Title: Reasons You Should Become an Organ Donor
1Reasons Why You Should Become An Organ Donor?
- Transplant Help The Poor Foundation
2Its a selfless act By becoming an organ donor,
youre giving the ultimate gift the gift of
You could save multiple lives One organ donor
can save or improve the lives of up to 25 people!
Its quick and easy to sign up Registering to be
an organ donor takes just a few minutes, and it
can be done online at the Transplants India
Theres no age limit You can be an organ donor
regardless of your age.
Your medical care wont be affected Becoming an
organ donor will not impact your medical care
should you ever need it.
There is no cost to you Becoming an organ donor
will not cost you anything financially.
Its a quick and easy process The process of
becoming an organ donor is simple and only takes
a few minutes.
3(No Transcript)
4Contact Us
Address C 601 - One BKC, G Block BKC, Bandra
Kurla Complex, Bandra East, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Email ID contact_at_transplantindia.org
Mobile No. 919833048144 / 919326025358
Website http//www.transplantindia.org/