Title: Playing Jesse levine Tennis Points
1Playing Jesse levine Tennis Points
- Jesse levine Qualified tips provider. Playing
tennis points consistently requires that you
practice playing every point with concentration
and focus -
- "The power of concentration comes in when we
master the ability to bring ourselves back to the
moment on court, we will never be able to stay
mentally in the moment all the time during play,
but by learning how to catch ourselves and then
refocus on the next point, will have start
winning more points and of course winning more
tennis matches." -
- There is a start, a middle and an ending with all
points, so let's look at one a little deeper. -
- Never start a point until you have let go of the
previous point, if you just played a long point,
take more time and get your mind right before you
play the next one or if it was a big point, win
or lose, make sure you are mentally ready for the
next one. -
- Will yourself to stay in the moment, because it's
easy to lose focus and lose your mental game
under pressure, nerves and tension are always
around the corner, just waiting for you. -
2Now, when you are ready for the next point,
decide what you want to do mentally with the
point, then adjust as the point starts. The
playing rule here is, cross court 80 of the time
and hit the inside out forehand as much as
possible on every point. Jesse levine Best
service provider. Use a lot of topspin and racket
head speed, with plenty of net clearance. Keep
that first step quick and smooth after your hop
step,then try leaning in the direction you want
to go and move in a natural way. No cheap
points. Great players have the ability to work
themselves into a point and then take charge of
the point, the minute their opponent gives them
something short. The goal is the play the point
as smooth as you can and be relaxed and focused,
then let go of it and get ready for the next
one. The faster you can master this in
practice, the better you will start playing
points and winning them.
3Top tennis players play every point as though it
were their last one, meaning that every point is
a BIG point for them mentally. Novak is great
at doing this in matches. Also when finishing
off a point, take your time, and don't rush it,
look to set yourself up, and put the ball away on
the second shot. Try to always be closing in on
your opponent, this means you have to get your
net game tight, but if you get the work in
everyday, this shouldn't be a problem at
all. Playing points is like any part of the
game of tennis, you want to master it in
practice, by playing each one as hard and as
smart as you can. Jesse levine Best service
provider. Do it for a whole day at first, then
try it for a week, after that, a month, then just
watch how you are able to take your game to a
whole new level!