Quality Service It - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Quality Service It


Quality Service It s a CREA Basic! Our Mission: Improve the professional status of members Promote and protect the integrity of the teaching profession – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: KathyKr


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Quality Service It

Quality ServiceIts a CREA Basic!
  • Our Mission
  • Improve the professional status of members
  • Promote and protect the integrity of the teaching
  • Support educators efforts to improve student
    achievement and welfare

T. I. P. ping the scale forEducation
  • T Training
  • I Information
  • P Protection
  • Quality Service
  • Its a CREA Basic!

The Features of Membership
  • Support For Your Professional Organization
  • Financial Rewards
  • Advocacy Protections
  • Opportunities for Professional Growth
  • Networking with Colleagues and Educators
  • Information on Hot Topics

Support For Your Professional Organization
  • Educators Have the NEA
  • Goal Area 1 Improve the Professional Status
    of Members
  • Goal Area 2 Promote Protect the Integrity
    of the Profession
  • Goal Area 3 Enhance Educators Efforts to
    Improve Student Achievement Welfare

Support For Your Professional OrganizationEducato
rs have the NEA
  • Doctors have the AMA
  • Lawyers have the Bar Association
  • Educators have the NEA
  • NEA is the National Education Association. The
    Iowa affiliate of NEA is the ISEA, Iowa State
    Education Association. The local affiliates of
    NEA/ISEA are the CREA and CROTA, Cedar Rapids
    Education Association and Cedar Rapids
    Organization of Teacher Associates. Together,
    the NEA, ISEA and CREA/CROTA are working to
    improve public education at all levels.

Financial Rewards
  • Bargaining Salary and Insurance Benefits
  • Credit Card-Money Market-CDs More
  • Auto-Home-Life Insurance Programs
  • Member Access Discount Card
  • Early Separation-PEHP-IPERS
  • Scholarships
  • Teacher Store

Financial RewardsBargaining Salary Insurance
  • The CREA/CROTA are the exclusive bargaining
    representatives for the teachers and teacher
    associates in Cedar Rapids. No other group or
    organization can negotiate improvements and/or
    changes in your salary and benefits.
  • CREA and CROTA bargain salary, benefits and
    contract language changes every year. Both
    contracts have adopted an innovative salary
    schedule that rewards employees for seeking
    higher levels of education and training.
  • Only members have input into contract changes.
    Only members can vote on what modifications to
    accept or reject to the contract.

Financial RewardsCredit Card Money Market
CDs More
  • NEA Member Benefits sponsors several credit card
    programs, including a travel rewards program that
    gives you airline miles for every dollar you
    spend. The miles can be used on any airline and
    there are no blackout periods or restrictions on
    usage. Travel reward points can also be used for
    car rentals. NEAs credit card programs have low
    interest rates and no annual fee.
  • NEA Value Builder program offers money market
    investment opportunities, counseling and account
    management. NEAs money market offers one of the
    best return rates for your investment. You can
    use direct deposit and payroll deduction to add
    to your account. You are given checks to use for
    this account. They work like a regular checking
    account and you can make up to six withdrawals
    per month from this FDIC insured account.
  • NEAs CD program has one of the highest interest
    rates offered. Call 1-800-637-4636 to check out
    current rates. It pays to compare!
  • NEA has a mortgage program that refunds some of
    the fees associated with buying a home to members
    after the mortgage has closed.
  • ISEA is a partner in the Linn Area Credit Union
    who offers cash incentives and Teacher Bucks for
    members who use their banking services.

Financial RewardsAuto Home Life Insurance
  • With your membership, and at no additional cost
    to you, you automatically are enrolled for NEAs
    Dues Tab insurance. Dues Tab is an accidental
    death and dismemberment policy that will pay you
    a benefit if you become totally or partially
    disabled as a result of an injury and will pay a
    benefit to your beneficiary if you become
    deceased. Your Dues Tab benefit amount increases
    with each year of consecutive membership in NEA
    and any of its affiliates.
  • NEA Member Benefits has auto, home and life
    insurance programs at very reduced prices for
    members. One of our teacher associate members
    reported to us that her family saved over 160
    per month by purchasing their auto insurance
    policy from NEA. Horace Mann is also an NEA
    endorsed company that offers discounted insurance
    programs to members.
  • NEA Member Benefits also offers long term care
    and Medicare supplement insurance options.

Financial RewardsMember Access Discount Card
  • Member Access is a program from ISEA. It offers
    members access to a secured web site that details
    hundreds of discounts available to members.
    Members take advantage of these discounts by
    presenting their Access card or by printing
    coupons from the web site. Discounts may be as
    much as 50 and include golf, hotels, cruises,
    condos, resorts, eye care, shopping, restaurants,
    theme parks, entertainment, health products, auto
    services, hair cuts, high adventure, whitewater
    rafting, ski and snowboarding, all-inclusive
    vacations, and much, much more! In addition,
    CREA/CROTA has added local businesses who offer
    even more discount opportunities to our members.
    Check www.creaonline.org for a list of local
    merchants who accept our Access card.

Financial RewardsEarly Separation PEHP IPERS
  • CREA has negotiated a generous and exceptional
    early separation benefit. It is one of only a
    very few in the state and certainly the best
    program! Teachers who qualify for early
    separation leave with 105 190 days severance
    and insurance benefits that continue until they
    are eligible for Medicare. You earn the
    increased severance above 105 days by saving
    personal illness days during your employment.
  • CREA started the first teacher PEHP plan in the
    state. PEHP is a Post Employment Health Plan.
    The District makes a monthly contribution in your
    name into a tax-protected trust fund. The fund
    is yours and you control the investment of your
    account. When you leave employment with the
    District, either by retiring or changing jobs,
    you can draw the money out of your PEHP for all
    approved medical expenses. This benefit,
    combined with early separation allows teachers to
    choose when they want to retire!
  • ISEA has three full-time lobbyists who continue
    to work with the Iowa legislature to improve our
    state retirement program, IPERS. IPERS has been
    lauded as one of the best state retirement
    systems in the nation, so we know were doing a
    good job!

