Prenatal Workout: Safe Exercises for Pregnant Women - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Prenatal Workout: Safe Exercises for Pregnant Women


Are you searching the Best fertility hospital in Indore for IVF treatment? If your answer is yes, so come in Care Womens Centre Indore, because Care Womens Centre is a one of the best IVF centers in Indore. We Provide the best reproductive treatment in Indore at very affordable price. Book an appointment today call now 8889016663 and visit for more information. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Prenatal Workout: Safe Exercises for Pregnant Women

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Prenatal Workout Safe Exercises for Pregnant
Prenatal Workout Safe Exercises for Pregnant
Prenatal Exercise- Regular exercise during
pregnancy is important for your health and
well-being. It can improve posture, prevent
backaches, decrease fatigue, relieve stress, and
build stamina you will need for labor and
delivery. It may also help prevent a type of
diabetes that develops during pregnancy
(gestational diabetes). Most aerobic,
resistance, and flexibility exercises are safe
during pregnancy, but because each woman and each
pregnancy is different it's important to consult
your doctor before starting any exercise program
while pregnant.
Exercise and Heart Rate- In the past the
American College of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists recommended pregnant women not
raise their heart rate above 140 beats per minute
during exercise, but this is no longer a
guideline. Most women who were physically active
prior to becoming pregnant can maintain physical
activity during pregnancy. You may have to reduce
the intensity work out at a comfortable level,
such as with low impact aerobics versus high
impact. Exercising at about 70 of your maximum
heart rate causes no change in the fetal heart
Previously Sedentary- Whether you were active
before your pregnancy or not, you can exercise
while pregnant. The American College of
Obstetricians and Gynecologiysts states, "If you
are active, pregnancy need not cause you to alter
your fitness routine," and, "If you have not been
active, now is a good time to start." For most
women, exercising during pregnancy is safe.
Who Should Not Exercise During Pregnancy?- Howeve
r, some women should not exercise during
pregnancy. If you have a medical condition such
as asthma, heart disease, or diabetes, you should
consult your doctor before exercising. In
addition, you may be advised to avoid exercise if
you have certain pregnancy-related conditions,
including bleeding or spotting, low-lying
placenta, threatened or recurrent miscarriage,
previous premature births or history of early
labor, or a weak cervix. Talk to your doctor
before starting exercise for some guidelines on
what you can and cannot do.
Wet Your Whistle - Make sure you drink plenty of
water when you work out during pregnancy. Try
drinking 8 ounces of water 20-30 minutes before
you start exercise, and 8 ounces every 20-30
minutes during your workout. Also remember to
hydrate following your routine. If you are
concerned you will need to use the bathroom more
often because you are drinking more, work out at
a gym where there is a restroom available, or if
you walk or run outside, stay close to home in
case you need to make a pit stop.
What Should a Pregnancy Exercise Program Consist
Of?- Consult with your doctor for an
individualized exercise program that is right for
you. However, if you are healthy and your
pregnancy is without complications there are some
general guidelines for exercise that most women
can follow. Begin workouts with a five-minute
warm-up and five-minute stretch. Try to get about
15 minutes of cardiovascular activity and monitor
your heart rate. Gradually slow down and lessen
the intensity of your cardio, and finish up with
some gentle stretches.
What Exercises Are Safe During Pregnancy?- When
you're pregnant, you can do most types of
exercise. Just don't overdo it. Activities such
as swimming, walking, indoor stationary cycling,
step or elliptical machines, or low-impact
aerobics classes can be very beneficial with a
low risk of injury to you or your baby. Some
other types of exercise can still be continued
but you may find you need to modify your
movements. For example, changes in balance may
affect your tennis game, and your runs may need
to be slowed to accommodate your pregnancy. As
you progress in your pregnancy you may want to
consider exercises that do not require balance or
Stretching Exercises- Stretching is recommended
exercise to keep your muscles limber, and to warm
up before other more intense workouts. The
following slides review some simple stretches you
can do before or after your workouts.
Stretching Exercises Shoulder Rotation- Shoulder
rotations help retain range of motion. Start by
bringing your shoulders forward, then rotate them
up toward the ears, and back down again. Reverse
directions by pulling shoulders back, up toward
the ears, and then back down again. Complete four
rotations in each direction.
Stretching Exercises Swim - Swimming motions
can reduce muscle tension and retain flexibility.
Start with your arms at your sides. Bring your
right arm up and extend your body forward while
twisting to the side, as if you were swimming the
crawl stroke. Repeat with the left arm, and
complete this sequence 10 times.
Stretching Exercises Thigh Shift- Keeping your
legs limber and flexible can help maintain
balance as your pregnancy progresses. To do a
thigh shift, start by standing with one foot
about two feet in front of the other, toes
pointed forward. Lean forward with your body
weight supported by your front thigh. Change
sides and repeat, completing four stretches on
each side.
Stretching Exercises Leg Shake- A leg shake can
help maintain circulation. Sit down with your
legs and feet extended. Move your legs up and
down in a gentle shaking motion.
Stretching Exercises Ankle Rotation- Foot and
ankle swelling during pregnancy is common and
ankle rotations can help with circulation and may
reduce some fluid buildup. Sit with legs extended
and toes relaxed. Rotate your feet in large
circles using your whole foot and ankle. Rotate
four times on the right and four times on the
Kegel Exercises- It is also important to
exercise the muscles supporting the bladder,
uterus, and bowels. Kegel exercises target these
muscle groups and strengthening them during
pregnancy can help you control these muscles
during labor and birth. To do Kegel exercises
that target the pelvic floor, imagine you are
trying to stop the flow of urine or trying not to
pass gas. Try not to move your legs, buttocks, or
abdominal muscles. Kegels are so subtle no one
should notice you are doing them. Contract the
muscles and hold for a slow count of five, then
relax. Repeat ten times for one set. Do 5 sets
per day.
Tailor Exercises - Tailor exercises can help
relieve low back pain by strengthening the
pelvic, hip, and thigh muscles. To perform a
tailor sit sit on the floor with your knees bent
and ankles crossed. Lean forward slightly,
keeping your back relaxed and straight. You can
use this position throughout the day whenever
possible. To perform a tailor press sit on the
floor with knees bent and the soles of your feet
touching. Hold onto your ankles and gently pull
your feet toward your body. Place your hands
under your knees and inhale. Press your knees
down against your hands, and at the same time
press your hands up against your knees for
counter-pressure. Hold for a count of five.
Yoga Exercises- Yoga has many health benefits,
but it may not be the right type of exercise
while you are pregnant. Only try a prenatal yoga
class where the poses are specifically geared
toward pregnant women. If you do attend a regular
yoga class, make sure you inform the instructor
beforehand that you are pregnant and ask them to
modify poses for you. Avoid "hot yoga" classes
while pregnant.
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