Title: Anorexia Nervosa: Obsession About Not Gaining Weight
1Anorexia Nervosa Obsession About Not Gaining
2Obsession About Not Gaining Weight Anorexia
Nervosa Gaining weight is a nightmare for many
people. Many people secretly dream of eating
anything without gaining weight. But, the thought
of not gaining too much weight becomes an
obsession that leads to Anorexia Nervosa or
anorexia. Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder
that results in severe weight loss and is
categorized as a psychiatric condition. People
suffering from anorexia try hard on controlling
their weight and shape, using extreme efforts.
This usually tends to significantly interfere
with their lives. Many factors like self-esteem
and body-image issues, societal pressures, and
genetic factors trigger the mental condition
especially in females (more in the adolescence
age). Men also are sometimes affected by it but
the percentage is relatively low.
3What Factors Cause Anorexia Nervosa? There is no
particular cause of anorexia nervosa. This is a
combination of biological, psychological, and
environmental factors. Biological It is believed
genes play a role in anorexia. There are genetic
changes that make some people at a higher risk of
developing anorexia. People with anorexia may
have a genetic tendency toward perfectionism,
sensitivity, and perseverance. Psychological
Often people with anorexia may have
obsessive-compulsive personality traits that
force them to stick to strict diets and forgo
food despite being hungry. They tend to have an
extreme drive for perfectionism that forces them
to think they're never thin enough. This causes
high levels of anxiety and engage in restrictive
eating to reduce it. Environmental The effect of
modern culture emphasizes being slim. Beauty and
worth are often equated with being thin. Peer
pressure fuels up the desire to be thin,
particularly among young girls.
4- What Helps Identifying Anorexia Nervosa?
- Anorexia Nervosa is a psychological condition
that is triggered due to biological,
environmental as well as sociological factors.
Some physical symptoms observed are - Severe loss of muscle mass
- Listlessness, fatigue, or exhaustion
- Low blood pressure
- Lightheadedness or dizziness
- Low body temperature causing cold hands and feet
or hypothermia - Bloated or upset stomach
- Dry skin
- Swollen hands and feet
- loss
- Loss of menstruation or less frequent periods
- Infertility
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