Title: Malta 1 Valletta National Museum of Fine Arts1
1An hour _at_ the museum
2Set in a beautiful historic building, the museum
presents a multifaceted overview of art and
artistic expression in Malta from the late
medieval period to the contemporary period.
Highlights from the collection on display include
paintings by leading local and internationally
acclaimed artists, precious Maltese silverware,
statuary in marble bronze and wood, fine
furniture items and splendid majolica pieces. A
significant number of works originally belonged
to the Order of the Knights of St John and come
from the Magisterial Palace, the various auberges
in which the knights took up residence, churches
belonging to the Order, and the other places
falling directly under the administration of the
Order. Other important acquisitions were added to
this original collection through the local and
international market, bequests by public spirited
individuals, and donations.
3The building was originally one of the earliest
to be built in Valletta and served as residence
to successive knights of the Order of St John. It
was later rebuilt during the 1760s by Fra Ramon
de Sousa y Silva, a wealthy Portuguese knight of
the Order of St John, and adopted as his
private residence. By the 1820's the palace
became known as Admiralty House and was the seat
of the Commander-in Chief of the British
Mediterranean Fleet
4Details of Sousa y Silva Palace, then Admiralty
House and now housing The National Museum of
Fine Arts
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6Giuseppe Caloriti (1681 c. 1740) A View of
Valletta and the Three Cities
7Giuseppe Caloriti (1681-c. 1740) A View of the
Grand Harbour, Marsamxett and Valletta
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13After Cosimo Fancelli (1620-1688) St Catherine
of Siena
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16Two beautiful pieces of arms that could never be
used in war are exposed at the first floor of the
museum, near the eighteenth-century High Baroque
staircase. These are a sword and a dagger made of
crystal, with exquisite ornaments that were a
present by king Philip the 5th of Spain to the
Knights of St. John, in sign of the special
relation of friendship and protection between the
kingdom of Spain and the island of the knights
17The crystal sword
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19The Sousa y Silva Palace hosted high-ranking
personalities both as residents and guests. These
include Lord Mountbatten of Burma, British Prime
Minister Winston Churchill, King George V and
Queen Elizabeth of Britain.
20Hibiscus (Rosa sinensis)
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22The painted gallery ceiling
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24Painted gallery ceiling
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26French artist 18th century Relief of a portrait
of a Knight
Tradition has it that Maltese Clock adorned
houses of the Maltese nobility as far back as
the 17th century
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35Antonio Sciortino (Maltese, 1879-1947) Rythmii
36Antonio Sciortino (Maltese, 1879-1947) Elegant
Antonio Sciortino (Maltese, 1879-1947) Rythmii
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38Antonio Sciortino (Maltese, 1879-1947) Rythmii
Antonio Sciortino (Maltese, 1879-1947) Disaster
of a submarine
39Antonio Sciortino (Maltese, 1879-1947) Rythmii
40Antonio Sciortino (Maltese, 1879-1947) Surprised
Antonio Sciortino (Maltese, 1879-1947) Remorse
41Antonio Sciortino (Maltese, 1879-1947)
Tennis Player
42Antonio Sciortino Monument to Anita Garibaldi
Antonio Sciortino (Maltese, 1879-1947) Dangerous
43Antonio Sciortino Motherly love
Antonio Sciortino (Maltese, 1879-1947)
44Antonio Sciortino (Maltese, 1879-1947) Les
Gavroches (1907)
45Antonio Sciortino (Maltese, 1879-1947) Woman and
46Antonio Sciortino (Maltese, 1879-1947) Speed
47Antonio Sciortino (Maltese, 1879-1947) Arab Horses
48Antonio Sciortino (Maltese, 1879-1947) Arab Horses
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50Antonio Sciortino (Maltese, 1879-1947) Arab Horses
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54Edward Pirotta (Maltese, 1939-1968) Javelin
Edward Pirotta (Maltese, 1939-1968) Muse
55Corrado Corelli (1884-1968) Oxen
56Eugenio Maccagnani (1852-1930) Leah
57Eugenio Maccagnani (1852-1930) Leah
58Boris Edwards (1861-1924) Reverie
Unknown Artist 19th Century Mother and child
59The palace was officially inaugurated as the
National Museum of Fine Arts in 1974 and has
since then been Maltas most important museum for
the arts
60George Borg (1906-1983) Sacred Heart
61Samuel Bugeja (1920-2009) Mother and child
62George Borg (1906-1983) Crucifix
63George Borg (1906-1983) Crucifix
64Text Internet Pictures Sanda Foisoreanu
Internet All copyrights belong to
their respective owners Presentation Sanda
Sound Dvorak Violin Concerto - Carmine
Lauri - Malta Philharmonic Orchestra