Title: Kidney Damage Caused Due to COVID-19
1Post Covid Syndrome Kidney Damage as a result
of COVID-19
Coronavirus Kidney Damage Caused Due to
COVID-19 COVID-19 the disease caused by the
coronavirus that has led to the global pandemic
is known to damage the lungs. But, as more
people become diseased, more understanding of the
disease emerges. Primary care physicians and
researchers are finding that this coronavirus
officially known as SARS-CoV-2 could also cause
serious and lasting harm in other organs,
including the heart and kidneys. C. John
Sperati, M.D., M.H.S., an expert in kidney
health, expresses how the new coronavirus may
affect kidney function as the disease develops
and afterward as a person recovers.
2COVID-19 Kidney Damage A Possible
Complication Some people suffering from serious
cases of COVID-19 are displaying signs of kidney
damage, even those who had no hidden kidney
problems before they were diseased with the
coronavirus. Early reports say that up to 30
percent of patients hospitalized with COVID-19
in China and New York developed moderate or
serious kidney injury. Reports from primary care
physicians in New York are saying the percentage
could be higher. Signs of kidney damage problems
in patients with COVID-19 include high levels of
protein in the urine and unusual blood work. The
kidney damage is, in some cases, serious enough
to need dialysis. Some hospitals experiencing
surges of patients who are very ill with
COVID-19 have reported they are running short on
the machines and sterile fluids required to
perform these kidney procedures. Many patients
with serious COVID-19 are those with co-existing,
chronic conditions, including high blood
pressure and diabetes. Both of these raise the
risk of kidney disease, Sperati says. But
Sperati and other primary care physicians are
also seeing kidney damage in people who did not
have kidney problems before they got diseased
with the virus.
3How does COVID-19 damage the kidneys? The impact
of COVID-19 on the kidneys is not yet clear. Here
are some possibilities primary care physicians
and researchers are exploring Coronavirus may
target kidney cells The coronavirus itself
infects the cells of the kidney. Kidney cells
have receptors that allow the new coronavirus to
attach to them, invade, and make copies of
itself, possibly damaging those tissues. Same
receptors are found on cells of the lungs and
heart, where the new coronavirus has been shown
to cause injury. Too little oxygen could cause
kidneys to malfunction Another possibility is
that kidney problems in patients with the
coronavirus are because of unusually low levels
of oxygen in the blood, a result of pneumonia
frequently seen in serious cases of the
disease. Cytokine storms could destroy kidney
tissue The bodys reaction to the infection might
be responsible as well. The immune response to
the new coronavirus could be extreme in some
people, leading to what is known as a cytokine
storm. When that occurs, the immune system sends
a rush of cytokines into the body. Cytokines are
small proteins that help the cells interact as
the immune system fights an infection. But this
unexpected, large influx of cytokines could cause
serious swelling. In trying to kill the
attacking virus, this inflammatory reaction could
destroy healthy tissue, including that of the
kidneys. COVID-19 causes blood clots that might
clog or block the kidneys The kidneys are like
filters or screens that screen out toxins, extra
water, and waste products from the body. COVID-19
could cause small clots to form in the
bloodstream, which could block the tiniest blood
vessels in the kidney and damage its function.
4Coronavirus Kidney Damage A Serious Sign Organ
systems like the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys
depend on and support one another's functions,
so when the new coronavirus causes damage in one
region, others may be at risk. The kidneys
important functions have an impact on the heart,
lungs, and other systems. That might be why
primary care physicians note that kidney damage
arising in patients with COVID-19 is a
possible warning sign of a severe, even fatal
course of the disease.
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Interstitial Lung Disease and Treatment
5Can kidneys heal after COVID-19? As of yet,
Sperati says, it is doubtful how many people
with COVID-19 associated kidney damage regain
their kidney function. Patients with acute
kidney injury because of COVID-19 who do not
need dialysis will have better outcomes than
those who require dialysis, and we have seen
patients at Johns Hopkins who recover kidney
function. We have even had patients in the
intensive care unit (ICU) with acute kidney
injury who have needed dialysis and subsequently
regained their kidney function. How frequently
that happens is still unknown, but without
question, the requirement for dialysis is a
worrisome development in patients with
COVID-19. Do I need to continue taking my high
blood pressure medication? Hypertension (high
blood pressure) is a frequent cause of kidney
problems. Hypertension affects the blood vessels
of the kidneys and damages their ability to
filter the blood. Kidneys also help to regulate
blood pressure, so kidney damage could make
hypertension worse. Over time, hypertension could
cause kidney failure. If you are living with
hypertension, you may take medication for the
problem. You might be reading news reports
questioning the safety of taking specific
prescription medicines to manage their condition
ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers
(ARBs). Sperati says that patients should stay on
their medications and discuss concerns with
their primary care physicians.
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With Dementia
6Right now there are two sides debating this
problem. One side is saying, based on animal
studies, that these medications may be harmful,
raising the risk of infection. The other says
these same drugs may protect against lung damage
and other problems related to COVID-19. But all
of the professional societies have published
articles suggesting that you not change your
medications, he says. Staying the course with
your prescriptions, he adds, could lower the risk
of heart and kidney damage from unchecked high
blood pressure. Sperati does suggest that
patients with kidney problems stay away from
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs),
for example, ibuprofen and naproxen. These could
increase blood pressure and increase fluid
volume in the body, which puts strain on the
Research is disclosing more about SARS-CoV-2
kidney damage While kidney damage from COVID-19
is still not well understood, more data will
disclose how this happens. Sperati, who also
conducts research on kidney disease, says the
Johns Hopkins Division of Nephrology is exploring
exactly how SARS-CoV-2 and the bodys response
to it are damaging kidney health. Patients with
COVID-19 associated kidney damage should follow
up with their primary care physicians to make
sure kidney function
7is returning to normal. Lasting kidney damage may
need dialysis or other therapies even after
recovery from COVID-19. Mostly, Sperati
emphasizes the importance of adhering to
guidelines around physical distancing and
hand-washing, the basics of prevention. For
everyone, particularly people with hidden chronic
disease, avoiding infection with COVID-19 for as
long as you could is important, he says. Right
now, we do not have a treatment or vaccine for
this disease. The longer a person could go
without getting infected, the better chance they
have of benefiting from a future therapy. If
you or anyone you know is suffering from
post-covid kidney damage problems, our expert
providers at Post Covid Centers will take care
of your health and help you recover. Call
469-545-9983 to book a telehealth appointment for
a home check-up.