Title: Is It Safe To Use Hot Water During Pregnancy?
1 2Hot or warm water has a soothing effect on you,
especially at the end of the day. Isnt it? But
you might want to know if it is safe to have a
hot water bath during pregnancy? Also drinking
hot water boosts your energy level and helps in
your digestion and weight loss. But is it safe to
drink hot water during pregnancy? Well! These
are some of the common questions among many of
you expectant mothers. Read this engaging
article to find out the answers to your questions.
3- Need For Drinking Water During Pregnancy
- Water, during pregnancy, removes toxins from your
body, saves you from dehydration and fatigue and
keeps your infections (such as UTI during
pregnancy) at bay. So, during your pregnancy,
your intake of water should be more than usual
should be at least in-between 2.5 to 3litres (8
to 10 glasses) of water. - Now, for your question
- Is Drinking Water During Pregnancy Safe?
- Yes! In fact, there are several benefits of
drinking hot water during pregnancy. - The risk of infections and other viral diseases
is reduced - Blood circulation in your body increases
- Problems of morning sickness and heartburn are
lower - The blood pressure is also under control
4- But before you consume hot water during pregnancy
ensure that - the water isnt very hot (as hot water might burn
your mouth and you may not feel like eating
anything much. This might affect your diet, which
might affect your baby) - the water should be boiled
- drink the water frequently and little by little
- Add some taste to it, by adding lemon juice or
honey or cucumber or watermelon - We know that now are waiting for the answer of
your main question,
5Is Hot Water Bath During Pregnancy
Safe? Actually, it is absolutely fine to bathe
in hot water, while youre expecting, as long as
the water isnt very hot. At least not more than
1020F. Otherwise, the blood pressure might drop
and the life growing inside you would be deprived
from the all-essential oxygen and nutrients, thus
increasing the risk of miscarriage. Bathing in
hot water especially during the first trimester
is riskier. There are chances that the baby
inside you might be affected with birth defects
like spina bifida. You might also be suffering
from hyperthermia (A condition in which the body
starts to absorbs more heat than it repels). The
reason why steam baths are not considered safe
during pregnancy. While you might be preparing
the warm bath, keep the bubbles and aromatic oils
away. Who knows it might alter the acid balance
of your vagina?
To Conclude Staying healthy and looking good
during is your need during pregnancy, just like
other times. Just keep the pointers in mind,
dont forget the nutritious diet along with
staying hydrated. And while youre taking care of
you and your baby, during your pregnancy, dont
also forget take the most important decision
of cord blood banking.
6Thank you
Source https//www.cordlifeindia.com/blog/is-it-s