Financial RewardsScholarships
  • NEA, ISEA, CREA and Horace Mann all offer
    scholarships for higher education to the children
    of our members. Watch for details on how to
    apply for those scholarships in your Association

Teacher Store
  • CREA, in partnership with the Linn Area Credit
    Union has opened a Teacher Store at 606 5th
    Avenue SE in Cedar Rapids. The Teacher Store is
    a legal charitable organization where businesses
    and individuals can donate new and/or good used
    classroom supplies and equipments. Businesses
    and individuals who make donations receive a tax
    deduction receipt. Teachers are provided with
    Teacher Bucks to use for purchases at the
    Teacher Store. Teacher Bucks are available from
    the Association leadership team, the Linn Area
    Credit Union and will soon be available from the
    local Teacher Quality Committees. Inventory at
    the Teacher Store varies but has included
    crayons, glue, scissors, tape, staples,
    dispensers for tape and staples, rulers, markers,
    pens, pencils, paper, bulletin board supplies and
    borders, books, games, toys, clorox wipes, paper
    towels, kleenex, hand sanitizer, creative items
    and much, much more! The Teacher Store is open
    during the school year from 4-7 p.m. on Tuesday
    and Friday and on Saturdays from 10-2 p.m.

  • Resolution Team
  • Representation
  • Bargaining
  • Lobbying
  • Legal Program
  • Mentoring
  • Access to Resources
  • Promoting Quality Education
  • Having a Voice/Vote/Input

Advocacy Resolution Team
  • The Resolution Team consists of the President of
    CREA, CREAs Chair of the Contract Maintenance
    Committee, our UniServ Director, the District
    Associate Superintendent, the Executive Director
    of Human Resources, the Executive Director for
    Elementary Education, the Executive Director for
    Secondary Education and the Executive Director
    for Special Services. Other Administrators and
    specialists are invited to meet with the team
    when a concern related to their area of expertise
    is being discussed.
  • The purpose of the Resolution Team is to solve
    problems at the lowest level and in the most
    timely fashion possible. The team meets monthly
    to discuss concerns and issues and problem solve
    solutions. Concerns may be brought to the team
    by team members, administrators, teachers,
    educational support employees, the school board,
    parents, students, etc. Nothing is considered
    off limits.
  • A major emphasis of Resolution Team is the
    intervention aspect which is used to provide
    support and resources for teachers and/or teacher
    associates in need of assistance.
  • Reports from Resolution Team are shared monthly
    with the CREA Executive Board, Faculty Reps,
    Principals and District Administrators. All
    personnel specific information and building
    identification is kept confidential.
  • The Resolution Team does have the authority to
    waive or extend certain provisions of the master
    contract, including personal and family illness
    leave of absences.

  • All members of the bargaining unit (both CREA
    and CROTA) have basic representation to assure
    that the contract is not being violated.
  • CREA/CROTA members receive a much higher level
    of service and representation, including access
    to all the resources of the NEA/ISEA/CREA and
  • NEA is the only professional organization that
    pays to have a local representative available to
    their members. Our representative in Cedar
    Rapids is our UniServ (NEAs term for Service
    Unit) Director, Kathy Krehbiel. Our UniServ
    Directors are backed up with a full team of
    experts including research specialists, lawyers,
    state and federal lobbyists, budget and finance
    experts and highly-qualified trainers in almost
    all areas of teaching and learning.

Advocacy Bargaining
  • CREA and CROTAs bargaining teams are empowered
    to negotiate changes to the master contract,
    including salaries, benefits, working conditions,
    contract language, early separation, etc.
  • The teachers bargaining team includes
    representation from every level elementary,
    middle school, secondary and specials. The
    President of CROTA, chairs the teacher associate
    bargaining team which also includes
    representation from the levels identified above.
    The bargaining teams both have resource members
    including the CREA President, the chairs of the
    Contract Maintenance and Contract Advancement
    Committees and the UniServ Director.
  • The bargaining teams seek input from the CREA
    Executive Board, the Faculty Reps and the
    Committees for Contract Maintenance and Contract
    Advancement. The contract committees members
    from both CREA and CROTA insure that the two
    contracts maintain a high level of consistency.
  • Both CREA and CROTAs contract are living
    language meaning that all parts of the contract
    are open to negotiation and change at all times!
    This gives our association the unique ability to
    respond to changes from the legislature, school
    board, association members, etc.

Advocacy Lobbying
  • Every decision that affects education is a
    political decision. This reality has made it
    absolutely necessary for all education employees
    to keep our state and federal legislators
    informed about the impact and consequences of
    their decisions on our students.
  • CREA/CROTA members are kept highly-informed
    about issues being debated and decided at the
    legislature through our Hotline publication and
    association newsletters from NEA, ISEA and CREA.
    This helps members be able to construct and
    deliver highly effective letters, emails, phone
    calls and personal contacts to the appropriate
    political decision-makers.
  • ISEA employs three full-time lobbyists who help
    coordinate and focus our efforts. The Political
    Action Committee (PAC) of ISEA receives support
    through a state dues check-off. Members may
    choose not to participate in PAC. NEAs PAC is
    supported through members individual direct
    contributions, not through dues or payroll
    deduction. Our local PAC representatives
    organize interviews with candidates for political
    office. The participants at these local
    interviews make recommendations to the state PAC
    on who should receive our support and where we
    should channel our efforts and campaign
    assistance. Interview teams are balanced with
    equal numbers of Democrats, Republicans and
    Independent voters. Questions asked at the
    interview are directed at education issues. Our
    local and state PAC teams provide information to
    our members on who they believe will be the best
    education representatives in the state and
    federal legislatures and high political offices.

