Title: Recent D
1Recent DØ results in B, QCD Electroweak, Top and
Higgs Physics
- Brad Abbott
- University of Oklahoma
- For the DØ Collaboration
- Wine and Cheese seminar
- March 14, 2003
2DØ Detector
3Status of the DØ detectors
- Silicon detector
- Running smoothly 91 of channels are in readout
- A few noisy HDIs are causing infrequent HV trips
- Working on optimizing monitoring and L1 accept
data speed transfer - Fiber tracker and preshowers
- More then 99 of channels are operating well
- Concentrating on commissioning the new tracking
trigger - Calorimeter
- Number of channels in operation is 99.9
- Precision readout is working stably and reliably
- Concentrating on commissioning Level 1
calorimeter trigger in the eta region between 2.4
and 3.3 - Triggering on jets and electrons in physics runs
- Muon system
- Total number of dead channels is lt 0.5 for
tracking detectors and 0.1 for trigger
detectors - Detectors are operating stably
- Triggering on muons (single, di-muon, muonjets,
etc.) during physics data taking
4 Current trigger rates
L1 rate 1KHz L2 rate 0.6 KHz L3 rate 50 Hz
February data taking e 90 per run 85 overall
5Many new results from DØ
- B
- Electroweak
- Higgs
- Top
- New Phenomena (Last weeks wine and cheese
seminar by S. Protopopescu)
6Dijet Mass Cross Section
- probe of
- Proton structure at large x
- hunting for resonances
- quark compositeness
- data sample
- 34.1 pb-1
- ET / PTj1 lt 0.7
- primary vertex zvtx lt 50 cm, Ntrks gt 4
- selection sample definitions
- DR 0.7 cone jets
- hjet lt 0.5
- Njet gt 1
- calculate invariant mass of leading two jets
twice the s at 1.96 TeV
Mjj 838 GeV
7Jet Energy Scale
- methods currently used
- O underlying event, noise
- minimum bias events
- R non-linearities, dead material
- direct photon candidate events
- statistics up to 200 GeV energy
- S particle showers
- jet transverse shapes in data
- errors
- large statistical errors
- substantial systematic errors
- increase with energy due to extrapolation
8Raw dijet mass spectrum
Jet energy scale corrected
9Unsmearing correction
- Measure PT resolution using PT imbalance in
dijets - Derive dijet mass resolution using jet PT
resolution - Use ansatz function to unsmear data
- Correction is small
10Dijet mass spectrum
10 luminosity error not shown
10 luminosity error not shown
Dominant error is energy scale
12B physics
- Cross sections
- Lifetimes
- Flavor tagging
- Prove we understand detector before moving on to
other interesting physics - Bs mixing, Sin(2b), b baryons,
- Mixing measurements
- Reconstruct B
- Determine proper time
- Flavor tag
13 B jet cross section
- Measured in Run I 2-3 times higher than
Strategy Measure ?jet cross-sectionExtract
b-content using PTRel
Data selection kinematic cuts
- pT? gt6 GeV/c, ?? lt0.8
- (Muon PT measured in muon system only)
Data 02/28/02-05/10/02 (3.4 pb-1)
14Obtain B jet cross section from mjets cross
section Fit PTrel templates to data in jet ET
PTrel for jets with 20 GeV lt ET lt 25 GeV
B fraction as a function of Jet ET
(cannot distinguish c mX and decays in flight
so only fit b, non-b)
15b jet cross section
Data unsmeared using ansatz function
Dominant error is due to jet energy scale
- Uncertainty due to
- b quark mass
- renormalization/
- factorization scale
- pdfs
- fragmentation functions
- Based on NLO calculations
- and applied to Pythia
(not fully corrected for lepton losses
and branching ratio)
Consistent with Run I result
16 Lifetimes and exclusive B decays
- For now focusing on J/Y m m- sample
- Useful for calibration
L 40 pb-1
- Easy trigger and provides lots of Bs
75,0000.17 13,000 bs
17Average B Hadron Lifetime
( ) states (prompt) B ? J/? X
J/? Sources
decay Prompt PV J/?(B)
?B through ??
