Title: Dehydration and Heat Illness
1Dehydration and Heat Illness
2Todays Objectives
- Learn about how the body produces heat
- Understand how heat is dissipated and transferred
from the body - Discuss the minor, moderate, and severe heat
related illnesses - Discuss how hyponatremia is involved with heat
illness - Learn the risk factors associated with a heat
illness - Review Dehydration and NATAs Position Statement
on Water Replacement - Review how athletes can prevent and ATs/coaches
can treat heat illness - Cold Injuries?!?! In AZ????
3Heat Production
- Thermodynamics-
- Law 1 states energy can neither be created nor
destroyed - Heat production occurs as a result of muscle work
- Muscles that produce heat are working 15-20 times
their resting rate - However, the human body only uses 15-30 as
energy, the other 70 to 85 is converted to heat
and must be dissipated or the core body
temperature will rise
4Krebs Cycle and Glycolysis
5Heat Dissipation and Heat Transfer
- Because of Law 1 of Thermodynamics, the bodys
core temperature is transient - Without our internal thermostat, heat generated
at rest would increase body temperature 1 C
every 5 minutes!! - Early in exercise
- Heat production is greater than heat loss even
more so in a hot environment. - Causes our core internal temp to rise quickly
6Heat Dissipation and Heat Transfer cont.
- A rise in core temp is sensed and is regulated by
thermodetectors, a.k.a- internal thermostat - Sends a message to our brain to initiate sweating
and increase peripheral blood flow - Heat loss
- Nonevaporative vs. Evaporative
- Conduction
- Convection
- Radiation
7Heat Dissipation
- Radiation and Convection
- Dissipates most heat when temps are below 68 F
- Evaporation
- Dissipates most heat when temps are above 68 F
- Is when a warmer body comes into contact with a
cooler body - The warmer body will result in transfer of heat
to the cooler body - Example
- After track practice you are so hot that you lay
on the cool floor in the E building to cool down.
In this process, you warm up the floor and you
temporarily cool the part of your body that was
exposed to the floor. Conduction is you warming
the floor.
- Is a result of forced fluid flow (usually cooler)
across a warmer relatively stationary surface - Superficial blood flow transfers heat by this
method - When dilated peripheral blood vessels come in
contact with circulating air that has a direct
contact with skin surface - Also related to
- The amount of exposed skin
- The speed of air circulation
- Skin thickness! The thicker the skin the harder
to cool the body! - Example
- Cool/warm wind blowing outside on a hot
temperature body
- When energy (heat) flows from high temperature to
low temperature, results in heat transfer through
electromagnetic waves - Example
- Exposed human skin is a radiator. The more total
area of exposed skin, the more energy (heat) is
radiated to the environment, assuming of course
that the body is warmer than its surroundings. - To minimize the amount of radiative heat lost to
the environment make sure all exposed skin are
covered. This includes the head, face, neck, and
11Evaporative Heat Dissipation
- Occurs when a liquid turns into a gas
- Sweating usually begins when the body temperature
is above 98.6 F - Cooling as a result of sweating is related to
- Skin surface area
- Velocity of air crossing the skin surface area
- The sweat rate of the athlete
12Problems with Heat Dissipation
- Hot/Humid Climates
- Evaporative cooling is indirectly related to
humidity - In dry and hot conditions, evaporation can
account for 98 of heat loss - In temps above 95 F, convection and radiation do
not contribute to heat loss, but sun radiation
can cause heat gain - In normal, heat acclimatized athletes
- Core temps during exercise can range from 98-104
F with normal performance - If these systems fail.
- Core temps will continue to rise leading to
dangerous levels of heat stress on the body - To prevent the damage reduce exercise, drink
water and salt replacement, improve
nonevaporative heat loss
13Minor Heat Illness
- Heat Edema
- S/S edema of hands and feet, heat rash
- Predisposition unacclimatized persons who
exercise in hot environments - Treatment rest and/or elevation of the affected
extremity. Generally resolves after
acclimatization to heat - Complications Usually none
14Minor Heat Illness cont.