AdvocacyLegal Program
  • In the event that a teacher or teacher associate
    member becomes involved in a work-related
    dispute, the association provides representation
    and legal assistance. This includes grievances,
    complaints from parents or students, law suits,
    criminal allegations, challenges of termination
    or discipline and disputes involving
    disability, unemployment, workers compensation,
    alleged abuse or licensure suspension, revocation
    or denial.
  • Non-members frequently believe that the
    Association has to equally represent them for all
    the actions listed above. That is a BIG
    misunderstanding. The Associations
    responsibility to non-members extends only to
    enforcement of the contract! Services that are
    not provided to non members include
    representation or legal help for parent
    complaints, staff complaints, student complaints,
    workers comp issues, licensure issues,
    unemployment issues, harassment, injury, damages,
    abuse, misuse of funds, insubordination,
    discipline, separation and discharge just to
    name a few!
  • The Association also provides members with
    access and reduced fees for attorney services for
    non job-related actions such as establishment of
    a living will, a last will and testament,
    divorce, estate actions, real-estate
    transactions, adoption, custody, etc.

  • The state has dictated a mentoring and induction
    program for first and second year teachers.
    Through cooperation between CREA and the
    District, a position was created for a
    Facilitator of Mentoring and Induction.
    Currently, CREA Executive Board member, Beth
    Hieronymus serves in that capacity. This
    commitment to ensuring the success of beginning
    teachers is unique in the state.
  • CREA President, Tammy Wawro worked cooperatively
    with the University of Iowa to develop the
    E-Portfolio program. This program is available
    through the internet and can assist a beginning
    teacher, or even a more experienced teacher
    involved in this type of evaluation, to collect
    the artifacts that will result in an excellent
    professional portfolio of their work.
  • Resolution Team has been provided the authority
    and resources to retain mentors for more
    experienced teachers identified as needing

AdvocacyAccess to Resources
  • Members have unlimited access to all the
    resources of NEA, ISEA, Cedar Wood UniServ Unit,
    CREA, and CROTA. Concerns can be expressed and
    issues raised directly through the Association
    Rep(s) at each building, or by contacting any of
    the Associations officers and leaders, including
    the UniServ Director. All levels of the
    Association function as a true democracy. CREA
    and CROTA send delegates to both the National and
    State decision-making assemblies.
  • The Association publications including NEA
    Today, ISEA Communiqué, and CREA On The Edge just
    to name a few, contain the best and most
    up-to-date information about what is happening in
    the field of education. Additionally, the
    Associations resources can be accessed by
    members through the internet. Check out
  • .

AdvocacyPromoting Quality Education
  • ISEA and NEAs public service announcements can
    frequently be seen and heard on the networks and
    local television and radio stations. Our
    advertising is seen in internal and external,
    national and local newspapers and magazines.
    Members and leaders are frequently featured in
    print and media interviews and documentaries.
  • NEA and ISEA sponsor programs and there are many
    cooperative external ventures to recognize the
    achievement and excellence of educators. CREA
    provides member recognition during American
    Education Week and on National Teacher Day.
    CROTA celebrates their members on National
    Educational Support Professionals Day.

AdvocacyHaving a Voice/Vote/Input
  • Only members are allowed to vote on contract
    improvements and changes.
  • Members can raise an issue or concern and have
    it addressed and responded to at all levels of
    the Association. Non-members have no access
    through our networks.
  • CREA/CROTA has a representative on the
    Superintendents Cabinet and to School Board
    meetings and work sessions.
  • CREA/CROTA are active in the Chamber of Commerce.

Professional Growth Development
  • Communications and Publications
  • Instruction and Professional Development
  • Conferences and Training
  • Mentoring and Evaluation
  • National Board Certification Support Group
  • Leadership Development

Professional Growth DevelopmentCommunications
and Publications
  • On The Edge CREAs award winning
    bi-monthly newsletter focusing on local issues as
    well as informing members on state and national
    hot topics.
  • CREAonline.org the Associations official
    website includes issues of the newsletter and
    links to NEA, ISEA, the legislature, state
    departments and many other education sites.
    Also, your contract is available 24/7!
  • Communiqué ISEAs newspaper that is mailed to
    your home monthly.
  • NEA Today The leading educational information
    paper, focusing on issues and current hot topics
    across the country and containing tips for
    educators, links to other educational sites, book
    reviews, etc.
  • ISEA Hotline Almost daily up-to-date
    information on the political issues affecting
    education in the country, in Iowa and right here
    in Cedar Rapids.

Professional Growth DevelopmentInstruction
Professional Development Mini-Workshops
  • CREAs IPD (Instruction and Professional
    Development) Committee annually sponsors
    mini-workshops on topics of interest to
    educators. Opportunities for training include
    sessions on student led conference preparation,
    teacher/paraeducator communications and team
    building, and legal issues for educators. Other
    available workshops include IEPs and special
    education, the state standards and criteria,
    brain-based learning, and IPERS and retirement
    planning. Members are invited to suggest other
    workshop topics.

Professional Growth DevelopmentConferences and
  • Conference and training opportunities are
    offered throughout the year including NEAs
    Midwest Regional Leadership Conference, National
    Conference on the Concerns of Women and
    Minorities, National ESP (Educational Support
    Professionals) Conference, NEAs Midwest Regional
    Minority Conference, ISEAs Legislative
    Conference, ESP Conference, Student Member
    Conference, Higher Education Conference, Retired
    Member Conference and Summer Leadership
    Conference, CREAs Leadership Retreat and many
    other state and national workshops.
  • NEA, ISEA, CWUU (Cedar Wood UniServ Unit) and
    CREA/CROTA offer scholarships (and sometimes
    expenses also) for members to attend these
    various training programs. Watch for
    announcements of these opportunities in your
    Association publications.

Professional Growth DevelopmentMentoring and
  • Although state law now requires mentors for
    first and second year teachers, growth
    opportunities are not limited to only beginning
    teachers. Veteran staff needing assistance can
    receive the benefit of a mentor through a request
    to the Resolution Team.
  • State law has also mandated that veteran teacher
    evaluations be in compliance with the standards
    and criteria. CREAs bargaining team worked very
    hard, in conjunction with the District to create
    contractual evaluation language that is workable
    for both teachers and administrators.
  • It is important to note that career teachers in
    our system are not required to prepare a
    portfolio during their evaluation.
  • Additionally, the contracts for both CREA and
    CROTA provide three levels of support programs
    for employees needing assistance.

