Title: Diapositive 1
1Associated SM Higgs searchin H?bb,WW() final
states _at_ ATLAS
Huaqiao Zhang IHEP/CPPM On Behalf of the ATLAS
- Introduction
- ttH,H?bb analysis
- Signature and preselection
- Event reconstruction and methods comparison
- Systematics and results
- ttH,H?WW() analysis
- Signature and event selection
- Systematics and results
- WH,H?WW() analysis
- Signature and event selection
- Systematics and results
- Summary
3SM Higgs searching in experiments
- Higgs particles is the only particle that
predicted in SM but not found yet experimentally - LEP direct search exclude light Higgs below 114
GeV - With recent Tevatron results, SM electroweak fit
prefers Higgs less than 190 GeV (including LEP)
and 160 GeV without. - Higgs Coupling to top quarks and W boson are
important properties of Higgs
4The SM Higgs at the LHC
- Associate production
- Possible discovery channel ttH,H?bb
- Coupling measurement for Higgs mass 120, 200
GeV gt SM Higgs or not - Decay modes
- For mH gt 135 GeV/c2 H ? WW() dominates (BR
0.91 _at_ 160 GeV/c2 ) - H?bb is the main channel for mH lt 135 GeV/c2 (BR
0.68 _at_ 120 GeV/c2 )
Difficult for this mass region we need to
associate more than one channel
5The LHC and ATLAS
- Proton-Proton collisions _at_ 14 TeV
- First run _at_ 10 TeV expected at the end of this
summer - Luminosity
- Low luminosity regime 1033cm-2s-1
- 30 fb-1 between 2008 and 2011
- High Luminosity regime 1034cm-2s-1
- 300 fb-1 by 2014/2015
- General purpose experiments
- Classic detectors composed mainly by 3
sub-systems - Inner tracker
- Calorimeter system
- Muon spectrometer
- Very good Trigger/DAQ System
- Good e/g/m/tau/missEt/b-jets identification
ATLAS detector
6ttH,H?bb Signature and preselection
- ttH,H?bb potential discovery channel for light
Higgs boson, top quark Yukawa Coupling
measurement - H?bb, t ? bjj, t ? blv??
- t ? blv, t ? blv?
- t ? bjj, t ? bjj
- Main backgrounds
- ttjets reducible background using b-tagging
- ttbb (EW/QCD) irreducible background
- Strategy Reconstruct the tt system to look at
the rest 2 b-jets at the final state - b-tagging is one of the most important keys for
this channel - Jet pairing and JES are also very important
- Efforts mainly for lepton jets channel
- Isolated electron or muon trigger
- One isolated lepton is required, Tau is not
considered - Electron, muon Acceptance,
- identification and isolation cuts
- At least 6 jets, of which 4
- tagged as b-jets
LO cross section (only ttjets NLONLL)
cut ttH ttbb(EW) ttbb(QCD) ttjets
1 Lepton (fb) 56.9 141 1356 63710
6 jets (fb) 36.2 76.7 665 26214
4 b-jets loose (fb) 16.2 23.4 198 2589
4 b-jets tight (fb) 3.76 4.2 29.6 50.7
7Cut-Based Reconstruction
Invariant mass of reconstructed hadronic W
boson (red for good combination)
- Leptonic W reconstruction
- Force ln mass to the W mass
- Solve 2nd degree equation to get neutrino pz
- 28 no solution ? neglect imaginary part
ATLAS preliminary
- Hadronic W reconstruction
- After requesting 4 b-tag jets, remaining jets
are considered as light jets - W boson candidates are formed of all combinations
of light jet pairs
Invariant mass of reconstructed top quarks (red
for good combination)
- top quarks candidates are formed using one W
boson candidate and one b quark - Combination with m(jj) m(W) gt 25 GeV/c2 or
m(treco) m(ttrue) gt 25 GeV/c2 are removed - Combination minimizing a c2, based on the top
quark masses, is chosen - The two remaining b jets used to reconstruct the
Higgs candidates
ATLAS preliminary
ATLAS preliminary
8Multivariate Based Reconstruction
- Pairing likelihood
- Using tt system kinematic properties to build a
pairing likelihood - 6 variables are used
- b-jets and light jets are treated separately
- Choose the combination that maximize the
likelihood output
ATLAS preliminary