18Inclusive B lifetime
lb distribution
Dominant Sys Errors
Error (mm)
Correction factor 15.9
Fitting Bias 14.0
B fraction 17.3 0.5
Fraction of outliers 1x10-3
19Charged B
- Cuts (J/?)
- Muons with opp. charge
- pT(?) gt 2.0 GeV
- SMT hits ? 1
- ?2 on J/? vertex lt 10
- 2.8 lt J/? mass lt 3.3
B- J/Psi K-
- Cuts (Charged B)
- ?2 for K lt 10
- Total ?2 lt 20
- Kaon hits ? 3
- pT(K) gt 2.0 GeV
- Collinearitygt0.9
- B decay length gt 0.3mm
20Charged B lifetime
Fully reconstructed B so no need for a correction
lttgt1.76 0.24 ps (stat)
lttgt1.674 0.018 ps (PDG)
21 Use charged B sample to measure flavor tagging
Muon tagging Muon DR gt2.0 from B Muon PT gt 1.9
GeV/c Muon charge ? B-tag
- Jet Charge tagging
- Remove B daughters
- Only use tracks with impact parameter
- lt 0.2 within a phi cone 1.14 opposite to
direction of B - Only events with Qgt0.2 are used
- as tags
Use Jet charge or Lepton charge to Determine b
22Tagging power eD2 Significance of a mixing
measurement proportional to eD2
e efficiency for a tag D Dilution
Jet tag
Muon tag
e 63.0 3.6 e 8.3 1.9
D15.8 8.3 D44.4 21.1
e 65.8 2.4 e 8.5 1.6
D2.4 4.1 D-3.7 19.2
2.4 1.7 3.3 1.8
Signal region
eD2 for signal
23Photon conversions
X-Y vertex location of g e e-
Since low PT tracks are very important for B
physics, tracking algorithm has been improved
Improved performance for low PT tracks and tracks
with large impact parameter(Ks,L)
Silicon modules
24? C ?J/? ?
According to CDF Run I measurement fraction of
J/Y from cc
27.4 1.6 5.2
Expect 80 events
- Cuts
- Track pT gt 2.0 GeV on tracks from J/Y
- pTg gt 1.0 GeV
Fit with fixed M?c1-Mcc2 46 MeV but float
relative contributions
25 Results with new tracking algorithm
K p p
L pp
X Lp
26Exclusive B decays
Combine J/Y with track or combine J/Y with K
and then require decay length significancegt3.0
Bd J/Y K
27 Towards Sin(2b)
Combine J/Y with Ks and require decay
length significance gt3.0
Bd J/Y Ks
- Search for Z in Dielectron Decays (Presented at
last weeks Wine and Cheese seminar) - Measurement of the Z ? m m Cross Section at
1.96 TeV
29sBR(Z mm)
L1L2, central track
eL1 87
- data sample 31.8 pb-1
- selection
- hm lt 1.8
- pair of oppositely charged muons
- PT gt 15 GeV
- gt 2.0
- require one be isolated in calorimeter AND
tracker - timing cut to remove cosmics
- di-muon trigger
- efficiency calculated from data
- 1585 events pass cuts
L1 OR no L1
track OR no track
etrk 82
30Dimuon Backgrounds
- cosmics negligible
- heavy flavor ( bb )
- compare dimuon events
- two isolated muons
- one isolated muon
- two samples agree well
- lt 1 non-isolated muons
- 1 /- 1 BG
- Z tt mm
- Drell-Yan
- Pythia plus fast detector simulation
- Z and Z/g
- muon resolution tuned to data
