Title: Electroweak Measurements at the Tevatron
1Electroweak Measurements at the Tevatron
- Cairo International Conference on HEP
- January 9, 2001
- Results from D0 and CDFs Run I
- Prospects for the 1st 2 fb-1 of Run II
Tom Diehl Fermi National Accelerator
Laboratory Batavia, Illinois
- Thanks as always to D0 and CDF collaborations.
- Some material in this talk comes from previous
presentations by - Uli Heintz, Meena Narain, Georg Steinbruck, John
Butler, Natalia Sotnikova, and Darien Wood.
3Electroweak Measurements at the Tevatron
- Introduction
- W and Z Boson Properties
- General Features of Production
- Inclusive Cross Section
- W Boson Width Mass
- Trilinear Gauge Boson Couplings
- Top Quark Properties
- General Features
- Top Pair Production Cross Section Production
Dynamics - Top Quark Mass
- Branching Ratios Rare Decays
- Electroweak Top Quark Production
- Standard Model Higgs Boson
- M(top), M(W), and M(Higgs)
- Standard Model Higgs Boson Search
Run 1 Results and Prospects for Run II
4The Run 1 D0 Detector
Non-magnetic central tracking and no silicon
Large muon toroids s(1/p)0.18(1/p)0.003
(p in GeV/c)
- Calorimeter Hermetic ?lt4
- D ? x D f0.1 x 0.1
- s(EM)15/E1/2
- s(had)50/E1/2
Electroweak analyses use all of the detector
5Run 1 CDF Detector
Magnetic central tracking w/ large radius a
silicon detector for vertices
- Calorimeter
- s(EM)15/E1/2
- s(had)50/E1/2
Muon detector provides ID. Momentum measurement
from central tracker
6D0 Upgrade
7CDF Upgrade
8W/Z Physics
W Bosons Detected
- Topics
- General Features of Production
- Inclusive Cross Section
- W Boson Width
- W Boson Mass Preliminaries
- W Boson Mass
- Trilinear Gauge Boson Couplings
9General Features of W and Z Production
10 Inclusive Cross Section
- sB(W-gt l n) 2.2 nb
- sB(Z-gt l l-) 0.22 nb
- Cross section measurement uncertainty
- Stat Ã… Sys 2,
- Luminosity error 4
- Theory prediction uncertainty
- 3, NNLO, O(as2)
- Dominated by PDFs at NLO
- (need NNLO)
Luminosity L(D0) 1.062 x L(CDF) D0 uses world
avg. s(pp)inel, CDF uses CDF measurement
11W Boson Width
- Direct Method (CDF)
- Model independent
- Study high-end tail of MT(ln).
(SM2.093 0.002)
Form ratio
Perturbative QCD
CDFD0 combined
(LEP combined2.12 0.11)
12W Boson Mass Preliminaries
- Input from theorists calculations tuned by our
PT(W) Ladinsky-Yuan
A sample of our published results
W Boson Production Decay Model
D0 very recent
W Spin Orientation E. Mirkes. (1992)
13W Boson Mass
- Uncertainty example (CDF electrons)
- Statistical 65 MeV/c2
- Systematic 92 MeV/c2
- ET Scale 75 MeV/c2
- Detector resolution 25 MeV/c2
- PDFs 15 MeV/c2
- PT(W) 15 MeV/c2
- Recoil Model 37 MeV/c2
- Backgrounds 5 MeV/c2
- W Mass measurements from
- MT(W) _at_ CDFD0
- PT(lepton) _at_ D0
- ET(n) _at_ D0
- Using
- electron channels _at_ CDFD0
- muon channels _at_ CDF
D0 CC electron channel
- CDF (em) combined (2000)
- D0 Run 1 (e) Result (2000)
14Gauge Boson Self-Interactions
- Self-interactions are a direct consequence of the
non-Abelian SU(2)L x U(1)Y gauge symmetry. - Trilinear Coupling Diagrams are involved in
Vector Boson Pair Production. - SM makes specific predictions for the strength of
the couplings. - WWg and WWZ Couplings related to the static W
We study gauge boson couplings by investigating
properties of vector boson pair production Wg,
WW, WZ, Zg, ZZ in various final states
15WWg and WWZ Couplings
- In Run 1
- Established the EW coupling of W to g and W to
Z. - The Wg and WW processes were observed. Candidate
WZ events observed. - Anomalous Coupling Limits Wg, WW, and
combined WZ results from D0 (equal gZ
couplings) - Another set of relations among couplings
eng mng
- In 2 fb-1
- 2000 engmng events per exp.
