Title: Levi Metheny - A Talented Athlete
1Levi Metheny
A Talented Athlete
Levi Metheny is a graduate of Murray State
University where he earned his MBA. He currently
works for the Dow Jones PIB Sales Team. He is a
talented athlete who excelled on the football
field in high school and college. He played
linebacker for the University at Albany football
3A Linebacker
Levi Metheny holds his MBA from Murray State
University and is a member of the Dow Jones PIB
Sales Team. In high school and college, Levi
played football and excelled as a linebacker,
playing in a starting position at the University
at Albany.
4MBA from Murray State University
Levi Metheny holds his MBA from Murray State
University and is a member of the Dow Jones PIB
Sales Team. He is an avid volunteer and gives
his time to serve reading programs for
elementary students as well as soup kitchens and
food pantries.
5Currently Works for the Dow Jones Pib Sales Team
Levi Metheny completed his MBA at Murray State
University and currently works for the Dow
Jones PIB Sales Team. This has served him well
throughout his time as a prominent college
athlete and into his professional life. Mr.
Metheny grew up in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania,
and attended the University at Albany where he
would play linebacker on a full-ride scholarship.
6Won the CAA All- Conference Award
- Levi Metheny grew up in Bethel Park,
Pennsylvania, and received his 4-year varsity
letter in both football and basketball. His love
for athletics would continue in college when he
attended the University at Albany on a full-ride
scholarship to play linebacker for the football
team. Mr. Metheny also won the CAA
All-Conference award and participated in
volunteer initiatives through the school.
7Visit to know More
https//speakerhub.com/speaker/levi-metheny https
//dribbble.com/tags/levi_metheny https//muckrack
.com/levi-metheny https//levimetheny.contently.c
Levi Metheny