Professional Growth DevelopmentNational
Board/Paraeducator CertificationSupport Groups
  • As a result of CREAs excellent bargaining,
    teachers who achieve National Board Certification
    (NBC) will receive a 5 salary increase. NBC
    teachers who recertify receive a second 5 salary
  • CREA will sponsor a free cohort group to support
    members through the process. CREAs NBC teachers
    will be facilitating this group. Watch for
    further information and announcements in your
    Association publications.
  • Excellent bargaining by CROTA has also led to a
    pay increase. Paraeducators who receive their
    State Paraeducator Certificate receive a 4
    salary increase.

Professional Growth DevelopmentLeadership
  • CREA offers members many opportunities for
    leadership and growth. We provide scholarships
    to many state and national conferences and
    workshops. Extra training opportunities are
    offered to CREA Association Reps at their monthly
    meetings. The CREA Executive Board, Committee
    Chairs and members all have access to more
    training and information and opportunities to
    practice and exhibit leadership skills. Many of
    the current administrators in our District are
    former Association members and leaders. Local
    leadership training includes a wide variety of
    topics including communication styles, mediation
    skills, education and the law, group process
    skills, dealing with difficult people, students
    rights, and teachers rights just to mention a

  • Opportunities to Meet New People
  • Community Projects
  • Faculty Rep Assembly
  • Social Gatherings
  • Care Share
  • Involvement with the School Board
  • Recognition for Educators

NetworkingOpportunities to Meet New People
  • Whether it is within your own building,
    district-wide, other area schools, the state
    urban network, within ISEA, nationally, or at one
    of our many web sites, CREA provides you with
    access and a tie to hundreds of education
    professionals just like yourself! Education
    conferences and workshops sponsored by the
    Association at the various levels provide
    wonderful opportunities for in-depth discussion
    of best practices in teaching, current
    educational issues, and tips on how best to
    survive and thrive in the teaching and learning
  • With CREAs many community involvement programs
    there are lots of opportunities to impact other
    organizations and groups. Some of our programs
    are public service projects that offer
    participants a warm feeling for helping those in
  • Watch your Association publications for
    opportunities to meet new people and contribute
    to your own professional growth and pride!

NetworkingCommunity Projects
  • CREA is involved in many human service and
    community outreach programs. Opportunities exist
    for you to be involved in
  • The Holiday Parade
  • Big Brothers/Big Sisters bowling fundraiser
  • H.O. Maxey Memorial Food Drive
  • Chamber of Commerce Education and Governmental
    Relations Committees
  • School Board presentations and work sessions
  • PTA Functions
  • The Festival of Trees
  • CREAs Public Relations Committee and/or the
    Care Share Committee
  • The Linn County Educator of the Year Program
    sponsored by Farmers State Bank
  • Read Across America Day
  • Teacher Store access and volunteer workers

NetworkingFaculty Rep Assembly
  • CREAs Association Reps in the buildings are the
    most important link in our leadership chain!
    Once a month, on the first Wednesday, the Reps
    meet at a central location. The meeting is
    dedicated to information sharing, updates,
    committee reports, training, treats, valuable
    prizes and camaraderie. Representatives take
    information back to their members and receive
    questions or concerns to submit. Each building
    selects their own Representatives. Faculties are
    encouraged to have multiple and alternate reps so
    that no group goes unrepresented at any of the
  • CREA is always looking for more Representatives.
    If youd like to attend a meeting to get an idea
    of what would be involved, wed love to have you
    visit! If you are interested and want to
    discuss this opportunity further, please contact
    Tammy Wawro at TWawro_at_cr.k12.ia.us.

NetworkingSocial Gatherings
  • While our CREA Executive Board and Association
    Rep meetings provide lots of opportunity for
    socialization of the leadership team, social
    events for members is still a work in progress.
    We experimented with the program by sponsoring
    tickets to a hockey game and to a big stage
    musical. Both events were well-attended and
    sparked quite a bit of interest. The CREA
    Leadership Committee is now exploring the option
    of offering other social opportunities including
    movie nights, a dance, a Planet X Saturday, other
    sporting events, and bus trips that could include
    shopping at the Mall of America, antiquing in
    Galena, Illinois, sightseeing when the leaves are
    changing colors, or a riverboat gambling
    expedition. We always encourage informal social
    gatherings of members like baby showers, wedding
    celebrations, payday parties, etc. Our purpose
    is to strengthen ties between members and
    members families.

NetworkingCare Share
  • The Care and Share Committee is a function
    within the Public Relations Committee. This
    program attempts to recognize and celebrate
    accomplishments, send congratulations, and extend
    sympathy or concern to members and their families
    when life events happen. We count on the Faculty
    Reps to provide the information on our web site
    at www.creaonline.com, to contact one of the
    public relations team members so we can forward
    the information to Care Share. Our newsletter
    On The Edge is a great source for Care Share
    event announcements. The Project Manager for
    Care and Share is Erica Male and she can be
    contacted at emale_at_cr.k12.ia.us. Other members
    of the PR team include Ray Feuss, Jeannie
    Pfeiffer and Pete Clancy who can all be contacted
    through the district email system.

NetworkingInvolvement with the School Board
  • The CREA President, Tammy Wawro, regularly
    attends school board meetings. She sits on the
    Executive Council and the Superintendents
    Cabinet representing the interests of teachers
    and teacher associates.
  • Frequently, CREA is involved in presentations to
    the school board at their meetings or in a work
    session. Work session topics that we have shared
    with the school board include Resolution Team
    process and functions, site-based or shared
    decision-making, performance-based pay, living
    contract language, salary schedule alternatives
    and orientation to our contract and negotiations
    process. Presentations at the school board are
    frequently related to recognition of our members
    and their students.

