Professional Services Payday Review - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Professional Services Payday Review


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Title: Professional Services Payday Review

payday-review/ What is it Professional Services
Payday is a complete, step-by-step video training
course that shows you how to crack the most
lucrative niches in local marketing. You'll learn
how to quickly locate an abundance of ideal
prospects, get through the gatekeeper with ease,
and sell a simple 1,500-3,500 service. When it
comes to making money online, most people fail in
the strategy phase. By that I mean they choose
the wrong clients or customers. They choose the
wrong problems to solve. And they choose the
wrong ways to solve those problems. When you mess
up during the strategy phase, it not only makes
everything much harder but youll end up wasting
time and moving in the wrong direction. Its
almost like wanting to work out and grow bigger
biceps. But all you do is leg exercises like
squats and deadlifts. I bring this up because
recently I was talking with a couple of friends
who own the fastest growing marketing agency in
sunny, Maui. Professional Services Payday
Review And they said they see this same thing
happen to new agency owners again and again.
Which is why theyve recently been testing a new
system. A system that is not based on trends or
fads. But that is based on solving one of the
most burning, painful, and chronic problems that
local businesses face. In other words, this
system nails the strategy part. Thats because
this system solves clients' BIG, burning
problems. And when you can solve a big, burning
problem clients will be willing (and even happy)
to pay you big bucks to solve it. Theyll be so
excited theyll give you great testimonials and
referrals. And theyll be happy to pay you
monthly recurring revenue for months or in some
cases years on end. Even though it takes very
little work for you to maintain. You can think
of this almost like the difference between having
high cholesterol And having a heart attack. If
you have high cholesterol you may do a few things
to solve it. You may do some research, buy a few
supplements, eat healthier, and workout.
(Emphasis on the may.). But most likely, youll
ignore it and keep living life the way youre
used to. (Its just human nature after all.).
But if you have a heart attack? If you have a
heart attack, youll be begging the paramedics to
do WHATEVER they can to save your life. Even if
that means expensive and painful procedures.
Pumping you full of experimental medicines. Going
heavily in debt. Or whatever. Same thing is true
with the services you choose. The right ones will
have clients begging for you to help, desperately
trying to hire you, and paying almost any fee you
quote. And guess what? Ill be revealing a
service that is almost like solving a local
marketing heart attack. Which again, is why
clients are willing to spend so much to solve
this problem. And theyll do it without weeks of
back and forth, being skeptical, or arguing over
fees. Introducing Professional Services Payday
Review Whats this course all about? Its simple
Professional Services Payday shows you how to
land TONS of professional services providers as
clients (like lawyers, accountants, etc, etc)...
Why professional service providers? Simply put
Its a RICH NICHE. Which means They can afford
to pay you. They dont have enough time to market
themselves. Each new customer you bring your
client can be worth a boatload. Which means you
can charge FAR more in this niche for the same
exact services. Best part is, right now you can
get Professional Services Payday at the lowest
price ever. Get It Now. Professional Services
Payday Review Features Professional Services
Payday includes What you're REALLY selling (not
what you think!) ?How to have INSTANT Credibility
Authority ?Gaining the "Professional Services
Advantage" ?The "Double-Edged Pricing Strategy"
?Secret Path to closing deals FAST with PROFIT ?
Professional Services Payday Review Professional
Services Payday includes What you're REALLY
selling (not what you think!) ?How to have
INSTANT Credibility Authority ?Gaining the
"Professional Services Advantage" ?The
"Double-Edged Pricing Strategy" ?Secret Path to
closing deals FAST with PROFIT ?Their Unique
Scaling Strategy. Professional Services Payday
Review ?Add-on Services Recurring
Payments ?Build your prospect list the RIGHT
way ?The outreach templates they use? ?Pain-free
phone scripts that actually work Should you use
Business Groups?. The Gatekeeper Secrets Video.
?The Contact Follow-up Spreadsheet. ?Why being
truthful beats every trick The ONE thing that
will set you apart Why research is the FIRST
step ?Leaving voicemails that break through. ?The
BEST dialogues they use. ?The hottest email
strategies ?The "Layering Effect" crushes other
methods? ?
