Title: Lower Extremity Consequences of Core Dysfunction
1Lower Extremity Consequences of Core
- Joseph M. Hart, PhD, ATC
- University of Virginia
- Orthopaedic Surgery
- Sports Division
- Core stability may provide several benefits to
the musculoskeletal system, from maintaining low
back health to preventing knee injury - Willson J D, Dougherty C P, Ireland M L, and
Davis I M, Core stability and its relationship to
lower extremity function and injury. J Am Acad
Orthop Surg, 2005. 13(5) 316-25.
3What is the core?What is core stability?
4Where is the core
- Lumbo-pelvic-hip complex
- Includes the active passive structures that
either produce or restrict movements of the
lumbar, hip or pelvic segments
5What is the core?
- Movements/ stability occurs in 3 planes
- Sagittal Plane
- Frontal Plane
- Transverse Plane
6What is the core?
- Sagittal Plane stability
- Rectus abdominis
- transverse abdominis
- erector spinae
- multifidus
- gluteus max
- hamstrings
- Flexion/ extension
- Co-contraction causes trunk stiffness and raises
intra-abdominal pressure - rigid cylinder
7What is the core?
- Movements/ stability occurs in 3 planes
- Sagittal Plane
- Frontal Plane
- Transverse Plane
8What is the core?
- Frontal Plane
- Glut med., glut min. (1ยบ lateral hip stabilizers)
- Quadratus lumborum
- Unilateral ipsilateral pelvis elevation
- Contralateral spine stiffness
- Perhaps best suited for spine stability active
during nearly all upright tasks - Hip adductors (magnus, longus, brevis, pectineus)
9What is the core?
- Movements/ stability occurs in 3 planes
- Sagittal Plane
- Frontal Plane
- Transverse Plane
10What is the core?
- Transverse Plane stability
- HIP rotation
- glut max., glut med.
- Piriformis
- superior/inferior gemelli
- quadratus femoris
- obterator internus/externus
- Trunk rotation
- internal/external obliques
- iliocostalis lumborum
- multifidus
11What is the core?
- Thoraco-Lumbar Fascia
- Covers and inter-connects muscles and fascia
surrounding the spine - Helps create a stabilizing corset effect
- Provides connective support from LE to UE
- Allows for integrated kinetic chain activities
12What is core stability
13What is core stability
- The ability of the Lumbo-pelvic-hip complex to
prevent buckling of the vertebral column and to
return it to equilibrium following perturbation - Coordination and co-contraction of muscles
provides spine stiffness - Rigid Cylinder
14What is core stability
- the ability to control the position and motion
of the trunk over the pelvis and leg to allow
optimum production, transfer and control of force
and motion to the terminal segment in integrated
kinetic chain activities. - Kibler W B, Press J, and Sciascia A, The role of
core stability in athletic function. Sports Med,
2006. 36(3) 189-98.
15What is core stability
- Core stability is instantaneous
- Must continually adapt to changing postures and
loading conditions - Ensure integrity of spine and provide stable base
for movement of extremities. - Absorb forces transmitted through the lower
extremity during activity
16Importance of core stability
- Mechanical base for motion of the distal segments
- Many extremity prime movers attach to the core
- Core muscles are active before initiation of
extremity movement. - Proximal stability for distal mobility
17Importance of Core Stability
- Motor control
- Carefully coordinated contractions from
antagonistic muscles is necessary to stabilize
during posture, activity and to react to
perturbations. - Muscle activity assists with attenuating forces
transmitted through the lower extremity to the
spine during activity - Neuromuscular training reduced serious knee
injury in females by 62 (Hewett, 1999) - Included abdominal curls, back extension exercise
18Importance of Core Stability
- Muscular capacity( ie endurance)
- Trunk muscle endurance is of greater value than
the ability to generate force in the prevention
of LBP (McGill, 2003)
19Importance of Core Stability
- the product of motor control and muscular
capacity of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex. - Leetun D T, Ireland M L, Willson J D, Ballantyne
B T, and Davis I M, Core stability measures as
risk factors for lower extremity injury in
athletes. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 2004. 36(6)
20Importance of Core Stability
- What is needed to achieve optimal stability?
- Depends on task/ activity
- Balance/ symmetry for co-contraction
- Endurance/ motor control during fatiguing tasks
- Same muscles that stabilize also needed for
breathing at times of high O2 demand (fatiguing
exercise) - Loss of stabilization during high intensity
exercise? - --(McGill, 1995)
21What is Core Dysfunction
Problem for active people
22Core Dysfunction
- Poor/ altered function of muscles that stabilize
the lumbar-pelvic-hip complex - Causes?
- Muscle Weakness
- Poor muscular endurance
- Fatigue
- Pain/ injury avoidance
- The important question
- What happens during activity when muscles cannot
stabilize the lumbar spine, pelvis and hips?