- correction factor NZ/NZ,g
Z tt
31Measured sBR(Z mm)
- calculation of efficiency
effic. error - Monte Carlo (acceptance) 0.403 0.012
- Level 1 muon 0.912 0.017
- loose muon identification 0.909 0.01
- track efficiency 0.822 0.014
ez emc x eL12 x eloose2 x etrack2 x efz x
(2eL2-eL22) x eopposite_q x eisol x ecosmic
sBr 263.8 6.6 (stat) 17.3 (sys) 26.4
(lum) pb
First measurement at 1.96 TeV
32This measurement
- Study of the W/Z(?lepton) jets production
- First step towards W/Z (?leptons) H (? bb)
measurement - The W/Z b-jets distributions related to W/Z
jets distributions - Try to understand major background source from
W/Z di-jets - Search for H?WW() (? eenn/mmnn/emnn) decays
- Others
- Search for H ?gg decays
- WH(? l?n bb)
- ZH(? ll- or nn bb)
- fbb (? 4 b jets) (f h,H,A SUSY Higgs)
34Higgs Mass Limits
Indirect limit from global SM fit MHlt 195 GeV at
95 CL
Direct SM Higgs search of LEP MHgt114.4 GeV at 95
35- gg ? H s(gg ? H) 1pb
- For masses below 140GeV,
- Background hides H ? bb signals
- For higher masses mHgt 120GeV,
- Combination with H ? WW() decay process can be
useful - HW, HZ s(HW/HZ) 0.1pb
- Leptonic decays of W/Z help background
rejection - Hqq s(Hqq) 0.1 pb
- Backgrounds too large
- Hbb s(Hbb) 5fb
- SM extensions may enhance fbb (f h,H,A)
36Tevatron Higgs Working Group Study
- The Higgs discovery potential for the RunII
Tevatron has been evaluated. - hep-ph/0010338
- A joint effort of theorists and both experimental
groups, CDF and DØ. - Simulation performed using a parameterized fast
detector simulation.
- Main conclusion
- Discovery at 3-5 s can be made,
- Combine all channels.
- Combine the data from both experiments, CDF and
DØ - Must improve understanding of signal and
background cross sections, kinematics and
detector performance. - b-tagging, resolution of Mbb
- Advanced analysis techniques are vital
LEP excluded at 95 C.L.
- Results of studies with full simulations for
selected signal process are consistent with SHWG
37W/Z jets production
- First step towards W/Z (?leptons) H (?bb)
measurement. - W/Z b-jets distributions related to W/Z jets
distributions well. - Try to understand major background source from
W/Z di-jets. - Analysis utilized 35 pb-1
- Data samples triggered by lepton
- No bias for jets distribution.
- Basic Selection
- Isolated lepton with large missing ET (for W)
- 2 high pT leptons and mll consistent with mz
- Look at high pT jets
38Wjets production
1st leading jets
- Selection
- W(en)
- Isolated e pT gt 20 GeV
- h lt 0.8
- Missing ET gt 25 GeV
- W(mn)
- Isolated m pT gt 25 GeV
- h lt 1.5
- missing ETgt 20 GeV
- Jets
- pT gt 20 GeV
- h lt 2.5
- Compare PYTHIA with DATA
- Normalized by area
- Error includes stat. error and dominant sys.