- Observe radiation zero
- Sensitivity to anomalous couplings 2-3X better.
16ZZg, Zgg, and ZZZ Couplings
- Zphoton final state
- Tests ZZg and Zgg couplings
- ZZg and Zgg 0 in SM (no s-channel diagrams)
- Run 1 Limits on coupling parameters
At 95 CL
(Zgg coupling limits similar)
- In 2 fb-1 we expect
- 600 Zg events per experiment
- sensitivity to limits about 5X smaller
- Our first ZZZ limits (CDF observed ZZ candidate
with 4 muons in 1995)
PRD 4/1/98
nng 14 pb-1 eeg mmg 110 pb-1
17Top Physics
- Topics
- General Features
- Top Pair Production Cross Section Production
Dynamics - Top Quark Mass
- Branching Ratios Rare Decays
- Electroweak Top Quark Production
- Pair production mechanisms provide cross section
which depends on top mass. - Top heavier than m(b)m(W) decays primarily to Wb.
The Tevatron is the only place where we can
produce top.
18Top Physics General Features
- All hadronic and tauX have big
backgrounds - Lepton jets, Dilepton are our best measured
19Top-AntiTop Production
Run 1 Results
Run II Prospects
- Run 1 result at 1.8 TeV
- Run 2
- Tevatron beam energy is increased from 1.8 TeV to
2.0 TeV gt increase in s(ttbar) of 40. - Uncertainties on signal and backgrounds scale by
N-1/2 . Uncertainty on luminosity doesnt (5
in Run 1).
- Event Yields In Run 2a (per experiment)
- Expect ds/s8 _at_D0 (similar _at_ CDF).
unpublished update of 1998 CDF Pub.
20Top Quark Production Dynamics
- Properties of the top events (D0CDF)
Distributions as expected from SM ttbar
21Top Quark Mass in Run I
D0 Lepton Jets
CDF Lepton Jets
22Top Quark Mass Uncertainties
- How thats improved in Run II (2fb-1)
- Conservative Estimates
- Systematic 2.5 GeV/c2
- Jet Energy Scale 2.2 GeV/c2
- Recalibrate jet energy scale with gjet, Zjet,
Z-gtb-bbar, W-gtjj in top events. There is room for
improvement here. - M. C. Signal Model 1.0 GeV/c2
- Constrain top production w/ data
- Background Model 0.5 GeV/c2
- Statistical 1.0-1.3 GeV/c2
- Reduce combinatorics because of double tags
- Total 2.8 GeV/c2
- Uncertainties in Run I Leptonjets mass
measurement _at_ D0 (CDF) - Total Systematic 5.5 (4.9) GeV/c2
- Jet energy scale 4.0 (4.4) GeV/c2
- Monte Carlo Top Modeling 3.5 (2.3) GeV/c2
- Principally from uncertainty in Initial and final
state radiation - Background model (Vecbos flavors) 2.0 (1.3)
GeV/c2 - Methods 1.2 (0) GeV/c2
- Statistical 13 GeV/c2 per event 5.6 (4.8)
23Top Branching Ratios and Rare Decays
- Within the Standard Model
- Using indirect estimates of Vtd and Vts,
unitarity, assuming 3 gens 0.99989 lt
Vtblt0.9993 _at_ 90 CL
- CDF Result (new)
- uses ratios of tags in leptonjets and
dilepton events. 01double2 tags and assuming 3
Run 2a (2fb-1) dVtb2
- CDF FCNC Search S.M. Pred. O(10-10)
(95 CL)
24Top Quark Decay Vertex
- Top Quark is unique in that it usually decays
before it hadronizes, V-A implies - W is l.h. (h-1) or long. (h0)
- i.e. charged lepton tends to be emitted in
direction opposite to W line-of-flight.
