Title: Vietnam Hue Huong Giang Raul parfumat 1
patrimoniu universal UNESCO
Orasul Hué a fost capitala Viêtnamului unificat
de Împaratul Gia Long, fondatorul dinastiei
Nguyên, în anul 1802. Situat pe malurile râului
Huong Giang, (Râul Parfumat), orasul are
312.000 de locuitori A visit to Hue would not be
complete without a boat excursion on the gentle
Perfume River, or else you cannot feel the
romance of Hue.
2Green Hotel
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5Huong Giang, Râul Parfumat
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În prima noapte cu luna plina din luna a patra
din calendarul lunar se sarbatoreste nasterea lui
Budha, marea sarbatoare Vesak. Peste tot sunt
arborate steagurile budiste iar orasele si
râurile sunt decorate cu flori de lotus The
ancient city of Hue is home to Buddhism in
Southern Vietnam. Buddhists celebrated the Vesak
festival commemorating the birth, enlightenment
and death of Gautama Buddha in Theravada Buddhism
on the 15th day of the fourth lunar month. Lotus
and Buddhist symbols deck the streets of Hue City
and giant lotus lanterns on Huong River for Vesak
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9The Perfume River (Vietnamese Huong Giang) is a
river that crosses the capital city of Hue, in
the central Vietnam. Perfume or Huong River is
around 80 kilometers long, and owes its name to
the fact that it flows through many forests of
aromatic plants before reaching Hue, bringing
with it a pure and fresh aroma.
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11Once the hallmark of youthful beauty in Vietnam,
nowadays dyeing ones teeth black is a dying
custom that can only be spotted in the countrys
oldest generation According to Thanh Nien, black
teeth can be traced back all the way to the age
of the Hung Kings, when it was a rite of passage
for young coming-of-age women. It was very
popular among women in ancient Vietnam, and not
only commoners. Members of the royal family and
mandarins were spotted with shiny black teeth as
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Text Internet Fotografii ? Sanda Foisoreanu
? Jean Moldovan ?
Nicoleta Leu Prezentare Sanda Foisoreanu
Muzica Tangerine Dream ? The dream
is always the same
14Hanoi public art
The Perfume River (Vietnamese Huong Giang) is a
river that crosses the capital city of Hue, in
the central Vietnam. Perfume or Huong River is
around 80 kilometers long, and owes its name to
the fact that it flows through many forests of
aromatic plants before reaching Hue, bringing
with it a pure and fresh aroma. Hu? is a province
capital in central Vietnam and was the state
capital from 1738 to 1775 and of the Nguyen
Dynasty from 1802 to 1945. The city functioned as
the administrative capital of the protectorate of
Annam during the French Indochina period and
contains one of the few UNESCO designated sites
in Vietnam
15Hue Imperial City
was one of the most important political centres
of the country and tells a fascinating story
about the history of modern Vietnam
Huong Giang
Khai Dinh
Tu Duc
Khai Dinh
Huong Giang
Oras Imperial 2
Oras Imperial 3
Oras Imperial 1
Oras Imperial 4
Oras Imperial 5
Pagoda Thien Mu 1
Oras Imperial 6
Pagoda Thien Mu 2
Dong Ba Market