Title: One Fund Sharon School
1One Fund Sharon School 2008-2009
2Message from Our Principal
Our world is becoming increasingly competitive.
It is our objective at Sharon School to provide
students with the skills, knowledge, and training
that will best prepare them for the many
challenges that lie ahead. We will accomplish
this objective through a strong focus on
the fundamentals of reading, writing, and
mathematics. We will augment these critically
important arts. Throughout all instruction we
will recognize and enhance the unique intellectual
strengths of each student. Catherine Phelan,
Principal of Sharon
3One Fund Mission Critical
One Fund is Sharons annual fund and the schools
primary source of fundraising. Every dollar
donated to One Fund is used to directly benefit
the children and teachers of Sharon School.
4One Fund Highly Effective Highly Efficient
52008-2009 Purchase List
62008-2009 Progress to Goal
As of 11.5.08
The Good News 2008/2009 Campaign to Date -
170 donors, 30 are grandparents Vs. 2007/2008
Campaign to Date - 113 donors
Our Opportunity 2008/2009 Campaign to Date
- 44k Vs. 2007/2008 Campaign to Date - 48k
7Message from One Fund
GOAL 300 additional families 30,000 in
- One Fund is very happy with participation
levels - Participation is up, dollars are down -
The economic environment is challenging - The PTA
will adjust expectations for initiatives as
needed - Any amount for One Fund is welcome Next
Steps for Contributing to Sharon One Fund -
Have you given yet? Again, any every amount
matters - Can grandparents get involved? - Do we
have any special talents or resources we can
offer Sharon in lieu of dollars? THANK YOU FOR