error from JES
Dot Data Bar MC
2nd leading jets
Dot Data Bar MC
39Wjets production (2)
- Reconstructed di-jet mass and DR( Df2 Dh2
) between di-jet - MC represents jet distributions well
- First step towards study of Z(?leptons)H(? bb)
decay process
Di-jet Mass
DR between di-jets
Dot Data Bar MC
Dot Data Bar MC
40Zjets production
- 2 muons from Z(mm)
- pT gt 15 GeV
- h lt 2
- 2 electrons from Z(ee)
- pT gt 20 GeV
- h lt 2.3
- Jets
- pT gt 20 GeV
- h lt 2.5
2nd leading jets
1st leading jets
- Compared PYTHIA
- with DATA
- Error includes stat. error
- and dominant sys. error
- from JES
Combined Z(ee)jets and Z(mm)jets
41Zjets production (2)
- Number of jets in Z jets production
- Reconstructed di-jet mass and DR( Df2 Dh2
) between di-jet - MC represents jet distributions well
- First step towards study of Z(?leptons)H(? bb)
decay process
jets in Zjets
Di-jet Mass
DR between di-jets
Combined Z(ee)jets and Z(mm)jets
42 b-tagging
- Next step towards study of W/Z H(?bb)
production is b-jet reconstruction - b tagging is performed using secondary vertex
reconstruction - Lepton from semileptonic decay of b is very useful
- Impact Parameter gt 0
- ? track cross jet axis after closest point
m jet sample
Positive IP
Interaction point
b enhanced
- Impact Parameter lt 0
- ? track cross jet axis before closest point
Interaction point
Negative IP
43H?WW() ? ll-nn
- Lot of interesting physics in WW production
- SM Higgs at high mass region
- 4th fermion family enhances SM Higgs cross
section - (factor 8.5 for mH100 - 200GeV)
- Fermiophobic/Topcolor Higgs
- (Br(H ?WW)gt98 for mH gt 100GeV)
- Non Higgs-related Tri-linear couplings, New
Phenomena - Look at ee/em/mm plus missing ET events
- Cannot directly reconstruct mass
- Transverse mass computed by the mll and missing
ET - Opening angle between leptons (DFll) is useful
discriminating variable - Two leptons tend to move in parallel (? DFll is
small) , - due to spin correlation of Higgs boson decay
products. - Leptons from Z/g , multijets are emitted back to
back, large DFll - Backgrounds include Z/g, WW, tt, W/Zjets, QCD
44Results of H?WW() ? ee-nn
Expected background DATA
Lepton ID, pTgt20 GeV/c 2748 ? 42 ? 245 2753
mee lt mH/2 264 ? 18.6 ? 4.3 262
ET gt 20 GeV/c2 12.3 ? 2.5 ? 0.7 11
Transverse mass 3.6 ? 1.4 ? 0.2 1
DFee lt 2.0 0.7 ? 1.4 ? 0.1 0
L44.5 pb-1 Selection optimized mH 120 GeV
esig 8
Results of H?WW() ? emnn
Expected background DATA
Lepton ID, pTgt20 GeV/c 22 ? 2.1 ? 2.2 22
ET gt 20 GeV/c2 3.1 ? 1.7 ? 0.1 4
Anti W 1.4 ?1.5 ?0.1 2
DFem lt 2.0 0.9 ? 1.5 ? 0.1 1
L34 pb-1 Selection optimized mH 160 GeV
esig 12
- Improved measurement of the top mass with Run I
data - First measurement of tt cross section at
1.96 TeV - Cross section at Run II 30 higher than at Run
I. - Predictions between 6.7 7.5 pb
- 6 Analysis channels
- mm
- em
- e jets
- m jets
- e jets (soft muon tag)
- m jets (soft muon tag)
46Status of the Top Mass Measurement in the
LeptonJets Channels at Run I
Likelihood method using most available
information Uses DØ Run I statistics (125
pb-1) selection ? 91 events
Additional cuts for this analysis 4 Jets
exclusively 71 events Pb 22 events (pure
(5.6 GeV from PRD 58 052001,1998)
Large improvement on the statistical uncertainty
(2.4? stats)
Details to be presented at an upcoming Wine and
Cheese seminar
47Analysis Channels
Leptonjets (topological)
Leptonjets (soft muon tag)
em and mm
ejets, mjets
ejets/m, mjets/m
Efficient Not very pure
Pure Not very efficient
Pure and efficient Low branching