Professional Services Payday Review Should you
use Business Groups? The Gatekeeper Secrets
Video ?The Contact Follow-up Spreadsheet ?Why
being truthful beats every trick The ONE thing
that will set you apart Why research is the FIRST
step ?Leaving voicemails that break through ?The
BEST dialogues they use. Professional Services
Payday Review ?The hottest email strategies ?The
"Layering Effect" crushes other methods? ?The
Winning Website Design When Outsourcers will pay
off ?The Missing Link The Strategy Call. ?And
Much More! Frequently Asked Questions Is this
just a re-hash of previous courses? No,
Professional Services Payday is just what they
say completely new and unique. They wanted out
folks to know what you discovered about
professional services and how you can capitalize
on this niche. And it's not just excellent
up-to-date instruction, they include professional
Wordpress software themes for fast website
Professional Services Payday Review Frequently
Asked Questions Is this just a re-hash of
previous courses? No, Professional Services
Payday is just what they say completely new and
unique. They wanted out folks to know what you
discovered about professional services and how
you can capitalize on this niche. And it's not
just excellent up-to-date instruction, they
include professional Wordpress software themes
for fast website development. Aren't these
professional services niches competitive? Of
course, some can be, since whatever is popular is
in demand. But you'd be surprised how many
agencies shy away from many of these professional
firms because they don't know how to approach
them and deal with gatekeepers. Professional
Services Payday Review Why would a business need
my help? Professional service firms are notorious
for getting poor results from their online
marketing... (yet spending big money) and have no
idea how to improve their traffic conversions.
Even if they attempt this themselves, they
usually tire of it and their poor results
discourage them. Does Professional Services
Payday take a lot of time? Once you sign a
client, it can take about an hour or two to set
up. The monthly investment of time can be easily
controlled by outsourcing and just monitoring the
results. They show you how to minimize the time
and effort. They spend very little time while
managing a large number of clients. Will I need a
large budget? No! You can do Professional
Services Payday with no money, just your own time
and effort. A little money for an outsourcer will
make it go much faster, but it's not necessary.
You'll be paid before you ever have to spend any
money. That way cash flow is not a problem. Will
I need to hire employees? Not really (unless YOU
want them)! If you choose to use virtual
assistants or outsource that's fine. But it's not
Does Professional Services Payday Review take a
lot of time? Once you sign a client, it can take
about an hour or two to set up. The monthly
investment of time can be easily controlled by
outsourcing and just monitoring the results. They
show you how to minimize the time and effort.
They spend very little time while managing a
large number of clients. Will I need a large
budget? No! You can do Professional Services
Payday with no money, just your own time and
effort. A little money for an outsourcer will
make it go much faster, but it's not necessary.
You'll be paid before you ever have to spend any
money. That way cash flow is not a problem. Will
I need to hire employees? Not really (unless YOU
want them)! If you choose to use virtual
assistants or outsource that's fine. But it's not
necessary. If it's so good, why not charge more?
Simple... they actually make most of their
earnings from local clients, not from product
launches. They do enjoy helping marketers and
their 15,000 member Facebook group is more
evidence that they give more than they get. Can I
do Professional Services Payday Review all from
my computer? This entire business is totally
location independent and can be done entirely by
email and phone. Many of their consulting clients
they reach by email and phone or Skype. How soon
can I expect to land some local clients? There's
no predicting, but if you follow a simple daily
plan, of emailing the right candidates, you can
be adding professional service clients in just
weeks. Success rates will vary, of course, but
there's no reason you can't succeed with this
niche method... and remember they are here to
support you. Overview Professional Services
Payday is the newest creation of Nick Ponte and
Tom Gaddis (also known as the Offline Sharks). It
works because it targets Professional Service
Providers (like lawyers and accountants for
example). And Professional Service Providers is
one of the HIGHEST-paying niches around. It shows
you how to get started landing professional
services clientswithout investing a cent into
paid ads, employees, or even a website. And like
I said. This can have you turning a profit very
quickly. The best part is that right now
Professional Services Payday is discounted at a
special launch price.  
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