Title: Recent Results on Electroweak
1Recent Results on Electroweak Related Physics
at DØ
Alan L. Stone Louisiana Tech University on
behalf of the DØ Collaboration
- Introduction Motivation
- W/Z ? muons
- W/Z ? electrons
- Z (ee) Search
- Top Quark Cross Section
- Conclusions
2Motivation for Measuring W Z Production
- Test of SM couplings
- Constrain proton PDFs
- Probe effects of NLO QCD corrections
- Better understanding of our Experiment
- Efficiencies, Backgrounds, Luminosity
- Use these signals to tune triggers algorithms
- Improved luminosity measurement
- With sufficiently small statistical systematic
uncertainties - Normalize to other measurements
- Preliminaries to other Run II goals
- W boson mass
- Precision EW measurements
- Top Quark Studies
- (W or Z) Higgs
Previous Tevatron results
DØ Run IIa Prediction
3W and Z Production Mechanics
Cross Sections increase by 10 from 1.8 to 1.96
- Distinctive lepton decay event signatures
- High PT isolated leptons (e or m)
- One high PT lepton Missing ET (W)
- Two high PT leptons (Z)
W?l? ? 1 Hz _at_ L 2?1032
4W Z Cross Sections A Counting Experiment
Measurements make use of data taken from
mid-August 02 through mid-January 03
Integrated Luminosity
Acceptance from Monte Carlo
Efficiencies from data where possible
5The DØ Run II Detector
- Builds on the firm foundation of the Run I
calorimeter central muon system - Added magnetic tracking, silicon, new forward
muon system, new electronics - Electroweak analyses make use of the full
detector capabilities
6The Muon Detector
- Two regions Three layers of Scintillators and
Drift Tubes - Central and Forward
- A inside toroid magnet
- B C outside toroid magnet
- Muon rapidity coverage to 2
- Shielding reduces backgrounds by 50-100x
Mini drift tube Plane and Pixels (10m ? 10m)
7Z ?mm Event Selection
- Event selection
- 2 tracked, oppositely-charged ms
- pTgt15 GeV hlt1.8
- Di-muon trigger
- At least one muon is isolated
- (DR)2(Dfmm)2(Dhmm)2 gt4.0
- Dt lt 9 ns in scintillator
- NO explicit mass requirement
- Background is small
- Z?bbar is 1 ? 1
- Z ?tt is 0.5 ? 0.1
PT(?1)40.97 GeV PT(?2)43.92 GeV M(??)86.04 GeV
8Z?mm Efficiencies
- Acceptance from MC (401)
- Efficiencies from data
L1L2 central track
eL1 872
L1 OR no L1
track OR no track
etrk 821
e?ID 911
9Z?mm Cross Section
- Drell-Yan Contribution
- Correct for 12?1 due to photon exchange and
photon-Z interference determined from Pythia
1585 Candidates
10W?mn Event Selection
- Trigger
- L1 Scintillator based single muon trigger (no
pT cut) - L2 At least one muon with pTgt5 GeV
- L3 At least one track with pTgt10 GeV
- Offline
- One isolated muon matched with central track
pTgt20 GeV - In fiducial region of the trigger ?lt1.6
- Muon corrected Missing transverse energy gt 20
GeV - No second muon in event (veto Z??? events)
PT(?)37.48 GeV MET35.5 GeV
11W?mn Cross Section
- Backgrounds
- Z?bb, b??? where ? passes isolation cut
- 5.8, subtracted from above distributions
- Z??? 9
- W???????? 3.6
- QCD estimated from data
7352 Candidates in
12The Calorimeter
- Liquid argon sampling
- Stable, uniform response, rad. hard
- LAr purity important (lt 0.7 ppm O2 equivalent)
- Uranium absorber (Cu/Fe for coarse hadronic)
- dense absorber hence can be compact
- Nearly compensated EM and hadronic response
- Linear response
- Hermetic with full coverage
- h lt 4.2 (? ? 2o)
- l int gt 7.2 (total)
13W/Z?e Event Selection
- Trigger
- L1 1 calorimeter tower gt 10 GeV (or 2 gt 5 GeV)
- L3 Electron candidate gt 20 GeV, shower shape
- Electrons
- Isolated EM Cluster in the Calorimeter
- ETgt 25 GeV with large EM fraction
- Shower shape consistent with MC expectation
- Z?ee
- 70 GeV lt mee lt 110 GeV
- W?e?
