Vietnam Hue Oras Imperial 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Vietnam Hue Oras Imperial 1


Ngo Mon Gate, (the main entrance), Thai Hoa Palace (The Throne Palace, or Palace of the Supreme Harmony was the building for great court's meetings) Located in front of the Throne Palace and facing the Flag Tower, Noon Gate is the main entrance to the Imperial City. Noon Gate is a huge construction, U-shaped and consisting of two parts: below is a foundation made of brick, Thanh and Quang stone, above is a pavilion made of wood and roofed with tiles. The longest and widest sides of this 5.2m high foundation are 50m and 27m, respectively. Ascent to the top can be made by two open stone staircases on both sides. There are five entrances, the main one being Noon Gate, paved with Thanh stone, and with red-lacquered doors reserved for the emperor. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Date added: 4 January 2025
Slides: 50
Provided by: michaelasanda
Category: Travel & Places


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Vietnam Hue Oras Imperial 1

Hué oras imperial

Presenter Notes


Located in front of the Citadel, flag tower is
one of Hue monument complex. The 17,5m high tower
consists of 3 flat-top pyramids. The flag of
modern, united, communist Vietnam is visible for
miles around up and down the Perfume River
Kinh Thanh Hue (Hue Capital Citadel) construction
started in 1805 under the reign of Emperor Gia
Long and completed in 1832 under the reign of
Emperor Ming Mang. Under Nguyen' reign, Kings
have ordered to build ramparts, palaces and
constructional works of royal. The citadel was
oriented to face the Huong River (Perfume River)
to the southeast The Citadel, square in shape
and almost 10 km in circumference, 6 m high, 2,1
m thick. On the top of the walls that surround
it, 24 bastions are established for defensive
purposes. The Imperial City is located in the
centre of the Citadel where established highest
offices of Viet Nam's feudalism and sanctums
honoring the cult of decreased Emperors.
Hue is a province capital in central Vietnam and
was the state capital from 1738 to 1775 and of
the Nguyen Dynasty from 1802 to 1945. The city
functioned as the administrative capital of the
protectorate of Annam during the French Indochina
period and contains one of the few UNESCO
designated sites in Vietnam. The Imperial City,
built along the same lines as the Forbidden
Palace in Beijing, was the country's
administrative centre. Senior mandarins, court
officers and civil servants would have entered by
the Ngo Mon (noon gate). Directly behind were
the Dai Trieu Nghi (great rites courtyard) and
the Thai Hoa Palace (throne hall) where the
Emperor would meet foreign rulers and emissaries,
high-ranking ministers and other dignitaries.
The grounds of the Imperial City are protected
by fortified ramparts 2 kilometers by 2
kilometers, and ringed by a moat. The water in
the moat is routed from the Perfume River through
a series of sluice gates. This enclosure is the
citadel (Kinh thanh). Noon Gate is a huge
construction, U-shaped and consisting of two
parts below is a foundation made of brick, Thanh
and Quang stone, above is a pavilion made of wood
and roofed with tiles. The longest and widest
sides of this 5.2m high foundation are 50m and
27m, respectively. Ascent to the top can be made
by two open stone staircases on both sides. There
are five entrances, the main one being Noon Gate,
paved with Thanh stone, and with red-lacquered
doors reserved for the Emperor. The two
side-entrances, the Left and Right Gates, were
for civil and military mandarins and, inside the
branches of the U, are two more gates used by
soldiers, elephants, and horses on the royal
procession. The upper part is the Ngu Phung
Pavilion (Pavilion of Five Phoenixes) in the
middle, flanked by two wing belvederes of two
stories. Viewed from above, the pavilion
resembles a group of five phoenixes with beaks
joining and wings widespread. They form two rows,
two roofs each surrounded with a roofed gallery
Poarta celor cinci fenicsi Located in front of
the Throne Palace and facing the Flag Tower, Noon
Gate is the main entrance to the Imperial City.
Gate is a huge construction, U-shaped

Presenter Notes
Located in front of the Throne Palace and facing
the Flag Tower, Noon Gate is the main entrance to
the Imperial City.

