0, v0
- li, v0, 1
- syscall
8Example- ReverseCap
- The function called Reverse that
- Takes a string address as an argument
- Reverse the order of the string
- Returns the address of the new string
- The function called Cap that
- Takes a string address as an argument
- Converts each letter of the string to capital
- Returns the address of the new string
- The program to read a string and call them
- The source code has showed on my webpage.
9Reentrant Functions
- The functions which can be shared by multiple
processes. - It can be safely called recursively.
10Rules for reentrant code
- No allocated memory variables in the global data
segment. - Constants is OK.
- Must use no static data.
- Must not call non-reentrant function.
11MIPS Memory Segments
- Upside down Stack of words
- The stack grows toward lower address.
12Dynamic allocation
- Dynamic memory allocation is when an executing
program requests more memory, the operating
system give it a block of main memory. - The program then uses this memory for some
purpose. Usually the purpose is to add a node to
a data structure. In object oriented languages,
dynamic memory allocation is used to get the
memory for a new object.
13Dynamic allocation example
- On the stack
- 32 character buffer
- Allocate
- addiu sp, sp, -32
- move a0, sp
- li a1, 32
- li v0, 8
- Syscall (read a string)
- Deallocate
- addiu sp, sp, 32
14Exercise Factorial function
- Input N output N!, recursively call Fac
- N! 1 2 3 N
- N (N 1)! (0!1 1!1)
- return N Fac (N-1)
- Using recursive function.
- N range from 0 to 13, if N is not in this range,
ask the user input it again.
15Factorial Recursive vs. Iterative
- Recursive way
- Fact_r (int N)
- if (N lt 1)
- return 1
- else
- return N Fact_r(N-1)
- Iterative way
- Fact_i (int N)
- int i, result1
- for (i1 iltN i)
- result resulti
- return result
16Hint recursive call Fac
- Go
- addi a0, a0, -1
- sw a0, 0(sp) Pass N-1 to
factorial function - jal Fac Recursive
call - lw v0, 4(sp) Get (N-1)! back
- lw ra, 12(sp)
- lw a0, 8(sp)
- mult v0, a0 N (N-1)!
- mflo v0
- facret
- addiu sp, sp, 16 Deallocate
- sw v0, 4(sp)
- jr ra
Fac lw a0, 0(sp) bltz a0,
Problem addi t1, a0, -13 bgtz
t1, Problem 13 is largest value
we can accept addiu sp, sp, -16
Allocate sw ra, 12(sp) save
return address sw a0, 8(sp)
slti t0, a0, 2 If N is 1 or 0, then
return the value 1
beqz t0, Go li v0, 1 b