- Heat Cramps
- S/S Severe, spreading muscular tightening and
spasm seen during or after intense, prolonged
exercise in the heat. Usually affects lower limb,
larger muscles- but any muscle can be affected - Etiology- Fluid loss, muscle fatigue, salt loss
- Predisposing factors Lack of acclimatization,
salty sweaters, sickle cell anemia - Treatment Rest, cooling down, ice, massage,
fluid and salt replacement. If not improving
within 30-45 mins call EMS because IV fluids may
be needed. - Prevention Conditioning and heat
acclimatization. Salty sweaters may need more
salt consumption in their diet in hotter
climates. - Complications Can lead to heat exhaustion if not
treated. Rhabdomyolisis should be suspected if
severe and prolonged episodes occur.
15Sickle Cell Anemia
- Present in 5-8 of the African American
population - Normal and abnormal shaped hemoglobin are
produced. The abnormal shaped hemoglobin carries
less oxygen. - With exercise the person doesnt have enough
oxygen to support their body - Especially true at higher altitudes
16Heat Exhaustion/ Exertional Hyperthermia
- Most common form of heat illness
- S/S Elevated (rectal) temperature (above 104
F), decreased BP, increased pulse, profuse
sweating, mild mental status change (mild
confusion, mild agitation/ irritability, mild
emotionality, mild uncoordination), fatigue,
headache, nausea, vomiting, heat cramps,
chills/goosebumps - Etiology Exertional heat stress and dehydration,
which results in the bodys inability to
adequately dissipate heat - Pure Na or water depletion forms of heat
exhaustion are rare in athletics usually a
combination of both.
17Heat Exhaustion/ Exertional Hyperthermia cont.
- Treatment Assess ABCs, obtain/ monitor vitals,
rest in cool, shaded environment with air
circulation- if more severe S/S are present- ice
bath, shock position, oral rehydration with an
electrolyte containing solution. If vomiting,
diarrhea or decreased mental functioning- 911 for
IV fluid. S/S usually resolve within a few hours - Complications Usually one significant heat
illness is predictive of future episodes of heat
18Exertional Heat Stroke
- A very serious medical emergency!!
- Extreme hyperthermia (rectal temperature above
104 F), with thermoregulatory failure and
profound central nervous system dysfunction! - S/S Elevated rectal temperature, significantly
lowered BP, elevated pulse, pronounced mental
status change (irritability, ataxia, confusion,
disorientation, syncope, hysterical or psychotic
behavior, seizure and or coma), Cessation of
sweating, epistaxis, bruising, peripheral edema,
fatigue, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, heat
cramps, and chills
19Exertional Heat Stroke cont.
- Etiology Biggest threat is when wet bulb globe
temperature is above 82 F during higher
intensity exercise (more than 72 of VO2 max) and
the duration of exercise is greater than 1 hour - If wet bulb globe temperature is unavailable
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21Exertional Heat Stroke cont.
- Pathophysiology How heat stress causes damage to
the body - Damage to cells via denaturation of proteins
thereby interrupting cellular function - Release of inflammatory proteins, which
contribute to circulatory collapse and systemic
damage - Damage to the vascular endothelium
- Predisposing Factors
- Genetics (?), dehydration, lack of
acclimatization, negative sodium imbalance,
finish line illness (near finish line,
dehydration, increasing speed (increased muscle
heat and increased blood flow), and rise in core
22Exertional Heat Stroke cont.
- Treatment
- Assess ABCs, remove from hot environment to a
cool, shaded area with airflow, remove necessary
clothing, obtain vitals and continue to monitor. - Methods of measuring temperature other than true
core temperature (RECTAL) should not guide
diagnosis and therapy!! - Oral, tympanic membrane, and axillary
temperatures do not correlate well with core
temperatures in heat injured patients. - Cold water immersion provides the fastest whole
body cooling rate and the lowest morbidity and
mortality for exertional heat stroke - Can also provide cold water towels directly on
athlete in combination with large fan to speed
23Exertional Heat Stroke cont.