Noon Gate is a huge construction, U-shaped and
consisting of two parts below is a foundation
made of brick, Thanh and Quang stone, above is a
pavilion made of wood and roofed with tiles.

The longest and widest sides of this 5.2m high
foundation are 50m and 27m, respectively. Ascent
to the top can be made by two open stone
staircases on both sides. There are five
entrances, the main one being Noon Gate, paved
with Thanh stone, and with red-lacquered doors
reserved for the Emperor. The two side-entrances,
the Left and Right Gates, were for civil and
military mandarins and, inside the branches of
the U, are two more gates used by soldiers,
elephants, and horses on the royal procession.

Poarta Ngo Mon, intrarea sudica, a fost
restaurata cu ajutor UNESCO

Presenter Notes
The upper part is the Ngu Phung Pavilion
(Pavilion of Five Phoenixes) in the middle,
flanked by two wing belvederes of two stories.
Viewed from above, the pavilion resembles a group
of five phoenixes with beaks joining and wings
widespread. They form two rows, two roofs each
surrounded with a roofed gallery.

    The middle section of the roof is covered
with yellow enameled tiles and others with dark
green ones. Along the roof ridges are designs of
head-turning dragons, banian leaves and bats with
golden coins. Panels along the eaves are
decorated with ceramic mosaics of prunes, orchid,
chrysanthemum and bamboo. They are bright and
harmonious, and very resistant against the rains,
typhoons and the passage of time. (Source
Vietnam Tourism info )

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Hué a fost capitala Viêtnamului unificat de
împaratul Gia Long (1802-1819), caruia
specialistii feng shui i-au indicat asezarea
palatului pe malul nordic al Huong Giang râul
parfumat. El si-a construit aici propriul oras
interzis o replica a palatului imperial din
Beijing Din pacate palatul a cazut victima
razboaielor secolului XX, gloan?elor franceze,
razboiului din Vietnam ?i bombelor americane si
doar o mica parte a fost restaurata. Less than a
third of the structures inside the citadel
remain. The French army shelled the building, and
removed or destroyed nearly all the treasures it
contained. Most of the buildings in the Forbidden
City were destroyed by fire in 1947. Further
destruction occurred when Hues Citadel became
the symbolic epicentre of the 1968 Tet Offensive.
Major artillery battles were fought when the Viet
Cong overran Hue and when the US forces finally
recaptured the citadel 25 days later. Despite
more than fifty years of decay and attrition, the
Citadel is still imposing, and recent renovation
work has restored several of its buildings to
their previous glory.

Presenter Notes
The lower story was left open except for the
middle compartment which is paneled and supplied
with glass-doors. There sat the Emperor on
festive occasions. Behind his seat were a big
bell and a large drum, which enhanced the
importance of the ceremonies. Besides, the drum
was often used to herald closing-time of the
Imperial City. At this signal, sentries would
fire the cannons of the Flag Tower and close, or
open, the gates of the citadel.

   Two Chinese characters meaning "Noon Gate" on
the front of this construction had originally
been gilded with genuine gold. All structural
components such as partitions, columns rafters
doors and banisters are lacquered red and yellow.

    Noon Gate was also the site where the Emperor
received homage from his subjects and ceremonies
took place such as Ceremony of Proclamation of
Doctor Lists (successful candidates in the
national examination), Calendar Offering Day,

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 On the side of the road passing the Noon Gate
stand two stone steles inscribed with "Tilt Your
Hats and Dismount" reminding passers-by to tilt
their hats and get off horses when passing this


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Presenter Notes
Kinh Thanh Hue (Hue Capital Citadel) construction
started in 1805 under the reign of Emperor Gia
Long and completed in 1832 under the reign of
Emperor Ming Mang. Under Nguyen' reign, Kings
have ordered to build ramparts, palaces and
constructional works of royal. Over 200 years to
now, it is still original with nearly 140 small
and large constructions.

The Citadel, square in shape and almost 10 km in
circumference, 6 m high, 21 m thick and 10
entrances. On the top of the walls that surround
it, 24 bastions are established for defensive
purposes. Besides, the Citadel has an ancillary
gate connecting the Tran Binh Bastion called the
Thai Binh Mon (Peace Gate).