NetworkingRecognition for Educators
  • Each year CREA presents awards to educators,
    including the Linn County Educator of the Year
    and H.O. Maxey Humanitarian Award. Our local
    Educator of the Year is then nominated for ISEAs
    Educator of the Year Award. CREA also makes
    nominations for ISEA and NEA awards including the
    Charles F. Martin Award, the Humanitarian Award,
    ESP (Educational Support Professional) of the
    Year, the Team Award and Friend of Education
    Award. H.O. Maxey was the last local Charles F
    Martin Award Winner, Slayton Thompson won the
    ISEA Humanitarian Award several years ago, Greg
    Reed was honored with the Team Award and Sunny
    Story is was ESP of the Year for ISEA and NEA in
  • CREAs Leadership Team works to provide small
    gifts and recognition to our members both during
    American Education Week in November and on
    National Teacher Day in May and National ESP Day
    in November.

Hot Topics
  • Discounts
  • Insurance
  • Meeting Standards Criteria, New Evaluations
  • Lobbying for changes in the Iowa Teacher
    Compensation Legislation
  • ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act) and
    No Child Left Behind
  • Mentoring Model and E-Portfolio
  • National Board Certification
  • Elections

Hot TopicsDiscounts
  • Member Access Discount Card
  • ISEA is in its fifth year of the Member Access
    program. Each member in the state is given a
    personalized card. Members can take advantage of
    discounts by presenting their Access card at
    participating merchants. Savings may be as much
    as 50 and include discounts for golf, hotels,
    cruises, condos, resorts, eye care, shopping,
    restaurants, theme parks, entertainment, health
    products, auto services, hair cuts, whitewater
    rafting, ski and snowboarding, all-inclusive
    vacations, and much, much more! In addition,
    CREA/CROTA have added local businesses to offer
    even more discount opportunities to our members.

Hot TopicsInsurance
  • No one in the District is satisfied with the
    insurance program and high cost of premiums.
    While that problem is not unique to Cedar Rapids,
    or even to Iowa, CREA believes that some major
    changes are necessary. We know that improvements
    and reform of MIIP are always going to be a
    priority. We were successful at getting a CREA
    Representative placed on the MIIP Board and CREA
    and CROTAs contract committees will continue
    working collaboratively with the District to seek
    out and explore viable options for improved
    health care options.
  • Watch for updates from your Association Reps and
    in our Association publications. If you are
    interested in being involved in either the
    Contract Maintenance or Contract Advancement
    Committees that will be working on this project
    please contact the chairperson of either
    committee. Contract Maintenance is chaired by
    Tania Johnson and Contract Advancement is chaired
    by Shawn Thomsen. Tania and Shawn are available
    on the District email system as
    TaJohnson_at_cr.k12.ia.us and SThomsen_at_cr.k12.ia.us.

Hot TopicsMeeting Standards CriteriaNew
  • The Iowa Teacher Compensation Law prescribed a
    process of standards and criteria for evaluations
    of beginning teachers. It also required that
    first and second year teachers receive the
    services of a mentor. All of that is fully
    implemented and Cedar Rapids has one of the best
    programs in the state thanks to our Mentor
    Coordinator, Beth Hieronymus and the
    Associations collaboration with the District.
    Watch for updated evaluation and support
    procedure information from your Association Rep,
    your CREA/CROTA bargaining teams and in your
    Association publications.

Hot TopicsLobbying for changes in the Iowa
Teacher Compensation Legislation
  • CREA and CROTA both have non-traditional salary
    schedules that incorporate levels that provide
    salary growth opportunities. Levels are
    identified as additional educational coursework
    and training. The salaries in these schedules
    loop so there is no ceiling on what any teacher
    or teacher associate can earn.
  • CREA has incorporated all of the legislated
    salary supplements (Phase 1 2 and Teacher
    Compensation funding) into one salary schedule
    making our beginning wage for teachers the
    highest in the state. Our career teacher
    salaries at the maximums in the schedule are also
    the highest in the state.
  • CROTA is working hard in a national campaign to
    win a competitive living wage for teacher
    associates. They are also, through bargaining,
    working for contract language that would allow
    associates to have the option to be paid on a
    year round basis.
  • If you would like an explanation of how the
    salary schedule works and can be read, please ask
    the Association Rep(s) in your building to
    request this information session through the
    UniServ Director.

Hot TopicsESEA (Elementary and Secondary
Education Act) No Child Left Behind
  • The provisions of the ESEA that require that
    every student in every school must achieve at
    least one full year of growth in every subject,
    every year are particularly problematic for
    educators and public schools. Buildings that do
    not meet the standard of yearly growth will be
    placed on a list of schools in need of
    assistance and may be subject to penalties and
    sanctions, including the loss of funding and
    bargained agreements that protect the employees.
    NEA has made the reform of this legislation a
    priority. The President is key to this fight and
    it is going to mean that every education employee
    and concerned citizen, parent and voter is going
    to have to get involved! Watch for more
    information on this issue from your Association
    Rep and in your Association publications. If you
    want to be involved in the political campaign on
    this issue, please contact the CREA Governmental
    Affairs Chairperson, Roxann Dittmer at
    RDittmer_at_cr.k12.ia.us or the CREA PAC
    Chairperson, Kathy Ulrich at KUlrich_at_cr.k12.ia.us.

Hot TopicsMentoring Model and E-Portfolio
  • Our District has been particularly successful in
    the development and implementation of a quality
    mentoring program for first and second year
    teachers. The program is overseen by Beth
    Hieronymus. CREA President, Tammy Wawro has also
    been a key player in the development of the
    mentoring program. Tammy worked with staff at
    the University of Iowa on a program that is now
    called E-Portfolio. E-Portfolio is an online
    guide that will assist new teachers (or veteran
    teachers) build a professional portfolio of their
    work. If you explore this web site at
    http//www.education.uiowa.edu/CR842/ you will
    see the Universitys logo, the Districts logo
    and CREAs logo with a hot link to our web site.
    Take a look at this when you can, were sure you
    will be impressed with the work of our
    Association! We are!

