Title: dzonesami1234
1React-Native Development
2React- Native helps to develop a mobile app to
create on Javascripts . React-Native framework it
is very easy to develop by android and IOS
device to easy to understand.
3Scope Of React Native
4Easily Available Resources- React Native with a
focus on performance is quick and very easy used
and fastest growing programming languages.
5Open Source- There are large number of
contributors are focused on project better and
better. React Native has been a large community
of programmers constantly feature improvement and
helping people to use it.
6Better Development Environment- There are
re-build and position from the iteration cycle
makes for a pleasant development experience .
React-Native uses the Flexbox layout for both
the platforms.
7Cross Platform Compatibility- Cross Platform it
means you will work on both platform IOS and
Android as well. Those application to run and
feel native without write a single line platform
specific code.
Contact - 9829708506 -
bit.ly/dzonereact - https//www.androidtrainingjaipur.com/training/rea
ct-native-course-in-jaipur.aspx - https//www.dzone.co.in/android-training.aspx