Title: hadoop administration online training
1Hadoop Administration online training
- Online classroom Corporate
- Training certifications placements support
- INDIA 91-9052666559
- USA 1-678-693-3475
- info_at_magnifictraining.com
- www.magnifictraining.com
2Hadoop Administration online training
- Magnific training highlights
- Magnificent technology is a leading training
institute in the online world - We provide work based training, according to your
specific educational and technical needs - We have one excellent centre fully operational
training - We provide 24/7 access server to help our
trainees practice exercises
3Hadoop Administration online training
- Magnific name Hadoop 247 technical support
- Faculty real time experience
- Magnific trainings it is a brand and providing
quality online and offline trainings to students
in world wide - We are providing best online training for Hadoop
- We offer investment options to our students, if
4Hadoop Administration training
- Hadoop Administration Online Training course
details - Hadoop Admin
- How the Hadoop Distributed File System and Map
Reduce work - What hardware configurations are optimal for
Hadoop clusters - How to configure Hadoops options for best
cluster performance - How to configure Name Node High Availability
- How to configure Name Node Federation
- How to configure the Fair Scheduler to provide
service-level agreements for multiple users of a
5Hadoop Administration online training
- How to install and implement Kerberos-based
security for your cluster - How to load data into the cluster from
dynamically-generated files using Flume, and from
relational database management systems using
Sqoop - What system administration issues exist with
other Hadoop projects such as Hive, Pig, and
6Hadoop Administration online training placement
- Introduction
- A brief history of Hadoop
- Core Hadoop components
- Fundamental concepts
7Hadoop Administration online training India
- The Hadoop Distributed File System
- HDFS features
- HDFS design assumptions
- Overview of HDFS architecture
- Writing and reading files
- Name Node considerations
- An overview of HDFS security
8Hadoop Administration online training in bang lore
- Map Reduce
- What is Map Reduce?
- Features of Map Reduce
- Basic Map Reduce concepts
- Architectural overview
- Failure recovery
9Hadoop Administration online training in Chennai
- Hadoop Ecosystem
- What is the Hadoop ecosystem?
- Integration tools
- Analysis tools
- Data storage and retrieval tools
- Hive
- Hbase
- Sqoop
- Zookeeper
- Pig
10Hadoop Administration online training in Delhi
- Hadoop Cluster prerequisites
- General planning considerations
- Choosing the right hardware
- Network considerations
- Configuring nodes
11Hadoop Administration online training in Dubai
- Hadoop Installation
- Installing Hadoop
- Basic configuration parameters
- Advanced Configuration
12Hadoop Admin online training
- Advanced parameters
- Configuring rack awareness
- Configuring Federation
- Configuring High Availability
13Hadoop Admin training online
- Managing and Scheduling Jobs
- Managing running jobs
- The FIFO Scheduler
- The Fair Schedule
14Hadoop Admin Online Training In India
- Cluster Maintenance
- Checking HDFS status
- Copying data between clusters
- Adding and removing cluster nodes
- Rebalancing the cluster
- Name Node Metadata backup
- Cluster upgrading
15Hadoop Admin training
- Populating HDFS from External Sources
- An overview of Flume
- An overview of Sqoop
16Hadoop Administration course details
- Hadoop Administration online training
- Hadoop Admin training online
- Hadoop Administration training
- Hadoop Admin online training and certification
- Hadoop Admin online training and placement
- Hadoop Administration online training and
material - Hadoop Admin online training institutes
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17Hadoop Administration online training course
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- Hadoop development online training in Chennai
- Hadoop Admin online training in Delhi
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18Hadoop Administration online training
- Full course details please visit our website
- http//www.hadooponlinetraining.net
- ?Duration for course is 30 days or 45 hours and
- special care will be taken. It is a one to one
training - with hands on experience.
- ? Resume preparation and Interview assistance
will - be provided.
- ?For any further details please contact
- 91-9052666559
- ?Please mail us all queries to
- info_at_magnifictraining.com