23Core Dysfunction
- Lumbar spine experiences compressive loads gt6000N
- Passive restraints able to resist only 90N
- Remaining support provided by active tissue
- What happens when muscles fatigue quickly or at
different rates? - COPING MECHANISM..
24Low Back Pain
- Core Dysfunction is common in persons with LBP
25Low Back Pain
- Non-specific LBP presents a major clinical
problem due to the likelihood of high cost,
limited activity levels and recurrence. - Back injuries account for 20 of all injuries and
illnesses in the workplace - 2 of the US workforce are compensated for back
injuries each year - Enormous economic burden ?25 billion annually
26Low Back Pain
- The likelihood of experiencing LBP increases with
age - peak prevalence of LBP occurs in persons aged
55-64 years in US - 85-90 of the population is likely to experience
an episode of low back pain in their lifetime - 2-5 of the population at least once every year.
- LBP causes the greatest level of activity level
limitations in persons less than 45 years.
27Low Back Pain
- Back pain etiology is multifactorial
- What do we know about risk for developing LBP?
- Previous LBP including (frequency and duration of
symptoms) - Weak, highly fatigable and unbalanced muscles
- Specifically, poor lumbar paraspinal endurance
- (Biering-Sorensen)
- Hamstring tightness
- Poor spinal flexibility
- Reduced lumbar lordosis
28Back to the core
29The core question
- How does fatigue affect muscular stability of the
lumbar spine, pelvis and hips? - In the presence of Recurrent Low Back Pain?
- Poor core stability
- How does this affect Lower Extremity muscle
function? - Lower extremity injury risk??
30Research Findings
- Persons with LBP who fatigue quicker (lumbar
extension endurance) tend to have more quadriceps
inhibition - Suter, 2001
- Localized lumbar paraspinal muscle fatigue causes
increased quadriceps inhibition - Hart, et al, 2005
31Knee Extension Force
Quad EMG
32Central Activation Ratio (C.A.R.)
- CAR estimate of muscle inhibition
- FMVIC ? Force of MU voluntarily recruited
- FSIB ? Force of MU electrically recruited
- FMVIC FSIB ? Force of TOTAL MU pool
33Research Findings
- Compensation for local lumbar paraspinal fatigue
during gait - Similar to avoidance strategy observed in persons
with injured/ reconstructed knee -Hart et
al 2005
34Research Findings
- Postural compensation for local lumbar fatigue
- Forward trunk posture (Madigan, 2006)
- More anterior COP during stance
- Redistribution of ankle, knee and low back
torques during stance - How will this affect Gait?
35Is trunk forward lean bad?
36Is trunk forward lean bad?
- Anteriorly displaced ground reaction force vector
during activity/ gait - Reduces sagittal plane knee joint moment
- Indicates quadriceps eccentric control during
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38Trunk Forward Lean
- Alters force attenuation at the knee
- Etiology or forward lean?
- Weak Gluteals?
- Weak Quadriceps?
- Weak Lumbar paraspinals
- Poor endurance in muscles that stabilize pelvis,
spine, hips? - Sequellae?
- Higher thoraco-lumbar disc loads
- Quadriceps atrophy/ weakness
- LE joint surfaces exposed to unusual/ excessive
39Trunk Forward Lean
- Flat-back patients show similar gait
adaptations to persons with knee OA - Reduced velocity, reduced stride length,
increased stance phase duration - Note continued high force during mid-stance in
persons with forward flexed trunk posture during
40Trunk Forward Lean
- Compensation for forward flexed position of the
trunk is a crouched posture - Flexed knee and hip in stance and during gait
(also similar to patients with advanced OA) - Places weaker gluteals in a mechanically
advantaged position - Higher demand on quadriceps
41Core Stability and LE Injury
- Inappropriate positions of hips and trunk during
gait or landing may place LE joints at risk for
injury - Inability of hip rotators to control femur
rotation ? knee valgus/ internal rotation
42Gait Compensations
- Persons recurrent LBP exhibit a quadriceps
dominant pattern during gait. (Hart, 2005) - Adaptation to poor spine, pelvis, hip muscular
43Gait Compensations
- What other group exhibits quadriceps dominance,
trunk lean, poor control of femur rotation? - position of no return
- Body forward flexed
- Hip adducted
- Internally rotated
- Valgus knee
- Tibia externally rotated
- Foot pronated
- Persons with poor Lumbo-pelvic-hip stability
- During exercise Fatigue
- Deteriorated postural control
- Difficult for hip muscles to appropriately
position femur during gait, landings, etc - Trunk Forward Lean
- Re-distributing Lower extremity forces during
gait - Inhibited Quadriceps
- Reduced knee joint torque during gait
- Reliance on proximal, postural muscles
- (which are probably weak, inhibited, poor
endurance) - What absorbs forces if muscles cannot?
- Core stability may provide several benefits to
the musculoskeletal system, from maintaining low
back health to preventing knee injury
46Thank you for your attention
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