Invariant mass of reconstructed Higgs boson using
likelihood for signal sample (red for good
- Constrained fit
- Fit jet pT and ETmiss to give the mass of the top
quarks - Pairing likelihood is formed using the c2 output
of the constrained fit together with b-tagging
and kinematic quantities - 14 variables are used
- 3D likelihood is used to take into account the
correlations - Final selection likelihood is used to separate
signal and physics background
f ijet scale factor for jet momentum
9Comparison of Reconstruction Algorithms
- S/sqrt(B) differences relatively small among the
3 methods -
- Multivariate techniques increase Higgs bb pair
purity by 5 -
- Analyses suffer from low purity mainly coming
from b exchange between top and Higgs - Wide distribution for reconstructed Higgs mass
- No clear signal peak on top of background
distribution - Combinatorial background dilutes differences
between ttbb and ttH sig
ATLAS preliminary
ATLAS preliminary
Invariant mass of reconstructed Higgs boson using
constrained fit for all samples, a cut at -4.2 in
Ls/b for better stat. significance
90 lt mH lt 150 GeV/c2
10Systematic uncertainties and results _at_ 30 fb-1
main systematic errors, background sample
- Main systematic errors come from the JES, jet
resolution and b-tagging efficiency - Theoretical errors on background cross sections,
especially top anti-top production, are sizable
Cut-based Likelihood Constrained fit
JES 5 14 8
Jet resolution 7 5.5 14
b-tagging efficiency 20 20 20
Light jet rejection 5 3 10
All contribution 22 25 28
ATLAS preliminary
- Systematic errors on background higher than
signal - If nothing is done for the background extraction,
the significance will decrease to 0.5
11ttH,H?WW() Signatures
- ttH?2b4j2l2Vl
- ?6jets 2samecharge lep. MissEt
- Possible BKGs
- tt(1l), tt(2l), ttZ, ttW, tttt, ttWW, ttbb...
- ttH?2b2j3l3Vl
- ?4jets 3leptons MissEt
- Possible BKGs
- tt(2l),ttZ,ttW,tttt,ttWW,ttbb
- tau not considered in signal
- Complex final statesgtNumber counting experiment
- At least 2 neutrinos
- Multi jets Multi leptons MissEt
- Background control important
- Main BKG tt suppressed by lepton
isolationgtLepton isolation is crucial - ttZ suppressed by Z mass veto
- QCD BKGs neglectable
2 leptons
4 light jets
3 leptons
2 light jets
12ttH,H?WW() events selection
- One high Pt Isolated lepton trigger
- Eff 82 (2L),91 (3L)
- offline significance impact lt 1
- Phys. Obj. kinematic region
- ?lt2.5 Ptgt15.GeV
- Electron identification
- Calorimeter seeded Alg.
- Matching to ID track
- Muon identification
- Seeded in Muon Spectrometer
- Combined with ID track
- Jet identification cone based, size 0.4
- Lepton Isolation
- Electron
- Muon
- Number of leptons gt 2/3, Number of jets gt 6/4
- Final tighten cut
- Zveto, MuonPtgt20GeV, Number of lepton2/3,
fb sNLO 2L sel. 3L sel.
ttH2l 11.1 1.870.03 -
ttH3l 7.2 0.240.01 0.820.02
ttbar 833000 7.41.1 2.062.06
ttWnj 226 2.040.07 0.550.04
ttZ 1440 1.490.09 1.120.08
ttbb 2693 0.550.18 -
tttt 3.2 0.070.01 -
Cone Isolation
Tracker Isolation
Calorimeter Isolation
13Systematic uncertainties and results _at_ 30 fb-1
ATLAS preliminary
- Accuracy of sttH BRH?WW Best at 160 GeV
47.4, if 10 uncertainties of BKG - Biggest uncertainties from JES and BKG
(especially ttbar) normalization. - Without systematics, the statistical accuracy
can achieve 28 - Systematics dominate the accuracy
14Multivariable methods for improvement
- Likelihood method on isolation
- Projective likelihood estimator
- Only 3 isolation variables used
ATLAS preliminary
- Mass constrained fit in ttH2L analysis
- A system with 2 neutrinos (one virtual W at Higgs
mass lt160 GeV) - 11 free parameters
- 8 enter chi2,3 from neutrino,5 Windows to
determine combinatory - 11 constraints
- Only 4 equality, other 7 domains
- Extra 8 implicitly 0.5 lt cali_E lt 1.