Kane, Ladinsky, Yuan PRD 1992
25Top Quark Decay Correlation
- Measure angle between the off-diagonal basis and
the lepton flight direction in rest frame of the
top ?-, ? - Spin correlation ? correlation in q vs q- space.
(SM k ? 0.9) - D0 Measured
- Spin Configurations
- Optimal spin quantization axis
- Determined once the velocity and scattering angle
is known - Only like-spin combinations are produced in this
optimized basis - G. Mahlon and S. Parke, PLB 411, 173 (1997)
k gt -0.25 _at_ 68 CL
26Single Top Production
- Direct access to W ? tb vertex
- Measure top quark width and Vtb
- Measure of CKM element without any assumptions on
number of generations - ?(qq ? tb) ? ? (t ? Wb) ? Vtb2
- Theoretical predictions SmithWillenbrock,
Stelzer et al. For M(top) 175 GeV
27Single Top Results Run 1 vs. Run 2
Accepted for pub. in PRD
- D0 Run 1 result at 1.8 TeV
- Signature is e(m)njj events where one jet is
b-tagged with a muon. 90 pb-1. Acceptances - Bkgds (Wjets, QCD, top) is 15 events. Expected
signal lt 1 - Observe 17 events.
- _at_95CL
- CDFs has better Run I b-tagging (SVX)
CDF Preliminary ? lt 13.5 pb at 95 CL
- Run 2a (2 fb-1) will provide a 20
measurement of s(tb) giving dVtb of 14 at both
D0 and CDF.
28Top Quark Mass and W Boson Mass
W boson mass top mass Constrains Higgs mass
Tevatron Averages M(top)174.3-5.1
GeV M(W)80.454-0.063
Run 1
29Search for SM Higgs in Run II
Branching Fractions vs. M(Higgs)
s(HX) at Tevatron (2 TeV)
30Search for SM Higgs in Run II
Best Options for finding Higgs depend on M(Higgs)
- For M(Higgs)gt135 GeV/c2
- Backgrounds are more prosaic forms of diboson
production and t-tbar. - longitudinally polarized W and Z provides some
handles on angular distributions - S/B depends on M(Higgs)
- Varies from 3/30 to 1/4
- For M(Higgs)lt135 GeV/c2
- depends most on b-tagging efficiency and
background rejection - a few signal events per fb-1.
- Background is Wjets
- S/B 1/10
31Search for SM Higgs in Run II
32Top Quark Mass and W Boson Mass
W boson mass top mass Constrains Higgs mass
dM(top)3.0 GeV dM(W)40 MeV
Run 2
- Uncertainties shown are slightly bigger than
what we think we can do in 2 fb-1. - At Run I central values of M(W) M(top)
- The D0 and CDF p-pbar collider experiments have a
rich set of preliminary and published results
including - Vector Boson Properties
- W mass, W width, Trilinear gauge boson couplings,
and W and Z production properties. - 3.2 million W to mn and en expected (per
experiment) in 2 fb-1. - dM(W) 30 MeV/c2 per experiment in first 2 fb-1.
- Top Quark Properties
- Top Pair Production Cross Section Production
Dynamics, Top Quark Mass, Branching ratios and
Rare Decays. - dM(top) 2.8 GeV/c2 per experiment in first 2
fb-1. - SM Higgs Boson
- Measurements of M(W) and M(top) hint it is light.
- We restrict the allowed range and find it
depending on its mass.