Science - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Philosophy Ask the right questions Science True Health Art Disease vs Health Is Health Lack of symptoms? The American Medical System Is The Leading Cause Of Death And ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Science

Disease vs Health
  • The American Medical SystemIs The Leading Cause
    Of Death And Injury In The United StatesBy Gary
    Null PhD, Carolyn Dean MD ND, Martin Feldman MD,
  • Debora Rasio MD, Dorothy Smith PhD
  • in-hospital, adverse drug reactions (ADR) to
    prescribed meds 2.2 million.
  • 1995, unnecessary antibiotics prescribed annually
    20 million
  • 2003, now tens of millions of unnecessary
  • The number of unnecessary medical and surgical
    procedures performed annually is 7.5 million
  • unnecessary hospitalization annually is 8.9
  • The total number of iatrogenic deaths is 783,936
  • 2001 heart disease annual death rate is 699,697
  • the annual cancer death rate is 553,251.

Is Health Lack of symptoms?
Ask the right questions
True Health
Bodies Response infection
  • Fever Leukotaxis for ever degree increased in
    temp speed of white cells double (104 temp 64
    times faster)
  • Increased Mucus Production (wall off invader)
  • Kill the Invader (Immune system cells produced)
  • Eliminate the Dead (Diarrhea, Coughing, Sneezing)
  • 5. Restore and Rebuild

Medical Therapies based on science ??
  • Based on Homeostasis
  • Placebo controlled trials (Effect vs Toxicity)
    For all?
  • Patented Chemical Intervention to bring values
    back to their normal
  • Vaccinations (same for all?)
  • Surgery

Allostasis (stability through change), takes
virtually the opposite view.
Principles of Allostasis optimal design,
predictive regulation, pathophysiology and
rational therapeutics. Peter Sterling
Cambridge University
  • In medicine, major diseases now rise in
    prevalence, such as essential hypertension and
    type 2 diabetes, whose causes the homeostasis
    model cannot explain.And treating these diseases
    with drugs to fix low-level mechanisms that are
    not broken turns out not to work particularly

Vital Signs and Their Values
  • A mean value need not imply a setpoint but rather
    the most frequent demand.
  • It also seems past time to reevaluate the core
    hypothesis of the homeostasis model,
  • This model animal whose brain has been
    silenced by anesthesia which were the primary
    experimental models for over 100 years.
  • But regulation under natural conditions presents
    a response pattern that the homeostasis model
    cannot easily explain.

Blood Pressure
  • Consider the record of arterial blood pressure
    measured continuously over 24 hours in a normal
    adult Far from holding steady,
  • 110/70 mm Hg for two hours
  • As the subject dozes in lecture 80/50.
  • When he is jabbed with a pin150/70
  • having recognized the joke 80/50.
  • During sexual intercourse 170/90
  • during sleep to 70/40
  • one hour as low as 55/30
  • .

In the morning pressure steps up nearly to its
level during sex and remains high for hours
Allostasis stability through change
Medical Studies or how to work numbers
  • 2000 people for Study
  • Group A 1000 patentable chemical
  • Group B 1000 placebo
  • Group A 2 deaths
  • Group B 4 deaths
  • Relative benefit 50 less death rate
  • Absolute must treat 1000 to save 2
  • Essential Dont think about the long term
    effects or the cause

Whats in Placebos Who Knows? Analysis of
Randomized, Controlled Trials the Annals of
Internal Medicine 2008
  • Dr. Beatrice Golomb
  • Nothing is physiologically inert.
  • no regulations on what's in placebos
  • Placebos are made by the makers of the drug being
  • They have a vested interest in the outcome
  • 9 out of 10 placebos composition isnt revealed

The Placebo shuffle
  • example type 2 diabetes drug
  • placebo A (Peanut oil, high in B3)
  • placebo B (Corn Oil, low in B3).
  • The results
  • The Drug had significant improvement using
    placebo A
  • no improvement against placebo B.
  • B3 aggravated diabetes
  • placebo A ,makes the drug
  • appear more effective than it really is.