Hot TopicsElections
  • To maintain a collaborative working
    relationship with the District, we need to be
    involved in the School Board election.
  • To achieve making changes to the Iowa Teacher
    Compensation Law, we need to be involved in the
    election of our state officials and legislators.
  • To achieve changes in the ESEA, we need to be
    involved in the election of our next President,
    Vice President , State Senators and Congressional
  • Unless WE change the people representing us, we
    cant fix the laws that need fixing! Its in our
    hands and its up to you, and you, and you! We
    may not like politics, but every decision that
    affects education is a political decision! Our
    local PAC (Political Action Committee) will be
    screening and recommending candidates for local,
    state and national offices. Watch for more
    information from your Association Rep(s) and in
    your Association publications. If you want
    up-to-the-minute, quality information, log on and
    become a subscriber to ISEA Hotline. Your Rep
    can give you the information needed to start
    getting the Hotline. If you want to be involved
    in candidate interviews, please contact Kathy
    Ulrich at KUlrich_at_cr.k12.ia.us.

Talking About Objections
  • The Money Issues
  • The Political Issues
  • The Association Issues
  • The Personal Issues

Talking About ObjectionsThe Money Issues
  • Membership costs too much
  • I can get the benefits without joining
  • Health insurance premiums are going up faster
    than my salary
  • I belong to PEI, AFT, HPERD, etc.
  • I dont like the salary schedule

Talking About ObjectionsThe Money Issues
  • Membership costs too much
  • Actual cost is about 35 per paycheck from
    October through June less for new teachers and
    associates. Think of dues as job insurance. You
    wouldnt go without health insurance, home
    insurance, auto insurance and a host of others.
    Why would you leave your most important economic
    factor, your job, unprotected?
  • You can save more than the cost of dues by using
    NEA Member Benefits and ISEA/CREA/CROTA Member
    Access discounts.
  • You get what you pay for top notch legal
    representation, liability protection, a strong
    professional voice, influence where it counts,
    improved teaching and learning, strength in
    numbers and so much more!

Talking About ObjectionsThe Money Issues
  • I can get the benefits without joining.
  • The only time the Association is obligated to
    pursue a matter for a non-member is if that
    teacher alleges that the master contract has been
    violated in regard to their employment. A
    lawsuit would almost never fall under that
    umbrella. When we do get involved in a contract
    matter related to a non-member, we are there to
    represent the contract, not the teacher. That is
    a very different standard of service! For
    example, if we sit through a remediation meeting
    with a non-member, we only comment on whether or
    not the action plan meets the contractual
    standards. Then the teacher has to prove, on
    their own, whether or not they can make the
    necessary improvements to keep their job. For a
    member, we are there before the conference. We
    know the issues. We direct the discussion and
    write the action plan. The Association provides
    mentors, release time, counseling, materials and
    resources to make sure that the member does meet
    the standards for improvement and keep their job.
    In those rare instances where we have a teacher
    member who is not doing the job, we cut a deal
    with the district to get that teacher out with
    the maximum amount of dignity, a good financial
    settlement, and some ability to pursue their
    career elsewhere. In the case of a non-member
    who is not doing the job, we do not provide any
    assistance for a settlement package. Since a
    settlement package would constitute individual
    bargaining between the district and that teacher,
    and that is illegal in this state, the non-member
    leaves with nothing and their career trashed!
    Believe me, you do have to belong to get the
    benefits and services of the NEA/ISEA/CREA/CROTA!

Talking About ObjectionsThe Money Issues
  • Health insurance premiums are going up faster
    than my salary
  • CREA leadership is just as concerned about the
    crisis in health maintenance costs and insurance
    premiums. We are working to make change! CREA
    pushed hard to get a position on the MIIP Board
    so that we could make change from within. We are
    looking for new health insurance providers,
    better models for delivery of group health plans
    and education so that we are better and more
    informed consumers.
  • There is much more work to do! We have to stick
    together to be powerful, bring about meaningful
    change and make this program better.

Talking About ObjectionsThe Money Issues
  • I belong to PEI, AFT, some other professional
  • Belonging to most professional organizations
    provides you with little or no legal protection.
    Other competing organizations offer you a cheap
    tort liability insurance policy and do nothing to
    support children and public education.
  • PEI has no local representation or clout. It
    cannot bargain your salary or benefits and isnt
    respected or recognized in this district.
    Reimbursement for claims is made after the fact.
    You find your own attorney and pay for everything
    up front. Make sure you investigate the
    difference between PEIs meager tort liability
    policy and the full legal protection program
    provided by ISEA before you believe the
    misleading claims made by PEI.
  • AFT has not had a presence in Iowa, or in Cedar
    Rapids for over 20 years.
  • NEA/ISEA/CREA/CROTA is the only quality,
    full-service professional organization in town!
    36,000 educators in Iowa have chosen ISEA. Only
    a few hundred believe PEI is their best choice.
    Were number one for a reason! You do get what
    you pay for!

Talking About ObjectionsThe Money Issues
  • I dont like the salary schedule.
  • The salary schedule is just one part of a
    comprehensive master contract that protects your
    economic well-being, working conditions and
    employment status. Our schedule was changed when
    it no longer treated a majority of the members
    equitably. The current non-traditional structure
    allows for the distribution of new funds in a
    equitable manner. The schedule allows
    flexibility where it is needed. In 2003-2004
    educators in their 3rd-12th years of teaching got
    larger increases than their colleagues. That
    decision was based on research and is only
    possible with the type of salary schedule that we
    now have. While you may be unhappy with certain
    aspects of the schedule, projections consistently
    show that it is better for your career over all
    because there is no point where an educator tops
    out and stops getting equitable salary
    increases. The schedule rewards educational
  • Members have a voice in changing things in the
    contract they dont like. Non-members have no
    voice and no vote!