Thai Hoa Palace (The Throne Palace, or Palace of
the Supreme Harmony, was the building for great
court's meetings)

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Înconjurat de un sant cu apa cu o lungime de 10
km si un zid de doi metri grosime în stil Vauban
(marcajul gri) orasul imperial (marcaj galben)
închide cu un al doilea rând de ziduri si santuri
orasul purpuriu resedinta imperiala. De aceea
se spune un oras într-un oras într-un oras
Inside the citadel is the Imperial City (Hoàng
thành), with a perimeter wall some 2.5 kilometers
in length. Within the Imperial City is the
Purple Forbidden City (T? c?m thành), a term
identical to the Forbidden City in Beijing.
Access to the innermost enclosure was restricted
to the imperial family
Palatul Thai Hoa (Palatul Armoniei Supreme), 1803

Presenter Notes
The Imperial City is located in the centre of the
Citadel where established highest offices of Viet
Nam's feudalism and sanctums honoring the cult of
decreased Emperors. The Citadel, also has a
nearly square form, with more than 600m long for
each side, built of brick 4m high, 1m thick,
around which is ditched a system of protection
trench. Access to the Imperial City can be made
by four entrance gates. Noon Gate is only used
for the King. Royal Palace consists of more 100
beautiful constructional works divided many
sectors. Further in, there are the halls of the
mandarins on either end - military mandarins on
one side and civil on the other. These halls were
where the mandarins dressed in their ceremonial
robes for royal functions. One of them had a
small museum with elaborately embroidered robes
on display.

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Palatul Thai Hoa, 1803 (Palatul Armoniei Supreme)
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Drum on the upper level of the Ngo Mon gate
On top of the gate is Ngu Phung (Belvedere of the
Five Phoenixes) on its upper level is a huge
drum and bell
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Podul peste Bazinul cu Lotu?i era folosit doar de
Împarat, ceilalti muritori erau obligati sa
ocoleasca bazinul The central passage with its
yellow doors reserved for the use of the emperor,
as the bridge across the lotus pond. Others had
to utilize the gates to either side along with
the paths around the pond.
The bridge across the lotus pond
The bridge across the lotus pond
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Construit în anul 1803, Palatul Thai Hoa era
folosit pentru receptiile oficiale ale
Împaratului, pentru ceremonia încoronarii si alte
evenimente importante Directly behind Noon Gate
were the Dai Trieu Nghi (great rites courtyard)
and the Thai Hoa Palace (throne hall) where the
Emperor would meet foreign rulers and emissaries,
high-ranking ministers and other dignitaries.
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Curtea, cu doua nivele, era împartita prin stele
în 9 sectoare separate pentru cele 9 ranguri ale
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Sigiliul Imperial
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Yellow ixora
Text Internet Fotografii ? Nicoleta Leu
? Sanda Foisoreanu ? Sanda
Negrutiu ? Jean Moldovan
? Internet (slide 3, 4, 5) Prezentare Sanda
Muzica ? Hué Nha Nhac Cung Dinh
(Muzica interpretata la curtea imperiala)

Hanoi public art
The Complex of Hue Monuments is located in and
around Hue City. Established as the capital of
unified Vietnam in 1802 CE, Hue was not only the
political but also the cultural and religious
centre under the Nguyen Dynasty, the last royal
dynasty of Vietnamese history, from 1802 to 1945
CE. The plan of the new capital is in accordance
with ancient oriental philosophy, and respected
the physical conditions of the site. The Ngu Binh
Mountain (known as the Royal Screen) and the
Perfume River, which runs through the city, give
this unique feudal capital an entire setting of
great natural beauty as well defining its
symbolic importance.
Hue Imperial City
was one of the most important political centres
of the country and tells a fascinating story
about the history of modern Vietnam
Huong Giang
Khai Dinh
Tu Duc
Khai Dinh
Huong Giang
Oras Imperial 2
Oras Imperial 3
Oras Imperial 1
Oras Imperial 4
Oras Imperial 5
Pagoda Thien Mu 1
Oras Imperial 6
Pagoda Thien Mu 2
Dong Ba Market
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