Medical Costs Not Sustainable
  • US Income 2.6 trillion 2012
  • US Budget 3.4 Trillion 2012
  • Medicare Debt 38 Trillion 2012
  • 12 billion a day on chronic illness
  • 41 infant mortality (directly linked to
  • Average American 12 RXs/ year

68 trillion for current health care 568,800 per
house hold
  • The first of 77 million Baby Boomers turn 65 this
    year and qualify for Medicare.
  • Medicare 24.8 trillion per HH 212,500
  • Social Security21.4 trillion per HH 183,400
  • Federal debt 9.4 trillion per HH 79,900
  • Military retirement/disability 3.6 trillion
    per HH 31,200
  • Federal employee 2 trillion per HH 17,000
  • State government 5.2 trillion per HH 44,800

Science of Chiropractic Innate Intelligence
  • There is a relationship between the body's
    structure and function. It is the study of how
    the nervous system affects the body's system and

The Truth
  • We Chiropractors work with the subtle substance
    of the soul. We release the imprisoned impulse --
    the tiny rivulet of force -- that emanates from
    the mind and flows over the nerves to cells and
    stirs them into life. We deal with the majestic
    power that transforms common food into living
  • B.J. Palmer

Nervous system Controls
The medical lie begins at Birth Birth is a
natural process Not a medical procedure
  • World Health Organization optimal cesarean
    section rates
  • mothers and babies of 5 to 10.
  • Rates above 15 seem to do more harm than good
  • The national U.S. cesarean section rate was 4.5
    and near this optimal range in 1965 when it was
    first measured.
  • 2007 the national cesarean section rate at 31.8,
    1 in 3 mothers.
  • The rate is likely to exceed 50 very soon in
    the U.S., he writes. How can we curtail this
    runaway increase in cesarean deliveries?
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology, Deputy Editor Dr. John

cesarean section
  • When doctors and mothers ignore the impact they
    might have five years down the line," says Dr.
    James Walker, who recently led a study on the
    long term implications of cesarean section.
    "Neither the medical profession nor women
    themselves realize the extent of the long-term
    problems cesarean sections can cause."In a
    literature review on cesarean birth research
  • 1 in 3 infertility rate among women after having
    a "routine" c-section.
  • scarring of the uterus
  • hemorrhaging (blood loss) sometimes requiring a
  • pelvic infections as a result of the invasive
    abdominal surgery
  • scar tissue on and around the ovaries or in the
    fallopian tubes (preventing ovulation or
    conception if/when ovulation does occur)
  • anesthetic shock or other complications
    (resulting in additional surgical damage or need
    for hysterectomy)

Anaphylactic Children Canaries in the Public
Health Mine Shaft
  • In the presentation speech as winner of the 1913
    Nobel Prize in Medicine for his work with
  • We are so constituted that we can never receive
    other proteins into the blood than those that
    have been modified by digestive juices. Every
    time alien protein penetrates by effraction, the
    organism suffers and becomes resistant.

Charles Robert Richet
Infant Mortality Increases as Vaccinations
Vaccination manufacturers No longer Liable
  • The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA)
    of 1986 (42 U.S.C. 300aa-1 to 300aa-34) was
    enacted in the United States to reduce the
    potential financial liability of vaccine makers
    due to vaccine injury claims.
  • The legislation was aimed at ensuring a stable
    market supply, and to provide cost-effective
    arbitration for vaccine injury claims.
  • Under the NCVIA, the National Vaccine Injury
    Compensation Program (NVICP) was created to
    provide a federal no-fault system for
    compensating vaccine-related injuries or death by
    establishing a claim procedure involving the
    United States Court of Federal Claims

  • Before 1986 3 vaccine manufacturers
  • After 1986 8 vaccine manufacturers
  • And the Vaccine Division became the most
    profitable division

TB Vaccine Causing the Disease with NO protection
Disease declined before Vaccinations
Flu Shot Child Death Rates Before and After
Pregnant and Vaccination
  • Animal reproduction studies have not been
    conducted..It is not known whether the vaccine
    can cause fetal harm when administered to a
    pregnant woman, or can affect reproductive
    capacity. The vaccine has not been evaluated
    for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for
    impairment of fertility.

