Title: Kefir Benefits – The Super Food (1)
1Kefir Benefits The Super Food
- Kefir is a nutritious drink that is made by the
fermentation of milk or mineral water by the
kefir grains at room temperature. Kefir grains
are the cultures of good bacteria and yeast that
are reusable and can be cultured again. The
culture can be grown as per the type of kefir
grains in milk or water. Know more about What Is
kefir (Link the previous post here). Kefir is a
complete balanced and nutritious diet that has
all the essential nutrients and probiotics that
our body needs to function
2Having contained so many essential and vital
nutrients, Kefir bears the properties of
antioxidants, anti tumour and anti microbial
agents that plays a major role in healthy
body. The abundance of enzymes and the
probiotics in kefir keep the gut healthy thus
promoting efficient metabolism and a check on the
flora of gut along with relief from problems like
diarrhoea, flatulence and infections. Proteins,
tryptophan and some amino acids promote healthy
nervous system.
3KEFIR BENEFITS What If I Have A Medical History?
Kefir is completely safe to be taken if you are
allergic or on a weight loss. Not only is it
harmless in these cases but also improves the
condition. It is safe to drink kefir in lactose
intolerance because it promotes lactose digestion
and water kefir has no lactose. For people who
are on a a diet can safely consume kefir because
it is rich in proteins and therefore fulfils your
dietary requirements while keeping a check on it
through active metabolism. Also the water kefir
doesnt contain sugars yet has numerous vital
nutrients for normally functioning
body. Allergic people can also consume kefir
safely because it contains the nutrients that
doesnt cause reactions or allergies in the body.
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