Talking About ObjectionsThe Political Issues
  • NEA is too political
  • I dont like NEAs position on abortion/gay
    rights/gun control, etc.
  • The Association only supports Democrats
  • I would join the local if I didnt have to join

Talking About ObjectionsThe Political Issues
  • NEA is too political
  • Every decision that affects education is a
    political decision.
  • The more than 3.2-million-member National
    Education Association is the nation's leading
    advocate for children and public education.
    Since 1857, NEA has been working to advance the
    cause of public education and elevate the
    character of the teaching profession.
  • And yet, NEA and America's public schools are
    often under attack by a well-funded and
    well-organized network of opponents. Some are
    motivated by economics. They want tax cuts,
    tuition vouchers, or they want to profit from
    resources now devoted to children and education.
    Some are motivated by the drive for political
    control. Teachers, public schools, and the
    Association provide convenient scapegoats --
    threats from which a candidate can claim to
    protect the voting public. Some are motivated by
    a desire to use public schools for religious
  • NEA is the primary organization standing in
    their way. NEA and its members will work with
    anyone committed to addressing real needs, and we
    will oppose anyone who wants to take public
    schools away from parents, teachers, and
    taxpayers, or diminish their involvement.
  • Advocates for children and public education must
    speak in terms that are simple, direct, and
    appeal to the concerns of parents and the general
    public. We must spend less time explaining and
    defending and more time telling people what we
    are doing to enhance teacher quality, raise
    student achievement, and improve public school's
    ability to educate every student.

Talking About ObjectionsThe Political Issues
  • I dont like NEAs position on abortion/gay
    rights/gun control, etc.
  • NEA supports reproductive freedom -- including
    the right to have children or not have children.
  • The Association has long supported the current
    protections that assure women can make decisions
    appropriate for them. NEA's position for
    reproductive freedom is not the same as saying we
    are "for abortion." In fact, NEA has assisted a
    number of members who were harassed or terminated
    because they had made the decision to have a
    child -- against the objection of school
  • NEA believes that children should be taught to
    celebrate diversity and practice tolerance
    related to other cultures and lifestyles.
  • NEA supports limits on the sale, use, and
    distribution of certain types of guns, including
    handguns and semiautomatic weapons.
  • The Association encourages the development of
    laws and policies that will reduce the incidents
    of gun violence in schools and communities.
    Nothing in our policies would encourage laws that
    would eliminate the use of guns for hunting and
    target practice.
  • Limiting access to weapons is only part of a
    school safety strategy that should also include
    communication with parents, collaboration with
    community groups, law enforcement, and others,
    and well-publicized and uniformly endorsed code
    of conduct for students.

Talking About ObjectionsThe Political Issues
  • The Association only supports Democrats
  • NEA members are involved in politics as a means
    of being effective advocates for children and
  • NEA and its state and local affiliates recommend
    candidates for office based on their positions on
    issues affecting children and public education.
    Republican and Democratic candidates are judged
    according to the same standards. Recommendations
    at the national, state, and local level are
    approved by committees that include both
    Republicans and Democrats.
  • The Fund for Children and Public Education,
    NEA's political action committee, makes
    contributions to candidates and parties. It is
    made up of voluntary contributions by Association
    members and their families. Nationally,
    contributions average 6 per member.
  • Elected and appointed officials set the budgets,
    make the policies, and design the programs for
    education at all levels. The involvement of
    Association members in the political process
    helps assure that teachers and education
    employees have a voice in those critical
  • The Association also spends money to communicate
    with its members about issues and candidates.
    Association's political efforts help boost voter
    participation, make voters more informed, and
    ultimately help protect children and education.

Talking About ObjectionsThe Political Issues
  • I would join the local if I didnt have to join
  • We are 3.2 million members strong because we are
    part of the NEA.
  • NEA provides most of the funding for our local
    UniServ representative.
  • Our local officers and UniServ staff need the
    backing and support of the staff at NEA and ISEA,
    including lobbyists, attorneys and research
  • The NEA champions public education, helps you
    succeed with students, offers the information you
    need to stay up-to-date on your profession, helps
    you keep your students safe and healthy and opens
    opportunities to special professional grants and

Talking About ObjectionsThe Association Issues
  • The Association is too chummy with
  • The Association is too adversarial
  • I dont like the President/UniServ
    Director/Faculty Rep, etc.
  • The Association is not effective
  • We cant strike
  • We should be more like the teamsters
  • The Association supports bad teachers
  • The Association protects coaches
  • CREA took away our seniority rights
  • The Association doesnt listen to members

Talking About ObjectionsThe Association Issues
  • The Association is too chummy with
  • The Association is a stronger advocate for the
    members when they are involved in the
    decision-making process. Its much more valid to
    help shape the decision so that it goes the way
    you want it to, rather than fight with the
    results of a decision that you dont like and
    cant support.
  • That means having our CREA Presidents offices
    downtown and staying actively involved in all
    aspects of the District. We have access to
    pertinent and timely communications and
    information and can meet face-to-face with top
    officials of the district on a regular and
    on-demand basis.
  • We are better able to serve our members when we
    cultivate a working relationship with the
    district that is based on trust, honesty,
    integrity, sharing and cooperation. The results
    speak for themselves. CREA is recognized in the
    state and nationally as a leader in the area of
    labor relations. We help make this district a
    good place to work and grow!

Talking About ObjectionsThe Association Issues
  • The Association is too adversarial
  • Many educators have experienced bargaining under
    an old and adversarial model. Any gains made in
    economic benefits or contract language were made
    through ugly fights and distasteful battles.
  • The CREA has found a better way to do business
    with the district. We are united in a
    cooperative problem-solving process on a daily
    basis. This attitude and mode of operation
    transcends to bargaining. Therefore, contract
    negotiations go on all year long and are not the
    painful and agonizing process that many are
    familiar with.
  • CREA involves their Contract Advancement
    Committee and Bargaining Team in meaningful
    dialog and conversations with our employer. The
    result is a contract full of benefits and
    opportunities with the right amount of
    flexibility to serve the needs of our diverse

Talking About ObjectionsThe Association Issues
  • I dont like the President/UniServ
    Director/Faculty Rep, etc
  • Our UniServ Director is a highly qualified,
    well-trained, strong advocate for teachers and
    students. While the UniServ Director does
    participate in the leadership of the Association,
    the direction of CREA is still up to the CREA
    leaders and members. Kathy Krehbiel is only one
    part of a large team of dedicated educators who
    help lead CREA.
  • The President is elected by the CREA membership
    and has to stand for re-election every two years.
    If you dont like the President, as a member you
    can use your vote to make a change.
  • Association Reps are appointed and CREA is
    always looking for volunteers. If you have a
    desire to make a difference in your building and
    would like to be an Association Rep, please
    contact CREA Leadership Chairperson, Kendra
    Holland at KHolland_at_cr.k12.ia.us.