48Data Sample
Data mid-August to mid-January Luminosity 30-50
- Jets
- 0.5 cone Improved Legacy algorithm with JES
- Electrons
- Central only
- Selected based on simple cone, shower shape, EM
fraction - Match with track (f, h and E/p)
- Muons
- Tracks in muon system
- Tracks in central tracker
- Minimum ionization in calorimeter (Used only to
measure e)
- Missing ET
- From calorimeter with JES corrections and muon
49Dimuon Channel
Selection 2 isolated muons, MET(Mmm), HT and 2
or more jets
Z?mm DY?mm QCD and Wjets
Z?tt WW?mm
from MC
Estimated from data
DØ Run II Preliminary
Z?mm (MC)
Z ?mm DY ?mm Fakes Z ?tt WW 0.20?0.11 0.20?0.20 0.18?0.18 0.02?0.02 0.00?0.00
Background 0.60?0.30
Signal 0.3?0.04
Data 2
L42.6 pb-1
Signal (MC)
For s 7pb
50em Channel
Selection criteria Backgrounds
1 electron, 1 isolated muon, MET, METCAL , HT (e)
and 2 or more Jets
QCD and Wjets
Z?tt WW?em
from MC
Estimated from data (Fakes)
DØ Run II Preliminary
Fakes Z ?tt WW 0.05?0.01 0.02?0.01 0.00?0.00
Bkg 0.07?0.01
Signal 0.5?0.01
Data 1
Z ?tt
33.0 pb-1
For s 7pb
HT(e) (GeV)
51Lepton-plus-Jets Analyses
- Luminosities ejets and
mjets - Backgrounds QCD multi-jets and W multi-jets
- Method
- Preselection
- QCD background evaluation (matrix method)
49.5 pb-1
40.0 pb-1
- Preselect a sample enriched in W events -
Evaluate QCD multi-jet (as a function of Njets) -
Estimate W4jets assuming Berends scaling - Apply
topological selection
1 EM object or muon, MET, soft muon veto
Separate Wtt and QCD with loose (L) and tight
(T) lepton characteristics. Efficiencies (L?T)
for signal eWtt and background eQCD are
measured independently
ejets Track match to the EM object mjets
Muon isolation
Matrix method
52e Wtt vs Njets
DØ Run II Preliminary
- Signal probabilities
- Background nature
- Background Probabilities
obtained from benchmark signal samples of Z? ee
or mm
Non trivial dependence of eWtt w.r.t. Njets
(especially in the mjets case)
? Correction taken from MC
QCD Background essentially due to Heavy Flavor
semi-leptonic decays
QCD Background due to leading p0 or compton QCD
events and Fake track or g conversion
are obtained from benchmark QCD samples with
low MET
DØ Run II Preliminary
DØ Run II Preliminary
DØ Run II Preliminary
Dependence of the eQCD w.r.t. MET and Njet
53- Berends scaling
- Estimation of the W background for Njets? 4
- Apply topological cuts
DØ Run II Preliminary
DØ Run II Preliminary
a 0.145?0.02
a 0.164?0.02
38 (mjets)
22 (ejets)
Aplanarity and HT
Analysis NW NQCD Bkg. Tot. Signal Nobs
ejets 1.3?0.5 1.4?0.4 2.7?0.6 1.8 4
mjets 2.1?0.9 0.6?0.4 2.7?1.1 2.4 4
For s 7pb
54Soft Muon Tag Analyses
Selection before Soft Muon Tag
- Use the same preselection as ljets - Require
at least 3 jets - Apply mild topological cuts
(Loose/Tight sample)
75/23 (mjets)
459/27 (ejets)
When SMT applied
DØ Run II Preliminary
DØ Run II Preliminary
1/0 (mjets)
9/2 (ejets)
0.2?0.2 (m)
0.2?0.1 (e)
QCD background. from matrix method
W bkg. from Tag rate functions
Analysis Bkg. Tot. Sig. Nobs
ejets 0.2?0.1 0.5 2
mjets 0.6?0.3 0.4 0
DØ Run II Preliminary
0.4?0.1 (m)
0.0?0.1 (e)
For s 7pb
55mjets Candidate Event
Jet 2
m -
Jet 2
Jet 1
Jet 1
Double tag event
56Cross Section Measurement
- Combining the observation of all channels an
excess of 3s is observed
Combined cross section
- Many new analyses are producing interesting
physics results - DØ is already showing exciting measurements/ more
to come soon - Tevatron program is rich and promising-We are
enthusiastic about the physics through the end of
the decade