Title: Reliance Post-Op Transportation
www. reliancepostop.com/services/transportation
Our company is an After surgery home care Atlanta
that provides a complete discharge process.
www. reliancepostop.com/services/transportation
3Preparing the discharge process from the hospital
could be a daunting task but yet fundamental for
your recovery as its where instructions and
guidelines of post surgery care are provided.
www. reliancepostop.com/services/transportation
4If your family member is unavailable for this
task, we at Reliance Post-Op can handle the
process and documentation on your behalf.
www. reliancepostop.com/services/transportation
Reliance post-op can also provide transportation
for your follow-up appointment with the
specialists. Post-op controls and check-ups are
mostly required based on discharge planning.
www. reliancepostop.com/services/transportation
6Follow-up appointments after surgery are
fundamentals for your recovery and post-op care,
so you must not miss any schedule and be on time.
If you need transportation, just call Reliance
Post-Op for an appointment pickup.
www. reliancepostop.com/services/transportation
Prescription pick-up has become the most
requested errand by post-op patients.
www. reliancepostop.com/services/transportation
8Family members or friends may not have time to
pick up the prescription but we can do it for
you. Our prescription pickup service is secure
and confidential with a streamlined process so
you can expect timely service.
www. reliancepostop.com/services/transportation
When youre at home for post-procedure recovery,
there might be no one running your errands. These
include grocery shopping, document delivery,
transporting family members, and other tasks.
www. reliancepostop.com/services/transportation
10Our transportation fleet is ready to help you
with various tasks of your routines including
when you need non-emergency medical
www. reliancepostop.com/services/transportation
Phone 470-549-3923 Email info_at_reliancepostop.co
m Location P.O BOX 622, LILBURN GA 30048 Opening
hours Mon-Sat 0800AM - 0700PM
www. reliancepostop.com/services/transportation
12Thank You
www. reliancepostop.com/services/transportation