Talking About ObjectionsThe Association Issues
  • The Association is not effective
  • Cedar Rapids is acknowledged in the state as one
    of the best and most progressive local
    associations. Our salary and benefit package,
    including early separation and our PEHP, is the
    best in the state.
  • We are on the cutting edge with our mentoring
    and induction program, including E-portfolio.
  • Our living language contract allows for regular
    and on-going negotiation and change.
  • Members in professional jeopardy have received
    resources and support, above and beyond any
    contractual rights and obligations through our
    unique and effective working relationship with
    the District.

Talking About ObjectionsThe Association Issues
  • We cant strike
  • Teacher strikes are against the law in Iowa.
    Striking would not benefit our students and is a
    bad public relations image.
  • In Iowa, as resolution to a bargaining impasse,
    we have final and binding arbitration. This is a
    better and stronger mechanism to settle contracts
    than striking. Even former Governor Branstad was
    not successful at setting aside an arbitrators
    award when he tried to take that battle to the
  • During a strike, teachers lose hundreds of
    dollars per day for each day of work lost. Most
    of those days are not made up or rescheduled
    after the strike is over and it takes years to
    rebuild any type of positive working
    relationship. Retaliation, hard feelings, and
    distrust abound after a strike. Arbitration
    allows us to settle our differences without all
    those negative side-affects.

Talking About ObjectionsThe Association Issues
  • We should be more like the teamsters
  • NEA has looked at the option for a merger with
    the teamsters on several occasions. The merger
    has never been accomplished because the
    philosophical differences between the two
    organizations is too great.
  • As part of the teamsters we would be obligated
    to respect their picket lines.
  • Our dues would increase.
  • The teamsters are a union. NEA/ISEA/CREA/CROTA
    is a professional organization.

Talking About ObjectionsThe Association Issues
  • The Association supports bad teachers
  • Every education employee is entitled to due
    process if they are going to be disciplined or
    dismissed from employment. The Association only
    protects that right for due process, nothing
  • CREA has been actively involved in the
    remediation processes for several years with the
    District. Many times that involves our leaders
    having to confront bad teachers and assist them
    in leaving their employment with some dignity.
    We assist members in the remediation process, but
    bottom line, if theyre not making the grade,
    theyre gone.

Talking About ObjectionsThe Association Issues
  • The Association protects coaches
  • The CREA contract allows the District to bypass
    a person in the seniority order when considering
    reductions, if that person is the head of a
    schedule C program and cant be readily replaced.
    The language is designed to protect the program
    for our students, not any one individual. Very
    few heads of schedule C programs are actually

Talking About ObjectionsThe Association Issues
  • CREA took away our seniority rights.
  • Usually when we hear this objection, its
    related to someone not getting a transfer that
    they wanted. There is a broad misconception that
    transfer used to be based entirely on seniority.
    Seniority has always been one of several
    considerations in hiring. It has never been the
    sole determinant for transfer.
  • Seniority is used in making decisions relative
    to surplussing, reduction in force and recall.
    CREA is a strong advocate when protecting
    members rights in these difficult staffing

Talking About ObjectionsThe Association Issues
  • The Association doesnt listen to members.
  • The Association has many opportunities for
    involvement and to listen to the voices of their
  • Membership surveys are periodically submitted to
    the members to have input to the contract.
    Faculty reps are surveyed about the needs in the
    building. Members are surveyed to assess
    satisfaction and needs. CREA has a newsletter
    that entertains letters to the editor and
    questions for the Director. Our website
    www.creaonline.org provides the opportunity to
    direct messages and correspondence to Association
    leaders at all levels.
  • We will continue to seek member input and look
    forward to hearing from you!

Talking About ObjectionsThe Personal Issues
  • My spouse/church/family doesnt approve of unions
    and/or wont let me join
  • Im just not a joiner
  • I dont approve of unions
  • Im a good teacher - I wont ever need the
    Associations help
  • The District will take care of me if I get in
  • Im not interested
  • Im too busy

Talking About ObjectionsThe Personal Issues
  • My spouse/church/family doesnt approve of unions
    and/or wont let me join
  • CREA is a professional organization dedicated to
    improved student achievement, protection of
    public education and excellent wage and salary
    packages for education employees. What does your
    spouse/church/family disapprove of in those
  • Perhaps we can provide more information on a
    specific issue that will help you have a
    meaningful discussion of this subject at home.
  • I am certain your spouse, family and church
    would want your professional and economic
    well-being to be protected and supported. CREA
    does that!

Talking About ObjectionsThe Personal Issues
  • Im just not a joiner.
  • When you become a member of CREA, youre not
    just joining a club or a cause. Youre taking a
    positive action to protect your economic
    well-being, your family, children and public
  • Whether or not you choose to become active in
    our efforts, you are making a statement to your
    colleagues that being professional is important
    to you.

Talking About ObjectionsThe Personal Issues
  • I dont approve of unions.
  • CREA is a professional organization. We provide
    you with contract and legal protection,
    opportunities for growth, and input into your
  • What is it about CREA that you dont approve of?
    Perhaps we can provide you with more information
    to assist in making this very important
    membership decision.
  • Remember, change is made from within. If we
    arent everything youd like us to be, join, get
    involved and help us change and get better!

Talking About ObjectionsThe Personal Issues
  • Im a good teacher. I wont ever need the
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