- Complications
- CNS-confusion, coma, seizures, cerebral or spinal
infarction - Cardiovascular- arrhythmias, myocardial
infarction, pulmonary edema, shock - GI- Diarrhea and vomiting, upper GI bleeds, liver
damage - Hematologic- fibrinolysis, thrombocytopenia
- Musculoskeletal- rhabdomyoloysis, myoglobinemia
- Pulmonary- hyperventilation, adult respiratory
distress syndrome, pulmonary infarction - Renal- Acute renal failure
- Return to Play
- Athletes often experience a lack of heat
tolerance and possess residual thermoregulatory
compromise that may last up to several months.
24- Conditions and their associated signs and
- Exercise-associated muscle (heat) cramps
- Dehydration
- Thirst
- Sweating
- Transient muscle cramps
- Fatigue
- Heat syncope
- Dehydration
- Fatigue
- Tunnel vision
- Pale or sweaty skin
- Decreased pulse rate
- Dizziness
- Lightheadedness
- Fainting
Not every patient will present with all the
signs and symptoms for the suspected condition.
25- Exercise (heat) exhaustion
- Normal or elevated body-core temperature
- Dehydration
- Dizziness
- Lightheadedness
- Syncope
- Headache
- Nausea
- Anorexia
- Diarrhea
- Decreased urine output
- Persistent muscle cramps
- Pallor
- Profuse sweating
- Chills
- Cool, clammy skin
- Intestinal cramps
- Urge to defecate
- Weakness
- Hyperventilation
26- Exertional heat stroke
- High body-core temperature (gt40C 104F)
- Central nervous system changes
- Dizziness
- Drowsiness
- Irrational behavior
- Confusion
- Irritability
- Emotional instability
- Hysteria
- Apathy
- Aggressiveness
- Delirium
- Disorientation
- Staggering
- Seizures
- Loss of consciousness
- Coma
- Dehydration
- Weakness
- Hot and wet or dry skin
- Tachycardia (100 to 120 beats per minute)
- Hypotension
- Hyperventilation
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
27Exertional Hyponatremia
- Usually seen in endurance athletes
- 5-13 of marathon participants, .3-27
ultra-endurance participants - Presenting Symptoms
- Not feeling right, nausea, lightheadedness,
malaise, lethargy, cramps, vomiting - Signs of fluid overload
- Edema, weight gain, emesis. Tachycardia and
mental status change (confusion, seizure, coma,
and death) - Etiology
- Excessive fluid intake (water), loss of salt
through sweating
28Exertional Hyponatremia
- Predisposing factors
- Endurance activity lasting longer than 4 hours
- Especially in hot and humid temp
- BMI less than 20
- Weight gain during endurance event
- Runners who gain 0.75 kg of body weight at 7x
more likely to develop hyponatremia - Women, especially those who are in the late stage
of menstrual cycle - Inexperienced athletes in endurance events
- Use of NSAIDs
29Exertional Hyponatremia
- Treatment
- Education
- Encourage salty foods
- Obtain vitals (including core temp), call 911
- Prevention
- Education, including carbohydrate drinks into
30Conditions and their associated signs and
- Exertional hyponatremia
- Body-core temperature, 40C (104F)
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Extremity (hands and feet) swelling
- Low blood-sodium level
- Progressive headache
- Confusion
- Significant mental compromise
- Lethargy
- Altered consciousness
- Apathy
- Pulmonary edema
- Cerebral edema
- Seizures
- Coma
Not every patient will present with all the
signs and symptoms for the suspected condition.
31Risk factors and Populations at increased Risk
- Large or Obese Adults
- Generates more heat because of fat
- Dissipates heat less efficiently
- POORLY conditioned
- Healthy Adults
- Poor acclimatization
- Poorly conditioned
- Inexperienced in competition
- Salt or water depleted
- Elderly
- Less efficient at cooling than younger adults
because of the aging process
- Children
- Produce more metabolic heat per mass unit than
adults - Children absorb more heat from environment
- Children sweat less, require greater core temps
increases to trigger sweating
32Risk factors and Populations at increased Risk
- History of previous heat injury
- CNS thermostat has been injured, therefore a
higher set point activates sweating
- Women of reproductive age right after their
menstrual cycle - Smaller plasma volume
- Acute and Chronic Illness
- Sickle Cell Anemia
- Fever!
