Title: Jessie Levine, Turnabout Map, 1982
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3Jessie Levine, Turnabout Map, 1982
4 Our North is the South. . . a true idea of our
position, not how the rest of the world would
like it. In 1935, Joaquín Torres-García called
for a School of the South in which
twentieth-century Uruguayans would proudly devise
our own special version of things today. . . .
A school aimed at artistic self-determination,
at liberating a native identity from externally
imposed European models. Susana Torruella
Leval, in The Decade Show.
Joaquín Torres-García, The North is the South,
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6Gilbert Magu Lujan, Returning to Aztlán, 1984
7Theodore de Bry, 16th Century
8John Vanderlyn, Landing of Columbus at the Island
of Guanahani, West Indies, 1846
9Alfred J. Quiróz, Christopher Columbus Discovers
America and Introduces The Spanish Language,
1990, 60x87 inches
10Theodore de Bry, 16th Century
11Classical Tradition
Christian Doctrine
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