Title: Leadership Training Solutions and Development by BIS Training Solutions
1Training Solutions Development
BIS Training Solutions Offer Courses that
Develop Personal Growth
Copyright BIS Training Solutions Website
www.trainanddevelop.ca Toll Free866.416.1660
2About Us
BIS organization has invested significant time
and energy to create exciting programs and events
that support learning and personal growth
including The Executive Challenge , Canada's
eLearning EXPO and The Leadership Legacy
Program. Our mission is to help companies
develop their people in ways conducive to
achieving organizational results. We accomplish
this through the development and delivery of
exceptional leadership programs, comprehensive
eLearning solutions, and industry recognized
online safety training.
Copyright BIS Training Solutions Website
www.trainanddevelop.ca Toll Free866.416.1660
3Our Programs
Leadership Training Programs Its a 12 month
course that includes a one-day on-site workshop
for 6 to 30 of your team members each month for a
full year.
Online Training Program We are leader in the
provision of high-end online training solutions.
From course development services to online
delivery, testing, tracking, and evaluation, we
take care of it all!
Copyright BIS Training Solutions Website
www.trainanddevelop.ca Toll Free866.416.1660
4Our Programs
Our Programs
Our Programs
Online Safety Training We delivers a collection
of online safety training courses. Some are stand
alone courses that can be completed entirely
online while others provide learners with
necessary theory that will need to be applied
during a follow-up classroom session.
Copyright BIS Training Solutions Website
www.trainanddevelop.ca Toll Free866.416.1660
5Our Programs
Our Programs
Leadership Training Modules
- Leadership Workshops In our interactive
workshops, learn the secrets of how
organizations have overcome the odds and achieved
amazing results. - Leadership Development Programs The program is
designed to be delivered one day per month for 12
months and includes interactive discussions,
reading assignments, and practicum activities - Leadership Retreats This program offer
developing managers, supervisors and leaders an
opportunity to break free from the continuous
distractions of their daily work by providing an
environment that is conducive to reflecting on
goals, honing skills, and building strategies
that can help propel their team, departments and
organization successfully into the future.
Copyright BIS Training Solutions Website
www.trainanddevelop.ca Toll Free866.416.1660
6Our Programs
Our Programs
Our Programs
Our Programs
Leadership Training Modules
- Leadership Legacy Program The Leadership Legacy
Program is a series of modules developed through
the collaborative efforts of training
professionals from a wide variety of industries. - Complementary Services BIS Training Solutions
provides the following services to help support
your internal training and development needs. - Organizational Assessments We conducts
professional assessments which identify
organizational factors that may be impacting the
engagement, effectiveness, satisfaction, and
performance of a team, department, or the overall
organization. - Business Books BIS Training Solutions has
published a series of pocket-sized business books
filled with great information on the topics of
leadership, management and personal success.
Copyright BIS Training Solutions Website
www.trainanddevelop.ca Toll Free866.416.1660
7Our Programs
Our Programs
Online Training Modules
- Course Development Services We offers complete
online course development services to fulfill
your training needs. Whether you require courses
delivered in a specific format such as SCORM
2004, SCORM 1.2, AICC, SWF, FLV or MPEG-4, or
created using a particular authoring tool like
Lectora or Captivate, we can help. - Learning Management System Our learning
management system (LMS) was strategically
designed with many unique and invaluable features
for making your job easier. - Online Testing and Evaluation BISTrainer
provides our clients with the ability to confirm
knowledge, test skills and measure attitudes of
employees through their organization. Our online
testing solutions work for regulatory compliance,
certification of classroom training and
confirmation of learning outcomes from various
training options.
Copyright BIS Training Solutions Website
www.trainanddevelop.ca Toll Free866.416.1660
8Our Programs
Our Programs
Our Programs
Our Programs
Online Training Modules
- Talent Directory We have a large database of
video and voice-over hosts that you can choose
from for your custom-developed online training
course or video. - Course Courses BIS Training Solutions
- is pleased to offer free online courses on
- Time Management, Leadership Vision,
- Personal Goal Setting and Retail Sales
- Training.
- Course Development Portfolio We fulfill
- all your course development needs. Checkout our
portfolio at BIS Portfolio.
Copyright BIS Training Solutions Website
www.trainanddevelop.ca Toll Free866.416.1660
9Our Programs
Our Programs
Online Safety Training Modules
- The SafetyNET It is a network of companies from
across the continent that are developing and
delivering their industry recognized safety
training courses online. - Network Partners BIS Training Solutions
- works with many industry professionals to
- provide you with high quality, high impact
- online and blended learning courses.
- Esafety BIS Training Solutions can provide your
company with a customized online portal through
which your team can access internal training as
well as online courses from recognized Canadian
safety training companies.
Copyright BIS Training Solutions Website
www.trainanddevelop.ca Toll Free866.416.1660
10Our Programs
Our Programs
Online Safety Training Modules
- Resellers We provide your company with a fully
managed in three easy steps, turn-key solution
for offering online safety training courses
direct from your website. - Safety Courses BIS offers numerous online safety
training courses. Our most popular safety
training courses are
Alberta Standard First Aid This is one of the
only government approved online first aid courses
available in Alberta.
Transportation of Dangerous Goods Receive your
required TDG certificate immediately upon
completion of this course.
Firefighting and Fire Extinguisher Safety Learn
valuable information that can save someone's life.
Copyright BIS Training Solutions Website
www.trainanddevelop.ca Toll Free866.416.1660
11Contact Us
BIS Training Solutions 180 150 Chippewa
Road Sherwood Park, Alberta T8A
6A2 Local780.410.1660 Toll-free866.416.1660 Emai
l info at trainanddevelop.ca
Copyright BIS Training Solutions Website
www.trainanddevelop.ca Toll Free866.416.1660