Title: Derek Schuelein - Provides Consultation in Leadership
1Derek Schuelein
Superintendent of Andover Central School District
2(No Transcript)
3Derek Schuelein holds different educational
degrees, including his bachelor's degree from
Penn State, a master's degree, and an Ed.D. in
Educational Leadership from Manhattanville
College. Due to his exceptional work during his
master's degree, he got the "Distinguished
Dissertation Award."
4Derek Schuelein spent the majority of his life as
more of a high school teacher. He started his
teaching career at New York City's Jane Addams
CTE High School, as an administrator at
Lindenhurst High School, and ultimately at Rye
High School.
5Derek Schueleins various duties included
establishing and maintaining the institution's
remote and hybrid education models, training
educators on using technological methods, and
encouraging effective and discovery-based
6Derek Schuelein's certificates to boost his
résumé are numerous, including School Building
Leader, Professional, School District Leader,
Professional, and Social Studies 7-12, and
Permanent Certificate are among the
qualifications included.
7Derek Schuelein is also a part of several
professional societies and has engaged in group
discussions and seminars.
For more information about him visit his official
site http//www.derekschuelein.com/