Title: Malta 26 Birgu or Citta Vittoriosa2
Birgu, or Cittá Vittoriosa
2Birgu, or Cittá Vittoriosa is one of the oldest
city on the Island, and it played an important
role in the Siege of Malta in 1565. Birgu was
once a main city and has a long history of
military and maritime activities. Birgu is
ideally situated for safe anchorage, and over
time it has developed a very long history with
maritime, mercantile and military activities.
3Birgu was the site of major battles between the
Knights and the Ottoman Empire during the Great
Siege of Malta in 1565. After four months of
successful defence by the Knights, the city was
almost captured by the Ottoman army in August,
but was recaptured by the Knights under Grand
Master Jean Parisot de Valette. Reinforcements
from Sicily arrived a month later, and the siege
was abandoned by the Ottomans
4After this, a new capital city was built on Mount
Sceberras, bearing the name Valletta. In 1571,
the Knights transferred their convent and seat to
the new capital and Birgu lost some of its
importance. Despite this, after the Siege, Birgu
was given the title Città Vittoriosa, Italian for
"victorious city"
5The part of Birgu which faces Isla, also known as
Senglea (the second of the 'Three Cities', after
Birgu) has been developed into a yacht marina
6MaritimeMuseum situated on the Birgu Wharf
7Restaurant and steeple of the maritime museum of
Vittoriosa Birgu
8Housed within the Old Naval bakery, the Malta
Maritime Museum charts Maltas maritime history
and lore within a Mediterranean context
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10The parish church of St. Lawrence was
the Conventual church of the Knights of St. John
Vittoriosa Birgu marina
11Vittoriosa Birgu marina
12View of Senglea from the Vittoriosa Birgu marina
13After the taking of Malta by Napoleon in 1798,
French forces were garrisoned in the city. Soon
after the Maltese rebelled and the Grand Harbour
area was blockaded by Maltese rebels aided by
Britain, Portugal and Naples. The French
eventually capitulated in September 1800, and
Malta became a British protectorate. The Royal
Navy's Mediterranean Fleet established its base
in Birgu, and British forces remained stationed
in Birgu until 1979
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15Malta can compete with Rome on the number of
religious buildings per square mile. As a Roman
Catholic country, niches are very common to be
found at the front of most Maltese homes,
especially older ones
16St. Scholastica's is the church of a convent of
Benedictine nuns which is lodged in the hospital
which the Knights built soon after their arrival
to comply with their obligation of housing and
helping pilgrims. The church was designed by
Lorenzo Gafà in 1679. Mattia Preti painted The
Holy Family with St Anne at the nunnery of Santa
Scolastica, consi-dered as one of Mattia Pretis
most outstanding works
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18Mattia Preti (1613- !699) The Holy Family with
St Anne
19In Maltese the knockers are also know as
il-Habbata and they are very beautiful, unusual
and elaborate and can be described as truly works
of art
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28Birgu, or Cittá Vittoriosa is one of the oldest
city on the Island
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30Hibiscus rosa sinensis is a common flower found
in many parts of the world
31Church of the Annunciation and Priory of the
Dominican Friars
32Emvin Cremona (19191987) The Annunciation of
the Virgin Mary The main altarpiece of
Il-Lunzjata Annunciation church 1959
33Annunciation church
34Annunciation church inaugurated 1960 This is
another beautiful and large church built in
conjunction with the convent serving the
Dominican community in Birgu. There was another
much more beautiful than this one which
unfortunately was lost in World War II on
Sunday 19th January 1941 and the Dominicans
including the Maltese lost a jewel and a treasure
35Inquisitor's Palace
36Inquisitors Palace The Inquisitor's Palace was
the seat of the Inquisition in Malta from 1571 to
1798. The Palace has now been converted into a
museum but before, it had its own chapel, library
and rooms
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39Adelfa (Nerium Oleander)
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43The term Cottonera is synonymous with the Three
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48Advanced gate- the second of the three main
gates, located on the right face of St. John
Bastion Birgu had four city gates, three of which
still survive
49The fortifications of Birgu are a series of
defensive walls and other fortifications which
sur-round the city. The first fortification to be
built was Fort Saint Angelo in the Middle Ages,
and the majority of the fortifications were built
between the 16th and 18th centuries by the Order
of Saint John. Most of the fortifications remain
largely intact today.
50Birgu's fortifications have been on Malta's
tentative list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites
since 1998, as part of the Knights'
Fortifications around the Harbours of Malta
51Couvre Porte Counterguard a pentagonal countergu
ard built to protect St. John Bastion. It was
built during the reign of Antoine de Paule, and
was modified in the 18th and 19th centuries. The
British developed its casemates into a barracks,
which now houses the Malta at War
Museum The Couvre Porte counterguard in
Vittoriosa is to be restored to its former glory
and will once again become an imposing structure
Scars of War
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56Text Internet Pictures Sanda Foisoreanu
Internet All copyrights belong to
their respective owners Presentation Sanda
Sound Mary Spiteri - Ghalxejn Thema 79