CDC allegedly falsifies reports--ignoring up to
3,587 Miscarriages from H1N1 Vaccine
  • A shocking report from the National Coalition of
    Organized Women (NCOW)
  • the 2009/10 H1N1 vaccines contributed to an
    estimated 3,587 miscarriages and stillbirths.
  • NCOW fact that the CDC failed to inform their
    vaccine providers of the incoming data of the
    reports of suspected H1N1 vaccine related fetal
  • NCOW collected the data from pregnant women (age
    17-45 years) that occurred after they were
    administered a 2009 A-H1N1 flu vaccine. The raw
    data is available on the website.

(No Transcript)
Vaccinations Cause Disease
Disease associated with Vaccinations Crohn's
disease, colitis, insulin dependent diabetes,
asthma and allergies, rheumatoid
arthritis, eczema, psoriasis, scleroderma,
Nephritis, systemic Lupus thyroid gland tissue,
Grave's disease. If it affects the thymus gland
you develop myasthenia gravis. SIDs, minimal
brain dysfunction, ADD/ADHD, learning
disabilities, mental retardation, autism,
multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, Lou Gehrig's
disease, Guillen Barre,, seizure disorders, etc.,
Saanvi 2 yo severe allergies, autoimmune disease,
failure to thrive, fully vaccinated.2 months of
care skin clearing, able to tolerate healthy
fats, and happy.
New Health Paradigm
Human Potential
True Health
  • Dave 56 Years Old
  • 15 Years of
  • High Blood Pressure
  • 10 Medications
  • Joint Pain Tylenol
  • Asthma Inhaler Steroids
  • Indigestion Prevacid
  • High Blood Sugar - Metformin
  • Constipation
  • High Cholesterol Lipitor
  • Neck Muscle Spasms Soma
  • Sleep Problems Ambian
  • Sexual Dysfunction Viagra
  • Depression - Prozac
  • Aspirin To Thin Blood?

Philosophy, Science, Art
  • The blood output of the heart is artificially
    reduced, causing less oxygen to reach the bodys
    cells and tissues.
  • The result will be normal blood pressure cuff
  • The body still needs all that blood it needed
    before taking the drugs,
  • The body is now being forced to go through life
    with less oxygen than it needs, and organs slowly
    start wearing out. Premature aging.
  • The long term destructive side effects of these
    drugs include
  • Early death from heart disease, cancer, and
  • 1. CDC website Tables 1 and 7
  • 2. JAMA 2002287612-617.
  • 3. Rogers S MD The High Blood Pressure Hoax Sand
    Key 2006.
  • 4. Graveline, D MD Statin Drugs 2006
  • 5. International Medical World Report 1 Sep 2000
  • 6. Gress, T MD Antihypertensive therapy as risk
    factor for diabetes New England Journal of
    Medicine 30 Mar 00 vol 342 p 905

Higher Blood Pressure Had Lower Death Rates
  • Heart failure patients with high systolic blood
    pressures had lower death rates.
  • Mortality rates were more than four times higher
    for those with systolic pressures of less than
    120, in comparison to those who had pressure over
  • These conclusions were gleaned from research on
    more than 48,000 heart failure patients seen at
    259 U.S. hospitals between March 2003 and
    December 2004.
  • Journal of the American Medical Association
    November 8, 2006 296(18) 2217-2226

Low Blood Pressure Nyuna Raktachap
  • What is low blood pressure (Nyuna Raktachap)
  • If the pressure of the blood being pumped by the
    heart into the arteries falls below the average
    140 (systolic) and 80 (diastolic), there may be
    increase in the pulse rate, cold sweats, and a
    feeling of extreme weakness.
  • .if it falls below the minimum necessary for
    sound health, it should cause worry. The first
    requirement is to ascertain the cause of the