- Missing transverse energy gt 25 GeV
- Matched with central tracks
PT(e)40.5 GeV MET43.2 GeV MT(W)83.7 GeV
14Z?ee Cross Section
D0 Run II Preliminary
- Efficiencies per electron
- Trigger 982
- EMF, isolation 100
- Shower shape 861
- Track Matching 732
- Drell-Yan Contribution
- Small effect (1.7) in the mass window of 70 lt
mee lt 110 GeV - QCD Background
- Determined from data by fitting signal and
background shape
1139 Candidates in
15W?en Backgrounds
- Dominant background from QCD multijet events
- Estimated from data
Nloose NW Nb Ntight NWetrk Nbef
Solve for NW
tight loose track match
From QCD dijet sample
D0 Run II Preliminary
D0 Run II Preliminary
- Other backgrounds
- W????e??? (1.5 , MC)
- Z?ee (very small)
16W?en Cross Section
Background subtracted distributions compared to
MC Pythia
27370 Candidates in
C. R. Hamberg, W.L. van Neerven and T. Matsuura,
Nucl. Phys. B359 (1991) 343
18Direct Search for Z'?ee
- Search for Non-SM heavy particles that decay to
lepton pairs - Assumes Z' couples as Z
- Previous Tevatron Run I Limit
- MZ'gt690 GeV
- Event Selection
- 2 isolated EM objects
- hlt1.1 or 1.5lthlt2.5
- ETgt25 GeV
- No track requirement necessary
4585 Candidates in
D0 Run II Preliminary
M(ee) around the Z
- Backgrounds
- Drell-Yan dominates Meelt150 GeV
- Estimated from Pythia (CTEQ4L)
- QCD dominates Meegt150 GeV
- Fake electrons from jets
- Real electrons from heavy flavor
- Estimated from data
Data Bkg (QCDDY/Z) Bkg (QCD only) 10x Z'(600GeV)
19Z Search
- Form limit from the ratio of cross sections for
(?B)Z'/(?B)Z where many of the systematic errors
in the efficiencies and luminosity measurements
cancel - Applied a binned likelihood approach with Poisson
statistics - Remaining Uncertainties
- K-factor 5
- Az/Az PDFs 2-3
D0 Run II Preliminary
M(ee)489.1 GeV
20Motivation for Measuring Top Quark Production
- Run I Discovery
- ?tt
- Top mass
- W helicity in top events
- tt spin correlations
- Top pT
- Searches for new physics
- (X? tt and top decay)
- Run II With high precision we hope to answer
questions such as - Why is top so heavy?
- Is it or the third generation special?
- Is top involved with EWSB?
- Is it connected to new physics?
21Top Quark Production Mechanics
- At the Tevatron, top quarks are produced in pairs
- Br(t?Wb)100
Run I Results 100 top events
- Prediction of 30 ?tt cross section increase
from Run I (1.8 TeV) to Run II (1.96 TeV)
22?(tt?lljets) Event Selection
- Event Selection
- Two high pT isolated ? or e
- ET (Z mass) cut
- 2 jets, ETgt20 GeV ? lt 2.5
- HT ?(ElT ,EjetT) cut
- Backgrounds
- WW, Z? tt determined with MC
- Z/g, Wjets and QCD from data
Process Nevents
Z?mm Z?tt?mm WW?mm 0.40 0.23 0.02 0.02 0.001 0.001
QCDWjets 0.18 0.084
All BG 0.59 0.30
Expected Signal 0.3 0.02
All 0.89 0.30
Observed 2
D0 Run II Preliminary
ET (GeV)
e PT 20.3
m- PT 58.1
j PT 141.0
j PT 55.2
ET 91 GeV
Di-muon mass (GeV)
23?(tt?lljets) Results
D0 Run II Preliminary
Sum of jet, electron PT (GeV)
D0 Run II Preliminary
Jet Multiplicity
24?(tt?ljets) Event Selection (no m tag)
- Procedure
- Preselect a sample rich in Ws
- Evaluate QCD multi-jet (as f Njets )
- Estimate W4 jets assuming Berends Scaling
- Apply topological selection
- Event Selection
- Isolated lepton w/ PTgt20 GeV
- MET gt 20 GeV
- 4 jets with ETgt15 GeV hlt2.0 (2.5)
- Soft non-isolated muon tag veto
- Backgrounds
- multijet evaluated from data vs. Njets
- ejets due to fake jets (real po and g)
- mjets due to heavy flavor decays
- Estimate real W4 jets with scaling law
Estimation of QCD Background
D0 Run II Preliminary
a 0.145?0.02
Scaling of W for N jets 4 jets
D0 Run II Preliminary
25?(tt?ljets) Results (no m tag)
- Topological Selection
- 1 jet with ETgt55 GeV
- METCalgt15 GeV
- hWlt2.0, ETWgt60 GeV
- HT(jets W)gt220 GeV
- HTgt180 GeV
- Aplanarity(W-jets)gt0.065
Analysis NW NQCD Bkg. Total Exp Signal Nobs
ejets 1.3?0.5 1.4?0.4 2.7?0.6 1.8 4
mjets 2.1?0.9 0.6?0.4 2.7?1.1 2.4 4
For s 7pb
26?(tt?ljets) Event Selection (soft m tag)
- Preselection criteria
- Same as leptons jets except soft non-isolated
muon is not vetoed - 3 jets with ETgt20 GeV hlt2.0
- Aplanarity gt 0.04
- HTgt110 GeV
- Soft Muon Tag
- pT(m)gt4 GeV within DRlt0.5 of a jet
Analysis Bkg. Tot. Sig. Nobs
ejets 0.2?0.1 0.5 2
mjets 0.6?0.3 0.4 0
For s 7pb
D0 Run II Preliminary
D0 Run II Preliminary
27 ejets events
23 ?jets events
27?(tt?X) Cross Section
- Four new W Z cross section measurements
- Assuming same SM Z couplings to quarks and
leptons, Z' is excluded at 95 CL at mZ'lt620 GeV
- Combining the observation of the top decay
channels an excess of 3s is observed, compatible
with a signal expectation at the 35 CL
29Backup Slides
30Z?ee Candidate
No centrally matched track to second electron
PT(e1)45.1 GeV PT(e2)40.1 GeV M(ee)85.1 GeV
31W?mn Backgrounds
Background estimated from data.
- Dominant background
- bbar, b?mn events where the muon passes
isolation cuts
32W??? Efficiencies
N0 1 local m 1 cal m
N1 2 local ?'s
- Dimuon events
- 1 ? w/central track match
- 1 Calorimeter ?
- Determine fraction of Calorimeter muons that meet
local muon criteria
Muon reconstruction efficiency N1/(N0N1)
Trigger efficiencies