Title: Russian Classifieds ads
2Welcome to SvetAds!
3Services for placing ads in Russia on
SvetAds.com. This is a top classifieds site where
you can place ads at a super low price ( 1
rub./month price includes 3 free additional
promotion services) in Russia.
Svetad is a super affordable, modern and
effective Russian ad platform that allows you to
promote anything very effectively using good
images at low cost. this is what makes our
services the most popular among advertisers.
4- Paid Classified ads in Russia
- Advertising Promotion
- Business Promotion
- Quick Ad Post
- Product Promotion
- Paid Classified Promotion
You can search for manufacturers, service
providers, products, services, bloggers,
partners, jobs and real estate. By placing your
advertisement on our website, you cover potential
buyers, consumers for any of your activities in
Russia. This way you can confidently advertise
your products, services or content on our
platform knowing that thousands of visitors will
see it every day.