Prophylactic Aspirin Not Effective or Safe
  • People who are diagnosed with heart failure and
    follow a treatment regimen that includes blood
    thinners such as aspirin or coumadin could be
    putting their health into more danger.
  • Based on the results from this study, experts
    said that treatment of heart failure involving a
    multitude of drugs that proved to be ineffective
    should be eliminated as a treatment option.
  • American Heart Journal July 2004148(1)157-64
  • The researchers note that "Conventional
    nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are
    associated with a spectrum of toxic effects,"
    something which many patients are likely unaware
  • "No difference was noted in the incidence of
    cardiovascular events irrespective of aspirin
  • JAMA September 13, 20002841247-1255

Tylenol and NSAIDs Cause Arthritis
  • Decrease cartilage production
  • Inhibits proteoglycan production (the building
    blocks of cartilage)
  • Causes accelerated bone destruction
  • American Journal of Medicine, 1999, Dec.

Aspirin and Tylenol
  • People who take aspirin and Tylenol
    (acetaminophen) suppress their body's ability to
    produce antibodies to destroy the cold virus.
  • Journal of Infectious Disease Dec 1990

Acetaminophen linked to C.O.P.D.
  • Researchers found that regular use of the
    over-the-counter painkiller acetaminophen was
    linked to higher rates of asthma and chronic
    obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), as well as
    reduced lung function.
  • American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care
    Medicine May 1, 2005171966-971

5000 people a year die from
. Annals of Internal Medicine 2006144(12)904.
The researchers believe..
  • 4000 of the 5000 deaths were caused by the asthma
    drugs and not the asthma..

Long acting Beta Agonists (inhaler medication)
have been shown to increase severe life
threatening asthma exacerbations as well as
asthma related deaths.
.. Annals of Internal Medicine 2006144(12)904.
FDA Warning
  • FDA Low serum magnesium levels can result in
    serious adverse events including
  • muscle spasm (tetany),
  • irregular heartbeat (arrhythmias),
  • convulsions (seizures),
  • risk of cognitive decline,
  • decreased DNA production,
  • type 2 diabetes,
  • increased risk of fractures of the hip, wrist,
    and spine with high doses or long-term use.

Low Cholesterol Linked to Depression Dutch
researchers studied 30,000 men, found that low
cholesterol levels and an increased risk of
depression in men, They found that men with
chronically low cholesterol levels showed a
consistently higher risk of having depressive
symptoms along with anger, hostility, and
impulsivity . Psychosomatic Medicine 200062.
Drugs May Cause Depression/ Mania
  • Accutane, for the treatment of acne
  • oral contraceptives
  • high blood pressure drugs
  • statins for high cholesterol
  • Cold/ flu Meds
  • Anti-acids
  • Anti-depressants

Respect the Bodies Processes
  • Pain
  • Infections
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Cholesterol
  • Depression
  • Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which
    they know little, to cure diseases of which they
    know less, in human beings of whom they know
    nothing Voltaire 1692-1788

4 Risk Factors???
Philosophy of Chiropractic
  • The body's innate intelligence, that is, the
    wisdom of the body to heal itself.
  • A.D.I.O.

This is The Why
8yo asthma /ear infect
10 yo asthma/ ear infect
6yo asthma /ear infect
12 yo asthma/ ear infect
No Chiropractic Care Multiple vaccinations Multipl
e courses antibiotics Synthetic foods No
Enzymes Tylenol Advil
American Children 1 38 autistic 14 special
needs 10 min.Brain injury 74 doses of 16
vac. (1/2 of 1 moms have Hep B)
Keys to Living Healthy Well past One Hundred
Years . . .
Proper nerve supply FREE of subluxation Regula
r Exercise Proper Nutrition Sufficient
Rest Prayer and Meditation
Procrastination is the Thief of Health!!
Take Action Today A complete Health Check-up is
  • March Madness 20
  • You Receive
  • Posture analysis
  • Consultation
  • Drug Search
  • Exam
  • X-rays (digital)
  • Report
  • Adjustment

Be part of the Health Renaissance Johnbchiro (subject
here) Reverse Arthritis Eliminate High Blood
Pressure Diabetes Reverse Cancer Correct
Fibromyalgia Headaches solution Sciatica Low back
pain Irritable Bowel Syndrome Infertility and
dysfunction RLS Restless leg Syndrome Neuropathy

The Chiropractic Adjustment
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