- Alcohol, drugs, and medication abuse
- Those supervising athletes should be able to
recognize the basic signs and symptoms of
dehydration thirst, irritability, and general
discomfort, followed by headache, weakness,
dizziness, cramps, chills, vomiting, nausea, head
or neck heat sensations, and decreased
performance. - A major consequence of dehydration is an increase
in core temperature during physical activity,
with core temperature rising an additional 0.15
to 0.20C for every 1 of body weight lost (due
to sweating) during the activity.
34Prevent Dehydration!
- Thirst is not an adequate indicator of how much
fluids we should be consuming - Athletes may not become thirsty until they have
become more than 5 dehydrated - Athletes should know how to calculate sweat loss
under similar conditions - Weight before activity
- Perform at competition level x 1hour
- Track fluid intake
- Record weight after activity
- To determine hourly sweat rate add the
difference in body weight in oz to the volume of
fluid consumed
35Prevent Dehydration!
- To determine how much water to drink every 15
minutes divide the hourly sweat rate by 4. This
is now YOUR guideline for how much water to
consume every 15 minutes during activity - To change how much consumption is needed
according to environmental factors (hotter or
cooler days) repeat the measurements and note
the temperature change. - Too much work??
36NATA Position Statement on Fluid Replacement
- To ensure proper pre-exercise hydration, the
athlete should consume approximately 17 to 20 fl
oz of water or a sports drink 2 to 3 hours before
exercise and 7 to 10 fl oz of water or a sports
drink 10 to 20 minutes before exercise. - Proper hydration during practice generally
requires 7 to 10 fl oz every 10 to 20 minutes of
practice. Athletes benefit from including
carbohydrates (CHOs) in their rehydration
protocols. Consuming CHOs during the pre-exercise
hydration session (2 to 3 hours pre-exercise),
along with a normal daily diet increases glycogen
stores. If exercise is intense, then consuming
CHOs about 30 minutes pre-exercise may also be
beneficial. Include CHOs in the rehydration
beverage during exercise if the session lasts
longer than 45 to 50 minutes or is intense. - Fruit juices, CHO gels, sodas, and some sports
drinks have CHO concentrations greater than 8
and are not recommended during an exercise
session as the sole beverage. Athletes should
consume CHOs at least 30 minutes before the
normal onset of fatigue and earlier if the
environmental conditions are unusually extreme,
although this may not apply for very intense
short-term exercise, which may require earlier
intake of CHOs.
37Prevention of Heat Illness
- Ensure adequate acclimatization and conditioning
into sport - 7-10 days of exposure into sport
- Preseason should include strength, endurance,
skill acquisition drills in a warm environment - Monitor atomspeheric and environmental conditions
and enforce activity restrictions in dangerous
situations - Adjust workout schedule based on the
environmental conditions - Wear proper clothing for exercise in the heat
- No shirt? More and less risk!
- Monitor athletes for early s/s of heat illness
38Cold Injury!?!?
- Raynauds Phenomenon
- Presentation
- Intital white ischemic phase may be followed by
a blue cyanotic phase, before the red
hyperemic phase begins - Treatment
- Warming the affected extremity
- Prevention
- Avoid direct cold exposure
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40Cold Induced Urticaria
- Affects those most commonly in the warm up in
cold weather - Presentation
- Wheals, hives, angioedema, anaphylaxis
involvement - Prevention
- Achieved with proper clothing and avoidance of
cold ice water - Treatment
- Antihistamines, if anaphylaxis is present and epi
pen may need to be given. Call 911!
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42If known that this condition exists and the
athlete, parent, and physician gives the ATC
permission for use of an epi pen, the injection
must be given HARD into the vastus lateralis of
the quad!!