Title: Videogames to teach science
1Videogames to teach science Standards to
produce virtual exhibits
Surface 10ha m2
- Gabriel Morales Vega
- Coordinación de Multimedios
- Trompo Mágico Museo Interactivo
- 30 de Mayo de 2008
2Videogames to teach science Standards to
produce virtual exhibits
- To belonged by Government of Jalisco, Mexico
- Located in Guadalajara city
- Over a surface 10,000 m2
- It has been opened 5 years ago
- It has been visited by near of 2 million person
- The educative project is for children
- All the concept, activities and software are
created by the own team
3Videogames to teach science
- The importance of videogames
- Educative theories related to videogames
- What has to be considered when designing?
- Examples of software and interfaces
4Videogames to teach science
The importance of the videogames
- Nobody discusses
- that you cant learn playing
- (Gros Salvat, 2000)
5Videogames to teach science
The importance of the videogames
Estimate in time consume of audiovisuals and
interactivity in Spain in 2007
Source MCultura/Uve/DeSe
6Videogames to teach science
The importance of the videogames
Movie Titanic 1,150 MDE
Budget 150 MDE
7Videogames to teach science
The importance of the videogames
Why are they so attractive?
- Challenge, strategy, competence, reward
- Advance simulation
- (not only replicas but constructions)
- Hi level of Interaction
- Rich language
- (graphic design, animation, sound, etc.)
- Action
- Ludic
- Replay or inclusive no ending
8Videogames to teach science
The importance of the videogames
What characteristics make it a powerful
educational tool?
- Flexibility (themes, dynamics)
- Abilities / knowledge / values
- Conduction flow of success
- Gradual increment of challenge
- Time control
- Non lineal sequence
- Experimentation (test / retest)
- Motivation
- Self-esteem
- Procedure aspects
- Registry
9Videogames to teach science
The importance of the videogames
What advantage has its digital format?
- Storage
- Reproduction
- Distribution
- Connectivity
- - Between players
- - Distributed content
- - Feedback
10Videogames to teach science
The importance of the videogames
Videogames is not a toy
11Videogames to teach science
The importance of the videogames
They are powerful means of communication
12Videogames to teach science
Educative theories
Level 1 Actual development Alone capacity
13Videogames to teach science
Educative theories
Relations through ....
14Videogames to teach science
Educative theories
15Videogames to teach science
Educative theories
Loose / win Rules Recreation
Game Hardware Software
Contemplative objects Mechanic Electric-electronic
Multimedia content Videogame
16Videogames to teach science
Educative theories
Interactivity - Game
Two way communication Multiplicity of options
- Manual
- Mental
- Emotional
- Social
Discovery process Simulated situation
Esthetical enjoyment Appellation to sensitivity
Shared knowledge through contact with fathers,
friends, teachers, guides...
17Videogames to teach science
To be considered when designing videogames
Design - Information
Group of age Contents
SEP programs (education national
institute) Objectives Investigation Theme
selection Synthesis Adaptation to game (did you
know, questions, dialog, etc.)
18Videogames to teach science
To be considered when designing videogames
- Short help at the beginning
- Duration (15 min.)
- Automatic restart
- Dont permit system exit
- Decoration (furniture)
- Physic interface
- Attraction mode
- Hide keyboard and CPU
19Videogames to teach science
To be considered when designing videogames
Design - Technical
Type of game and graphics Gameplay
Interface Replay Value Help - tutor
Editable content (content update, language)
System requirements
20Videogames to teach science
Examples of Software
- Character
- AI
- For all ages and genres
- Levels, points, lives
21Videogames to teach science
Examples of Software
22Videogames to teach science
To be considered when designing videogames
23Videogames to teach science
60 videogames
24Videogames to teach science
20 Multimedia software
25Videogames to teach science
20 Remasterizations
26Videogames to teach science
6 Physical interfaces of control
27Videogames to teach science
6 Physical interfaces of control
28Videogames to teach science
6 Physical interfaces of control
29End of the first presentation
www.trompomagico.com.mx gabriel.morales_at_jalisco.go
30Standards to produce virtual exhibits
- Gabriel Morales Vega
- Coordinación de Multimedios
- Trompo Mágico Museo Interactivo
- 30 de Mayo de 2008
31Standards to produce virtual exhibits
Why we dont work together?
32Standards to produce virtual exhibits
What is a virtual exhibit? (Knowledge multimedia
Is an exhibit based on software
33Standards to produce virtual exhibits
What does a virtual exhibit contents?
Contents multimedia (text, images, sound,
video) Software (Multiedia or videogames)
34Standards to produce virtual exhibits
Definition of structure and thematic axes by ages
35Standards to produce virtual exhibits
Contentes Script (what?) Interactive Script
(how?) Multimedia Software
36Standards to produce virtual exhibits
For discussion, meeting point, share, and
administrate the project
- Standards to work together - Store the
products - Review the products - Download the
products - Feed back
37Work together
www.trompomagico.com.mx gabriel.morales_at_jalisco.go