ATLAS preliminary
ttH,H?WW() 2L signal
More work needed to improve
15WH,H?WW() Signature and preselection
- Higgs physics
- Supplement to the Discovery
- Necessary confirmation for the property
- Couplings to gauge boson
- WH,H?WW() physics analyses
- One High Pt isolated lepton trigger
- Two and three lepton final states (2L/3L)
- WH?WWW()?lv lv jj
- WH?WWW()?lv lv lv
- Full analysis over WH against ttbar, WZ, ttW,
ZZ - Number counting experiments
- Number of jets and leptons
- Same charge(2L), Zveto
- Missing Transverse Energy(3L)
- Lepton isolation
- Calorimeter isolation
- Tracker isolation
- Cone isolation
- Impact parameter
- B-jet/jet veto
- W mass range
- Higgs-Spin cut
16Preliminary results _at_ 30 fb-1
fb WH2L WH3L WZ tt ZZ ttW wbb W-gtlvjet
sNLO 31.2 5.04 750 833000 72.5 73.3 562 3.4106
2L selection 0.68 - 1.2 0.43 0.05 0.02 0.0006 0
3L selection - 0.28 0.14 0.28 0.01 0.003 0 0
Xection S/B (fb) 0.68/1.7 0.28/0.4
If 20 systematics WH2L WH3L Combined
Significance 1.6 1.9 2.4
67 64 47
Suffer from the statistics of MonteCarlo
samples , BKG Systematics dominated by JES
19(2L), 17(3L) H?WW() coupling measurement
need more/hard works
- Studies on channels of ttH,H?bb, ttH,H?WW () and
WH,H?WW () with ATLAS real detector geometry
full simulation - Coupling measurement
- ttH,H?bb (gt, Higgs120GeV), potential discovery
channel - ttH,H?WW () (gt, Higgs 160GeV)
- WH,H?WW () (gW, Higgs 170GeV)
- Number counting experiments gt BKG control is
crucial - Mass peak reconstruction
- possible in ttH,H?bb
- Hopeless in ttH,H?WW(), not yet tried in
WH,H?WW() - Background uncertainties
- JES(Btaging in ttH,H?bb) dominate the
uncertainties of BKGs - ttbar or ttjj normalization important
- Data driven method needed
- More advanced methods during 30fb-1 data
gathering - Statistical part of systematics reduced with
30fb-1 data - Still rooms for improvement of these analysis
- Good feasibilities, more efforts needed
18Bak up Main Issues for ttH,H?bb Channel
- After analysis Higgs purity is 30
- large tails and width in the bb invariant mass
- No visible peak on top of physical background,
side band extraction very difficult - The main problem is the b-jets exchange between
top quarks and the Higgs - b-jet from Higgs used for the hadronic top 36
- b-jet from Higgs used for the leptonic top 30
- Higgs boson reconstructed with only one correct
b-jet 55 (The other wrong jet is mainly coming
from the top quarks) - Big uncertainty for the ttjets cross section
- Extracting the background shape and normalization
in data is crucial for this channel - Using loose and tight b-tagging cuts looks
promising - Background shape independent from b-tagging cuts
19Bak up Main Issues for ttH/WH,H?WW() Channel
- Higgs reconstruction difficult
- At least two neutrinos, one from Higgs W decay,
one from top W decay - With a virtual W, which could decay leptonic or
hadronic - Large combinatory in complex final states
- Lepton isolation is crucial in background
suppression - Several isolation methods are tried
- Could improve by Multivariable methods, with
better understanding of real data - Big uncertainty for the backgrounds cross section
normalization - Theoretical uncertainties could improve with
understanding of real data - Statistical part of systematics could be reduced
with full 30fb-1 real data