Title: greenenergy
1Blower Door Test
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2Blower Door Test is a powerful, variable speed
fan installed on one exterior door to measure the
air-tightness of the interior air conditioned
space, or the "drywall envelope". After setting
up the frame, flexible panel, and fan, and making
sure all windows and exterior doors are closed,
the fan will turn on pulling the existing air out
of the house creating a negative pressure of 50
3If you have just about finished a residential
home, or you have done major renovations, then
YES, you will need a test(s) done, just before
your get your final building inspection in order
to receive your Certificate of Occupancy. These
tests are also a great additional inspection for
real estate, prior to purchasing a home or
commercial building.
4A blower door test can be performed at any time,
but for Florida Code compliance, it-is conducted
just before the Certificate of Occupancy (CO) is
issued, after all piping, wiring and other
penetrations of the building thermal envelope
have been sealed. Please make sure to have all
drywall openings closed up before calling us out
for an inspection.
5Workers and homeowners may be in the house during
the test, we will just need all the doors and
windows closed. Results are given on the spot
after performing the test, which takes about 30
minutes. The house will only need to be closed up
for a very short duration after the blower door
setup is installed in an exterior door.
6Contact Us-
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Address -
13022 Delwood Rd. Tampa FL 33624
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7Thank You!!